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Everything posted by miner
  1. As above..... been wondering the last twice I've pushed the thing home after it wouldn't hot start! Assume it's the way the clutch is designed to lock up? Maybe to stop it stalling as easy when holding it at low revs/on the brakes whilst balancing?
  2. Bike did the same again today......!! Brutal! Was out yesterday, started after a few kicks, no issues. Stalled it climbing an obstacle, couldn't get it to go..... several attempts, switched to reserve, few kicks and away again. Ok till I got home. Filled it today, only took 1.5L..... wasn't out of fuel. Out today, a good bit earlier so a good bit warmer, took forever to get the thing kicked over..... several minutes of attempting/ranting at it. Ran ok after that..... stalled it after climbing a small obstacle. Couldn't get it to go again. Tried every trick I could muster..... nothing, no chance of getting going. Had to walk back in mid 30's heat for about 40 mins with the bike, had to stop in the shade and rest as was close to keeling over..... bike was close to being torched! Going to strip it down next weekend as I'm on track at Yas anyway..... suggestions for things to investigate most welcome.?
  3. Cheers guys.... getting spoiled maybe with the e-start on the 300 EXC, it starts first kick from cold then a prod of the button when on the move! Definately a knack to the GG! Asked the guys who had been using it most (owner was using one of the other guys garage) and neither had any bother, one kicked it over in his flip flops and demonstrated its wheelying capabilities when I went to see it! Not my forte.... either! ? Heard about the chocolate kick starters though..... grim. Checking all the usual suspects would be a good start I guess.... only thing that worried me were posts about electrical issues..... parts not so easy to come by in the UAE. My 525XC ATV is a nightmare to start when hot..... and it's hot outside, was wondering if that might come into play (jetting/settings)? Either that or sharpen up my kicking technique!
  4. Folks, new to the forum, GG and trials generally.... can be found on other forums under same ID. Just bought the above as my first trials bike.... the guys who make this look easy must be magicians! Hard, especially in soft sandy stuff! Bike is ok for its age, used but used ok and looked after well..... seems to have starting issues, or you need to be a 2T Jedi to get the thing to kick! Sometimes I can start it ok, other times I can't get it to fire at all. Couldn't get it to start whe it was hot (outside also, low 30's, moderate humidity), was running ok but when I killed it to take a break, it wouldn't come back.... had to push it home! Tank says 3.1L, wasn't on reserve but took 1.9L. Kicked over after a few kicks but the bike was a lot colder. Tonight it was difficult but went after a few kicks, run it for a bit then tried starting it again..... would fire! Founds lots from.... just tricky to all sorts of issues! Bike idles and runs ok, responds ok to choke, revs maybe hand a little on deceleration. Only had it a few days so no chance yet to strip and check, was running ok for its previous owner (guy in our off-road group). Bike generally ok so assume something fickle about it.... Appreciate your feedback and also any guidance on other issues with these bikes in general.... cheers.
  5. Since I'm new to Gas Gas today I went from certain I'd sussed it's starting issues, to being defeated by it again.... will post a separate thread about which voodoo spell to use when starting it!
  6. Salam Alekum! New to trials and the forum, so would like to say howzitgaun! From Scotland but living in Abu Dhabi now. Almost mid 30's, engineer.... absolute trials novice! Bought a trials bike to improve my bike skills, especially enduro. Lover of all things two-stroke also. Was never allowed a bike when I was young, came into road riding as a 21yr old direct access rider, moved into off-roading in 2009. Now living in UAE, riding consists of trackdays and riding off-road. Moved up to a 300 EXC for the dunes, basic skills are ok but need to learn some proper skills to enjoy it get the best out of off-roading. Just bought my first bike..... 2007 Gas Gas 250 TXT Pro from one of the off-road group guys..... amazed that the trials guys make it look so easy! Bike seems to only want to start when it wants by black magic, so will be in the gas gas forum shortly. Looking forward to learning to ride properly and being part of the forum..... need help on Trials 101, technique, gear, etc.... also living with a Gas Gas. Ok with 2T's generally as been running KTMs. Cheers guys!
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