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Posts posted by jrsunt
  1. When the bike is running lean, it usually makes the power more lumpy and harder to bring the power in smoothly on the bottom end, bad for slippery conditions because it makes the rear wheel want to break traction. When you have it slightly rich, its good for the slippery stuff because the power is more linear and not as snatchy. Although it may not rev completly out every time it is more favourable at this time of the year, (its like running with the timing slightly retarded). When it is set up perfect, the engine should feel strong throughout the rev range, without any peaks or troughs in the power.

    The mixture screw makes massive changes, the weather has alot to do with how your bike runs. I agree with charlie, if you ride on a tick over it 3rd/4th gear then crack the throttle open the engine should not faulter, it should want to throw you over the back and keep on pulling like that until it is flat out.

  2. Hmm. Intresting, heres mine

    Stronger wheels

    Redisgn rear linkage that doesn't get damage from rocks and steps

    More adjustability on the timing and or power

    I dont see air filters as a problem, they do their job well enough.

    Billet calipers and master cylinders for increased feel and performance.

    an anti scratch coating for frames, rims, engine covers which is easily

    removed and placed.

    A nice Billet alloy frame for my mont.

  3. These are the correct part no's for the 2004 montesa graphics:-

    REAR FENDER main stripe 87138 NN3 770

    team hrc decal 87135 NN3 770

    anti rub strips 87136 NN3 770

    87137 NN3 770

    FUEL TANK 87134 NN3 770

    FRONT FENDER 87133 NN3 770

    FORK LEGS 87139 NN3 770

    87140 NN3 770

    SWINGING ARM R 87143 NN3 770

    L 87142 NN3 770

    L 87141 NN3 770

    FRAME DECALS 87131 NN3 770 :madsanta:

  4. when Honda took over the montesa marque, part of deal was to always produce a trials bike, and thats what they have done. They have kept costs down, got it more or less right on the drawing board and its proved time and time again to be a winning formular.

    Why do you need more power, does the bike not produce enough? Is flat out in third too soft for you? I have not come up against anything that a 250 will not go up. Alot of riders seem to be under the misconception that more power makes them a better rider. wrong. More power can mean more problems to deal with

    An underpowered bike will bring the best out of your riding. If you can make a 125 go vertically up 6ft without a kicker then your going to get on a 250 and it will feel like a main road.

  5. I think these are the part no's, its a bit of guess work but fairly sure they will be similar. I can get my 04 parts book tomorrow and give you the correct no's.


    REAR FENDER main stripe 87135nn3770

    REAR FENDER side decals 87136nn3770


    FRAME DECALS 87131nn3770

    FRONT FENDER 87133nn3770

    FORK LEG DECALS not sure on this one

    SWINING ARM not sure on this one

    Will post you the correct no's sometime tomorrow. :beard:

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