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Everything posted by brian0304
  1. Hi, did anyone take over the manufacturing of Ariel barrels , or has anyone got one they’d sell ? I believe Mick Dickinson passed away but please correct me if that’s wrong
  2. The regs for this year say that they’re unable to do the fuel drop so the route has been modified to pass a garage. I was planning to do it on trials gearing ( tall 4th) and just wanted to try and find out if there were many proper roads en route ( I don’t want any !) thanks
  3. Thanks, appreciate it 👍
  4. Hi, how much tarmac road work is there on the Arbuthnot trial please ?
  5. Mailed them but they won’t ship to U.K. ( can’t blame them !)
  6. That’s great, thanks 👍
  7. Just searched German eBay and all the irc tyres are located in USA ?
  8. Not many in France either
  9. I get it now, you were just being an idiot 👍
  10. Thanks Woody. I’m not too desperate so I’ll just wait til they’re around again
  11. Can you be more specific, it’s a big place
  12. Any irc tyres in U.K. ?
  13. Tried here ? http://www.bsaotter.com/ Or ask Deryk Wylde ?
  14. Yes you define ‘troll’ with your decision to go on a forum for a sport you have little contact with , and label the majority cheats and claim the rules are all wrong . your responses , with all this multi-quoting and masses of text , are more like a 15 yr old girl than bloke who just wants to ride bikes. definitely final post, troll
  15. When I said I hoped you rode as well as you typed, it was a comment about typing speed, not a compliment on the content . basically we are all feeding a troll, and more fool us . the guy virtually doesn’t ride, won’t organise, obviously doesn’t observe or even attend trials , why are we bothering? Over and out
  16. If only you put as much effort into riding as typing 🥱
  17. Simple fact is, you , by your own admission, rarely ever ride . Just get out on your bike and stop getting your knickers in a twist about rules and regs . As I said previously, this is all ridiculous. I’ll leave you to it . X
  18. I find it abusive that you deem all the riders that ride week in/week out, set trials on etc, are deemed cheats and trophy hunters . The vast majority just enjoy messing with their bikes and maybe modifying them so that they can cope with regular riding without self destructing , and having a constant search for original parts. You say you barely ride one trial a year but the rules need re-writing as it seems you are the one obsessed with competition! The horse long bolted pre65 , but a lot of people still enjoy it as it is, and you can’t turn back the clock. You come on here every year or two and witter in about riding in group A, subsection B, age category C, PreUnit class D, when most of pre65 is just 30-40 blokes in a field enjoying themselves . I have never won a trial, and never likely to, by the way. You are simply dreaming, and I’m amazed that you think we should all indulge you and your unworkable plans . Anyway, I’ll leave it there, I’m riding at the weekend so need to jet wash my bike from last week . Or does jet-washing put me in a different sub-group and I should be hose-piping to keep it real ?
  19. Out of interest, do you still believe in Father Christmas 🎅 ?
  20. I see that the Petrol tank MUST be original ?! I’m guessing that the bike you were given has an original tank then Spud ? that’ll be the majority of your imaginary potential Original class excluded as I imagine a lot have alloy replacements ? just realised that one of your very few concessions to modernity are alloy rims . Has your bike got alloys by any slim chance..? ridiculous
  21. Do we really need to indulge TT Spud and his labour intensive fantasy plans every few years ? If he spent less time at his keyboard trying to turn back the clock, and more time riding the ex works bike he inherited, the world would be a happier place
  22. It’s only a bit of fun.. even if the bikes were dead original, with pre-units and bantams often lumped in together, it’s never going to be a level playing field. It’s been done to death on here, with the loudest voices usually being those that don’t ride British bikes every week anyway
  23. Try it and get back to us with your findings ?
  24. Is it that special / rare that’s it’s worth the gamble of either ruining the piston or damaging the engine if the repair weakens it ? If not, buy a new one and stick that one on eBay
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