Again thanks for the input, i am starting to build up a picture of what is now available, I did not hear back from the Richmond club secretary, for some reason the email bounced back at me? We decided to get some practice in today as it would have been quite a trip to turn up at Reeth if we needed the acu membership.
My post may have been slightly miss leading, I did have to pay the difference between the 2 bikes but still the shop were spot on and wouldn't hesitate to recommend them, Richtoy Scunthorpe, not quite on my door step but worth the trip!
Thank you so much, Email sent, hopefully i will get a reply in time.
Thanks for you reply, he has some bike experience over last few years but only riding round fields on my dads farm, I really wanted to start him off with a easy conducted trial but they seem quite hard to find around the helmsley area. The one up at reeth sounds perfect really , do you know if you can just turn up at that one, I have not as yet got him acu membership or joined any club. Adam.
Anybody know anything about this trial tomorrow as I am thinking about taking my son? Is youth d a conducted route does anyone know and will I be ok just turning up?
They were really good, apologised and admitted it was there fault giving my wrong charger, they offered me new batteries and car correct charger but ended up changing bike for a new one so I have a very happy boy tonight!
Thank you, need some sooner rather than later now due to a charging issue!
Thank you! Will get on the phone in the morning!
Yes 3 batteries 36v , he's given me wrong charger then, no wonder they nearly blow up, think I was lucky it didn't fire, side plastics on bike were even warm!
Charger does say 48v can anyone confirm this is correct or incorrect?
Ok thank you, will contact shop tomorrow and see what they say! I had a very disappointed boy this morning when he couldn't ride his new bike!
I hold my hands up I left it on over night but I did not get any charging instructions with the bike. It's the standard charger, should I be contacting the shop where I bought the bike as I only bought it yesterday or would you say it's a direct result of leaving it on too long?
Ok so bought my son I used oset 16 racing yesterday, after we got home he spent a good hour or so riding so I put the bike on charge, standard bartteries and charger, went to it this morning and I could smell the batteries, anyway they are now dead hot and swollen up, surely the charger would cut off when they are full? Is this my fault for leaving them on too long or a battery or charger error?
Ok I have just bought my son a 16 racing and want a spare set of batteries, can't really justify buying a boost battery at the moment, can anybody point me to some decent standard batteries online? Thanks.
Thank you bultobill and lineaway for your replys, I have looked at Scarborough mc, I used to go to a few trials there myself and being able to make use of low north camp for pactice is a big bonus but from Helmsley it is quite a long way and I assume all there events are held up there? The distance isn't a massive issue but due to finishing work at 5 I wouldn't be able to get too the night trials. I see york club have a few trials local to me , they are classed as adult and youth, if they do not specifically mention conducted trial won't they do them??
As for the bike and my motives for getting my son into trials I didn't really want to go down the electric route but due to been quite short in the leg he just can't get on with the mini trial, the power also comes in very aggressive and he also struggles with getting a good reach on the front brake and the back brake pedal even at full adjustment has quite a lot of travel so not very positive. So I feel the oset will hopefully give him a good start and then maybe in a year or so skip the petrol autos and get him on something with a clutch when his legs have grown a bit!
As for getting him into trials i am not wanting to push him to be the next world champion or anything I just want him to enjoy riding motorbikes and I think if i can take him to some trials he will meet other children doing the same and just enjoy himself if he 5s every section or cleans them, as long as he wants to go to the trials and ride his bike I will be happy. I started riding bikes when I was a little older, about 11, I was lucky to have a farm to ride round with my cousin of a similar age, we used to ride every weekend and loved it, I think it made a big difference having a friend to ride with instead of just following "dad" around so that plays a big part in my reasons for wanting to get him into trials.
Hello to all, I hope this is the correct place to post. My son I 7 next month and a keen biker, been riding a pw50 for 3 years, I bought him a beta mini trial last year to get into trials but he never really took to it so am in the process of buying him an oset 16. We live near Helmsley North Yorkshire and I was wondering which club would be best to join and how many conducted trials are on around the area if any one could give me any info. Also are most youngsters riding osets these days, we did watch a conducted trial last year at farndale, it was only a small turn out but all the kids had osets. Adam.