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Everything posted by champagne73
  1. champagne73

    Which Oil

    375mls to 5 ltrs ONLY JOKING 75ml to 5ltrs, I run mine at 70:1 so 70ml to 5 ltrs
  2. Many thanks to all @ Bon Accord for organising such a great trial, 1st time at this venue. Photo feature on main page. Thanks Again
  3. How come you weren't at Callender on Sunday Jennifer?
  4. Excellent trial and a great day out Many thanks to all @ Dunfermline & District who organised the day, to the Observers, & those who gave up their rides to observe. Many thanks Pity about the weather, but hey its only water! beer time now, bikes in its bed.....
  5. Excellent Trial, Thanks to all who organised it, as usual i was P***, but had a great day out still got the bruises! Sorry Jennifer for running over your bag!!! LOL slight throttle control problem on that section!!
  6. go into the beta section & search for the Exploded Parts Diagram it will say for a Exploded Parts Diagram?, Beta Rev 50 '03 u will get what u need from there
  7. Im a Looking for you could post it to you!!! LOL
  8. Hi there, I have sent u a long winded email about what i know about the local scene
  9. Anybody know what price i should sell my bike for? Mechanically sound plastics usual scrapes & scratches Fork seals just replaced, New chain & sprockets, New regulator, 2 New tyres, Well maintained.. Live in Scotland, seem to be dearer up here! Any help appreciated
  10. 4 of us never ridden it before think we should take a van full of spares then!! or just stop in at the Clachaig and get blootered I will have a go at anything, & probably hurt myself in the process, but its the taking part that counts eh!! Only been riding a trials bike for 8 months or so & only done 7 trials, was cack in everyone. but as i say in it for a laugh.
  11. Rider Numbers and Start times on www.lochabermcc.co.uk
  12. Oh i meant to add in my earlier post.. Excellent trial apart from the bell ends that keep jumping the queues. u know who you are! NO F-ING NEED WAIT UR F-ING TURN next time i might not be so polite.....
  13. Anyone know where to get entry forms for this trial? Apart from phoning up the club Secretry and annoying them every evening? Does Dalmellington have a website? or can someone who has the entry form scan & upload to here? with permission of Andy of course. In this day & age shouldnt have to be phoning up club Sec asking for the forms should we!
  14. I'll be there, if my applications been processed.
  15. John where can i get full list of results? as im crap & will never get in the top 3 or top 20 for that matter!! nothing on Bon Accord site yet, Not even from the club trial the week before. Really enjoyed the trial, but found it a bit hard going in some bits! thought i was a ****in centipede, wandering along the section Sorry Boofont, i never checked back on here till now, Im on a tatty Beta! usually on its ribs or im on mine!!! i saw a few fat blokes! cant remember what bikes they were on tho! Anyone off to the Ian Pollock on Sunday????? If so see ya there. I believe its meant to be hard going!
  16. Hi Just spoke to Janet She is emailing me the forms Now !!! She said as long as in by friday should be ok!! Thanks Boofont for your help & the phone number
  17. Hi Anyone having difficulty downloading entry forms for this trial? Says there is nothing on the page the club is giving a link to Cheers
  18. Hi unless u like spending hours away from the Missus!! strip it down & get it blasted & powder coated or at least blasted Cause u will spend hrs & hrs striping the paint off it Not sure where u live, but im sure u will find someone to blast & paint it All the best
  19. Hi Was just looking at Aquote insurance was playing around with the quote 2002 Beta 250 Secure Garage, No NCB, 33yrs, No Security on the bike
  20. Was told by John Lampkin 70Ml to 5 litres i was running it at 50:1 = 100ml & it was choking up to much i tried 85ml to 5 lts & it was still cr*p 70ml is my choice now & i use super unleaded Bloo*y 3p a ltr dearer so it better be good!!
  21. Anyone know of anywhere decent to practice in Fife or Tayside in Scotland? Cheers
  22. Who was that Tw*t on section 8?????????? Oh it was ME fell & whacked my shoulder off the rocks, god knows how i managed it!! got a good face full of water, thought i was dooking for apples!! Had to call it a day after that many thanks to all in the club for observing & giving up your rides Excellent day out Thanks again OH Had a great day off today cause my shoulders still sore!! All the best to Stevenston & District club Kilbirnie's a great place Anywhere we can get the full list of results?
  23. Come On someone must know where to source them !!
  24. I bought the pre formed packing from a beta dealer who shall remain nameless!!
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