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  1. G'day, you need to measure your piston and bore and calculate the clearance. More than about 3-5 thou and you are looking at a new piston at least. The barrel needs to be de glazed (the brown stains need removal) at least prior to this to get an accurate idea of what is happening. Remove the carbon from the head and barrel. Use something soft to not scratch anything when you do this. Check the small end and big end for wear while you can. It looks like you have had some rubbish get through the air cleaner, it will pay to check this also before restarting the bike. Definately replace your rings but check the side clearance in the ring grooves before this -you may need a piston anyway. You should not be able to rock the ring in the groove more than about 20 degrees when slipped in "backwards" - with the ring off the piston slip it into the groove from the "outside" and check in a few spots around the piston. (I hope that makes sense!) Thats about it I think. See how you go. Quick tip -you can use a kitchen scotch pad to clean your gasket surfaces. make sure there is absolutely no gasket left anywhere. Dont let this rubbish fall into the crankcase. Also wash your barrel in hot soapy water after honing until a white rag comes out clean. Oil it immediately to stop rust. Cheers, Stork
  2. G'day, No coil = No spark = engine will not run and foul spark plug. Providing the plug is the correct heat range this is the only cause. Cheers, Stork.
  3. G'day, If the plug is black you have a rich issue. Check you have the correct spark plug first. (An NGK BP7ES). Check the air filter first, if it is very dirty or over oiled it will do this. then . After that, check the float level in the carb and needle and seat for damage. That is your most likely trouble. Search these forums for instructions on how to do these things and ask if you need help. Float level checking does hold a few traps for first timers! However, stick to this sequence of events -always the easy things first! Cheers, Stork
  4. G'day, is the spark plug black when you remove it? (This is the key to your issue) Let us know and we can go from there. Cheers, Stork
  5. G'day. Consider what ATF is designed for. It runs in Automatic transmissions, which consist of generally 2 or 3 clutches exactly the same in design as the ones in our bikes. Transmitting a whole lot more power as well. It lubricates gears in the epicyclic gear trains (usually 3 of them), lubricates bronze bushes in these same gear trains, Acts as a hydraulic fluid, cools, Operates under brake bands, does all of this at temperatures of up to 600 degrees celcius and without changing for years and many thousands of kilometers. It has anti foaming properties. It does not have as much detergent (if any at all ) as engine oils. It does not need it. All this for little price. Keep in mind too, that 75 weight Gear oil is actually the same viscosity (give or take) as 30 weight engine oil. It is not measured in the same way. ATF is about 7 weight. Makes a difference in a gearbox? Not really. Cheers, Stork
  6. stork955

    Evo 250 Stator

    G'day. Stop! Search in this forum and find the brand new measurements I posted for the Evo ignition system. Get your multimeter out and make some measurements comparing what you get to what I posted. That will show you what is wrong before you go throwing money at the bike for no result. Don't guess - it's always expensive. Post here if you need more help. Cheers, Stork
  7. G'day, If you have them there and new, fit them. It's about all thats left that will prevent a spark. You will need a flywheel puller, it's a pretty standard one available from a bike shop near you. Cheers, Stork
  8. G'day, ATF is fine for the gearbox. It is probably the best oil you can use for it. And one of the cheapest if you use Dex-3. Follow David's (Feetup Fun) suggestions as well. He has hundreds of them! Aircleaner element available from your local Yamaha place, or Trials UK Cheers, Stork
  9. G'day, isn't the idle screw on the Delloroto's an air screw? (out = lean)? If so it sounds like you are going the wrong way. I can vaguely remember the setting for those is a half turn out or something like that. Someone will chime in and give the factory spec. Also, clean the exhaust. By now it will be well choked up. Cheers, Stork
  10. G'day, clean the exhaust, there are plenty of threads on this. Otherwise, just ride it, they are a good bike. Cheers, Stork
  11. G'day, condensation in the cover is not why the stators fail, technically they will work underwater. I wouldnt worry about it. If there were points, that is a different story. Cheers, Stork
  12. G'day, A bottom radiator hose from an early Toyota Landcruiser fits if memory serves me. Try your local car parts place with some dimensions if you cant get a yamaha one. Cheers, Stork
  13. stork955

    Techno Sparkplug

    G'day, N7YCC Champion, BP7ES NGK, W22EP-U Nippondenso, W5DC Bosch. Cheers, Stork
  14. stork955

    Techno 98

    G'day. what do you need? Cheers, Stork
  15. G'day, If the part numbers are the same there should be no problem. Stork
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