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Everything posted by yacapo
  1. yacapo

    99 Txt270

    if that is the case what could i do to fix the problem
  2. yacapo

    99 Txt270

    my front brakes keep dragging, ive taken the brakes off and checked them and didnt notice anything that looked wrong and bled them. it seemed to help a little but now they are doing it again. any suggestions. also the motor looks like it has two base gaskets on it, i assume that it didnt come like that from the factory. i would like to do something to made the power hit alot harder than what it does, it is just much much softer thatn i would like it to be. any info would be greatly appreciated.
  3. yacapo

    1998 315r

    i have found a 98 315r that i am thinking of purchasing, is there anything that i should look out for about that year model bike? i have been out of trials for about 10 years so i dont know very much about the 96 on up bikes. any info would be greatly appreciated.
  4. yacapo

    Funny Sound

    i dont know about the noise, but how do you like the 2.9 compared to the gas gas?
  5. im thinking of getting one of these bikes and was wanting some peoples opinions on them. and what are the differences in power and power delivery (i like snappy and aggressive) as well as other differences in the machines. also if anyone has pics of their own bikes i would love to see them also thank you
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