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  1. Yes konrad, i will check of the little hole in the master cilinder is free. i understand the importance of that
  2. Thanks guys for answer. im convinced now that i have to change both oils. The mc cap says mineral oil. thats clear. The oil in the gear is clean, clear reddish. i will change anyhowe. I was not suspecting master cil problems or air, because the friction zone position hasnt changed. I must say that i have no play between de clutch handle and mc plunger. i read this could give problems. My hands are small.. The clutch is disengaging, but for 95%. after the disengage position i have much more travel in the clutch handle left. In the friction zone it becomes more difficult to control the drive pressure. Lets do the oil change first and see further. I let you guys know 🙂
  3. Hi everyone, I own my 2014 tri280 over 7 years. I use it only a few hours a year in my backjard. No oil changed or repairs were needed. Untill now. The clutch is starting to give problems: When "clutched" ( i mean brake connection between crank and gears) it starts to drags al little. I have to brake otherwise it will slowly drive away. The point of engagement (? if this is the correct term, im not sure) hasnt changed. When "not clutched" there is no slip at all. (sorry about bad english, i try) So before taking everything apart I read as much as possible. Found ossa-efi.com. Thanks a lot Konrad for your work. I found stuff regarding slipping clutches, but not about my "dragging" problem. I thought maybe too low oil (jes there is some smoke), but the level is at the top of the sight glass. What do you guys think of? Swollen clutch plates thus simply change oil? ATFdexronIII as i read? regards, robairo.
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