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Posts posted by toofasttim
  1. Honda have pulled out of trials several times in the past, aswell as F1 the Dakar, etc, etc, etc.

    This discussion is about Montesa. Also remember that Honda merged their works trials efforts into Montesas. So Honda have, either as Honda or Montesa, been involved in the W/C continuously since its inception.

  2. Mokwepa, the standards vary enormously from country to country, as they do from region to region. One mans intermdiate is another mans expert. I've ridden in SA, NZ and Aus and it's huge. Also don't forget that the riding terrain dictates the sections. What might be considered a clubmans section in one place might be an experts section where there is little traction. Gauteng, having lived there myself, does not suffer from this problem!

    Have a look on Facebook for the NRTC page. The guys there will be in a much better position to assist.

  3. if you didn't have the latest bike with all the shiney bits, the latest kit and the newest alpinestars you wasn't welcome,

    A few years ago there was an interview with a twinshock MX rider whose name I forget (he rides and aircooled TS 4T Husky called Tigger). He said in the interview that he could never afford the latest tackle in modern MX and was made to feel very unwelcome. Funny thing was he was riding at a level just under the British championship at the time on bikes 2-3 years old. He changed to twinshocks and is having a ball.

    Enduros. Rode it for 15 years. Had a ball. Great people and very friendly. But you do get the occasional prat who thinks he's better than everybody else.

  4. Rosey was on the money.

    When I said Maya had lost his sense of balance as a result of the accident it wasn't that he was lurching around like a drunken sailor it was that he couldn't compete at the highest level. At that level the slightest disadvantage can sabotage your riding. Look at John Lamkpin. When his leg was broken he lost a year at world level and was never the same.

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