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  1. pug

    No start 4ride

    Ok went in deep tank off fuel pipe off then half a can of carb cleaner in the tank left for half hour pint of fuel on top then the bitch started second kick. its never dun this to me before still lesson learned don't leave it sitting for 12 months
  2. pug

    No start 4ride

    Idle is one turn out have had it all places up to three turns out still no fire till you spray carb cleaner in the air box then she run's. what can i poke at on the throttle body it cant be getting fuel either to it or in it.Help an old man who's better with a carb than this injection stuff tools will go flying soon
  3. pug

    No start 4ride

    So a 17 plate 4Ride with 230 miles only dont ask its one of 4 bikes i use for green laneing and it gets an easy life I have had it from new. So last year did the MOT only time the bike went out bike started no problem did an hour play then put it away ready for use. so i then fall ill and cant ride for the entire year so pull it out this year as I'm back and fight fit the bloody thing wont start did the reset thing loads of times fuel smells ok spark ok and looks to be wet it will fire with a blast of carb cleaner in the plug hole when put back in where do I go from hear. body work off and get at the injector or is there a quick trick as problem looks to be fuel
  4. Saw a kit on a 4ride a week or two back then looked at the price more than happy to keep kicking S3 Montesa Electric Start Kit 4RIDE | Trial Enduro Direct - Trial & Enduro Accessories & Clothing
  5. Carol Nash now have the 4Ride on the books still felt like I had been Ass raped five bikes total loss value about 25k came in at £360 full comp. said I would take one of the bikes off an old 1984 XR250 they said they could knock off £2.50 if I took that one off so I left it. I was thinking about telling them I had 2nd xr 250 in the shed could they add one on for £2.50 just to see what the blood suckers had to say but by then I had been on the phone an hour. funny thing as well I did an online quote with them same bikes as a newbie to them and it came back at £380 I was well expecting it to be a ton or more cheaper Pug
  6. Hitchcocks for parts uk lots of online parts can be found on the web from India lots can be dun with an old Enfield Drag files here to attach, or choose files... Accepted file types pdf, jpg, jpeg, png, gif, tif, doc, xls, xlsx, docx · Max total size 3.39MB Insert other media Uploaded Images enfield[4].JPG 52 kb · Done
  7. Yes carol nash did the 4ride this year adding it to the rest of my bikes cost me £90 to ad fully comp MSN last year think it was £260 3rd party fire theft made me feel better she only did 200 miles in the year cost me £1.30 a mile insurance like I said felt like I had been ass raped. Pug
  8. Like wise with the 4Ride I love it I just use it for Green lane riding it can handle anything you throw at it and to watch riders out with you on Enduro bikes bust into a sweat on a slippery wet rock climbs just makes it all the better for the older less fit rider. if you come from a Enduro bike background you are never going to like the 4Ride Enduro bike it is not but if you come from a Trials background a Trials bike with a seat so ticks all the boxes for a days fun riding. Pug
  9. 4.0 x 18 tyre will fit in a Bullet Arm I put one in not long after this Green Lane build I did 8 -10 years back VIDEO
  10. So its coming up on time to Insure My bikes an after the Montesa 4Ride was a no go with C Nash last summer when I got it [not on there model list I got p****d off needed it sorting fast] I then went with MSM just thinking I would do battle with them next time with the multi policy for My TTr 250/ Harley panHead 1200/ and Honda xr 250 was due as to adding the 4Ride. Has anyone Managed to get anywhere with C Nash on this model.............. they only had a 250cc RT listed not even a 260cc............ when I called last year seems bad as its a Honda really and the 4rides been out as a model for 2 years now I know some Insurance people are not doing Trials bikes anymore but the 4rides not sold as a Trials its sold as a Trail bike. so whos with who on Insurance with the 4ride
  11. Thanks for Keeping us up to speed on this I'm on school half term so took a run out on the lanes yesterday very sticky mud an lots of leaves only about 40 miles but that front calliper was never to far off my mind the hole time out each time I pulled the front end up could not help thinking about it
  12. Had a similar thing with my 4Ride carol nash said they don't know the model just list the Rt 250 an Rt260 said they would look into getting it on there list of models then I called the lot could not find a company that had the model on there books and would touch it so went with Msm Ho boy they like to charge but I needed it so it cost more 3rd party fire theft for that one bike than a TTR 250 XR250 And 17k Harley fullcomp on one policy with carol nash felt like I had been ass raped must call carol nash see how they are getting on putting the 4ride on there list as I'm not going back for seconds next year Pug
  13. Straight back to the shop chap as said take it up with them then follow it up with a call to Honda UK ask to speak to someone high up as you can get in Honda Sales UK . I'm new to Montesa so don't know the bikes that well is the calliper shared across the 4RT an 4ride ?. I'm looking at the pic's as an Engineer an its a Catastrophic part Failure and they should move quick on it. that said it took BMW 4 years to sort out the front spindle snapping off the fork leg's of the F650's after saying it was not a problem how you like to lose the front wheel off a bike Pug
  14. 4RT an 4RIDE Water crossing so on the lanes last week I came to a river crossing and I took a pass and went round the water was about 2 foot deep in parts an it was 100 plus yards of stream bed to ride into then up stream and out. what I'm asking is the Montesa good to go in water just short of the air box top or should I steer clear. I would have not given it a 2nd look on the TTr 250 she,s good for near 3 feet under side of the seat kind of stuff so what about the 4ride under side of the top of the front tire kind of thing ? Pug
  15. As Said a Triumph 350 twin as it's what I would put in it and I have seen one in a Montesa before there are lots of Jap motors around the 250/350 size you could play with. I go with what I have in the parts pile and what's cheap and close by on Evil Bay Best of luck with the Build
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