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Everything posted by gasserocm
  1. hi, seems to be 2 schools of thought, one with engine running and other with timing marks on points rotor, mine has Electronic ign, do you remove top bolt and loosen bottom bolt, push down 3 or 4 times to makes sure tensioner moves and retighten or ? thanks.
  2. Thank you, i think i read somewhere that the 76 125 s tl was 20-22ft lbs, prior was 13-14ft lbs, is there a squence or just an X pattern on the top bolts ?
  3. start your lift the same distance back as the height, compress front wheel into the top of the face, as it rebounds unweight and another quick blip of throttle for momentum, the back wheel and guard should come up at hit your bum, if you unweight correctly.
  4. thanks Team, she's US. have replaced is there a common thermostat that applies to other uses / makes that would suit or does it have to be gasgas supplied ? Cheers.
  5. Goodoh, thanks people, will get pix tonight, also check name, might be oko, was very tired and grumpy with bike when i read it last.
  6. Greetings, just bought a 76 ty250 fitted with a toko flat slide carb, it wont idle properly races then drops right off, is using twice as much fuel as my previous ty 250 with a standard carb, does have plenty of top end, AND does pull well from down low. has got the fly wheel weights. Plug is very black, running it on 50 /1 motul mix with 98 octane unleaded. is there any one who would know the needle and jet sizing for these carbs / bikes ? Clubman A rider . Any thoughts on this ? Thank you in anticipation. Captn T.
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