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Everything posted by compactpete
  1. Hi, did my first trial yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed. One thing I did notice was that my suspension was bottoming out quite a lot, now I'm about 15 stone so wondering if I should go for harder springs? I have contacted splatshop who say fork springs are not available anymore. Any thoughts on a way round this? Could I sort it with a bit of preload, thicker oil etc? Unless of course anyone has or knows where I could get a stiffer spring from? Any advice gladly received.
  2. Just an update to this, didn't get anywhere with trying to clean up the old basket. Fortunately found a complete clutch on ebay for £50 and it was local so collected this morning, fitted and the bike is now lovely and quiet, just a slight rumble at idle with the clutch out which is totally normal. Super quiet with the clutch in and no knocking when pulling away. Thanks for everyones help.
  3. Well, I have found the cause of my noise! Clearly the previous owner had an issue with the kickstart gear, both look new but on closer inspection there are shards of metal stuck in the clutch basket outer gear teeth. I've taken the basket and primary gear off and just rolling them together by hand you can hear the nose as it hits the damaged teeth. Has anyone managed to clean the gear up to cure this or do I need a new basket / primary gear?
  4. Thanks, I've taken the clutch off and it's the whole shaft that moves in and out so the clutch is fixed firmly to the moving shaft, I'm assuming this is normal.
  5. Video above is with clutch pulled. The random knocking you (hopefully) hear is much louder with the clutch out and also when pulling away.
  6. Thanks for the links, explains it well! Last question then so I can put my mind at rest - Is it normal for the clutch basket to move in and out 1-2 mm?
  7. Thanks Bruce, much appreciated. I've done an oil change today, nothing unexpected there. With the clutch in its pretty much silent, but when you pull away or feather the clutch at low speeds it make a lot of noise, almost a rythmic knock (like big end knock) but once past walking pace with the clutch out it disappears. Its fine under load in the higher gears so i don't think its crank related. I'm not bothered even if it needs a rebuild as I got the bike at a very good price, I just like things to be right.
  8. Thanks, I was supposed to be doing a trial today but only got back with the bike at nine last night so thought I better leave it until next week!
  9. Just popped off the clutch cover for a look. Everything seems fine. is it normal for the whole clutch to move in and out about 1-2mm. I did check the holding Allen bolt which was tight.
  10. Hi, just picked myself up a 2009 txt 250 in lovely condition. It does however have a really bad rattle / knock that you can hear at idle. It disappears when you pull the clutch in. You can also here it at slow speeds in low gears. It sounds rough as hell lol. Please tell me it’s normal!
  11. Hi, new to the forum. I did one or two novice trials on a Gas Gas JTX270 back in the 90's after packing in motocross and loved it - but commitments got in the way so never did any more and sold the bike. Wind forward 20 years and I now have the time and would love to get back into it but would consider myself a novice again. I went to a local trial last week for a look and things don't seem to be that much different (bikes aside) spoke to a few people and got some good, if not conflicting advice. I've seen lots of posts on here about a 125 being a good place to start, it makes sense, but I'm 6ft and 15 stone so not sure if it's a good idea? I also like the look of the new four strokes.... Any advice much appreciated!
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