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  1. Hi I made a website for my local club using Wordpress, it free and not too difficult, it cant be I managed it! You just have to pick a template and fill in the boxes. You have to create an account and away you go. Alan https://northlincsclassicmotorcycleclub.wordpress.com/
  2. Check the bottom of Scunthorpe website Magnus, I just sent an email and Vanetta sent a number. Al http://www.scunthorpemcc.co.uk/ ACU NUMBERS NOW AVAILABLE FOR 2017 LICENCESPlease contact Vanetta - v.coy@live.co.uk
  3. North Lincs Classic Trials Club has a new website, save it to your favourites to keep up to date with news, trials results or see how your doing in the championship table. Use this link to find us, https://northlincsclassicmotorcycleclub.wordpress.com
  4. It looks like this greeves, with a villiers 37a engine> h
  5. The shocks are not the same way up! Still looks good though. Well done.
  6. Its pretty good, it steers well and the engine pulls from low down well. Its a bit heavy but you dont really notice too much when riding it. I have only done one trial on it a couple of weeks ago with the North Lincs Classic club and did well on it first time out. Its something different from the fantics and tlrs etc and I am pleased with it so far. I hope to make changes if required and develop it over the next season.
  7. Hi, it was a road bike I converted to a trials bike using lots of ebay parts and modified it in my shed.
  8. Here are a couple of photos of my MZ TS250 trials bike. [/size]
  9. This is what you should be looking at, its the future classic! Al http://www.flickr.com/photos/23151445@N00/8731662132/in/photostream
  10. Hi Keith, is this info any use to you? http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/topic/24115-fantic-200-jet-sizes/
  11. Cheers Mark I should be ok thanks. Al
  12. Hi, can anyone offer any advice on how to remove the stem from the bottom front fork yoke on a fantic? Is it threaded or just pressed in? Does it only come out in one direction? Is it worth removing the tapered bearing first? Is it best to heat the alloy bottom yoke before attempting to remove it or push it out, will it take a lot of pressure and risk smashing the bottom yoke? I need to fit the yokes on another bike that has a thinner stem so need to remove this one so I can make a thinner one to fit. Thanks for any advice you can give. Alan.
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