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  1. Hi Mark, On a 2020 bike you should have a nice, light lever feel. Changing the ring from 1 to 2 would give a shorter more positive engagement. 1 is intended to be the most progressive setting. With 3 being a more instant engagement. You can also move up the numbers to compensate for clutch wear over time. Going up the numbers from 1 to 2 would, I think, make the clutch slightly heavier if anything. I’m not fully familiar with operation of diaphragm clutch but moving the ring won’t affect the lever feel very much I don’t think. Do you have another Vertigo you could try the clutch on? You’ll be surprised how light it should be when set up correctly. I would be looking at the hydraulic system for the clutch probelm. Do you get any clutch drag or does the bike jump forward a bit when you first drop into first from neutral? Mine started out with clutch drag as one of the symptoms, accompanied with really heavy lever feel. I would try bleeding the clutch line, also check that there is enough free play on the clutch lever adjuster. Make sure there is enough free play so that the piston fully releases in the clutch master cylinder when there is no pressure on the clutch lever. Bleed the system from the bottom up and suck out the excess fluid using a syringe from the master cylinder as you go, this is a good way to make sure you have no air in the line. Hopefully one of the above might help you.
  2. How old is the bike? If the clutch is heavy, then something is definitely wrong with it. Even on the early models, when working correctly the clutch should be very light and easy to operate. I had this problem when I first bought my bike and it turned out to be a failing slave cylinder in the clutch. I put a new clutch pack in, fresh clutch fluid, new slave cylinder and changed my oil to Elf HTX 740. The result was a complete transformation in the clutch action from heavy to super smooth, light and progressive action. Here is a pretty detailed guide with pictures of adjusting the Clutch on the Vertigo’s https://thumbsuptrials.com/general-maintenance/how-to-adjustment-inspection-replacement-a-vertigo-clutch/
  3. Just sent you another set in the last 2 minutes!
  4. i already did! On 11th Jan this year. Did you not receive it? I sent it to robincox89@btinternet.com let me know if you need me to send it again. I'm at the computer for the next few hours so can send another set immediately 😀
  5. I have just sent out workshop manuals to 8 people. Hopefully that should cover all the requests for the last few months. Just so people are aware, there are no workshop manuals specific to the different models. There is just one (that I have anyway!) that covers all the models. Up until the change to the Nitro they are all very similar with regards to parts, torque settings etc.
  6. The last run on the Ice Hell was 2017-2018 so it wouldn't have been an Ice Hell if it's a 2021 Bike
  7. Ice Hell was the tricked out, slightly lighter version of the Combat. It had Magnesium crankcases / Lighter frame / Lighter rear wheel / Titanium front pipe / Renthal Handlebars. Weighs about 2kg less than a standard bike. The 2016/17 bikes also had 4 different switchable maps, it's now cut down to 2, a wet and a dry map.
  8. Just sent out another batch of Workshop manuals to those that have requested them.
  9. Just sent Workshop Manuals out to those that have requested them in the last month.
  10. Just sent Workshop manuals out to those who have asked here or PM'd me in the last few days.
  11. Just sent Workshop manuals out to those who have asked here or PM'd me
  12. Who was the dealer that tried to update the software? I have a 2017 Ice Hell 300 and I was able to get a local dealer to make sure the latest software was installed and set up the carburation properly. This made a vast difference to how the bike ran. I don’t see why an official Vertigo dealer with the correct workshop software wouldn’t be able to update it, what did they say was the problem? The two closest dealers for you would be https://nonstopmotoren.com/ which maybe you already tried? Next would be in Belgium https://dcrdanycrosset.be/ As has been said, there was an issue with the fuel lines splitting inside the tank on the 2016 models and there not being sufficient fuel pressure for the engine to run correctly. It can be difficult to diagnose due to the fuel lines being inside the tank. My bike was set up by a dealer in Catalunya, but that would be a long journey for you!
  13. Hi, I know a few people on here have posted about wearing CTi pro sport braces for riding trials and they give good reports. I wear the K8 2.0 POD forged Carbon knee braces. I regularly ride in temperatures above 35c and find once you get them adjusted and fitted right I am not really aware they are there, they did take a little acclimatisation though on the first few rides. They are obviously a bit warmer than just knee pads but the payoff is great all around protection including safe guarding your ACL. They are very light weight, I personally like how the knee protection was implemented on the K8 compared to the CTi pro sport. Like the CTi pro braces the K8 are medically certified braces and can be adjusted and fine tuned for fit. There is also a K4 version which is a bit cheaper than the K8. I have seen the Mobius X8 braces and I think that while they are a good brace with goed reviews, they are a little on the bulky side. Here’s a picture of the fit on the K8 for reference.
  14. I have a wiring diagram for the 2017 bikes, there shouldn't be much difference. PM me if you would like a copy.
  15. I have just sent Manuals out to everyone who has requested them.
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