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  1. Hi guys sorry it’s been a while I’ve had my stator rewound and all my Elecs tested at Bradford ignitions it turned out to be the cdi unit does anyone know where I could source 1 or get this repaired thanks
  2. Hi guys bit of an update I’ve checked cleaned carb, reeds, exhaust I purchased a new coil a new plug, cap and Ht lead woodruff key and timing is ok I’ve now sent my stator and cdi unit to Bradford ignitions in Cornwall they specialise in beta techno electronics and many others but they do list this make and model on Thair website (motoplat) will let you know what they say is wrong with my Elecs they have the equipment and knowledge to bench test these.
  3. Hi bit of an update on my bike I have only got 5v coming out of my stator going to my coil which is very inconsistent my earth is also bad going into my cdi I’m going to look at my options of either getting My stator refurbishd or finding a breaker who can supply me with a used 1 does anyone have any contacts for breakers or someone who refurbishes these at reasonable cost many thanks for all your help through my nightmare ??Much appreciated.
  4. hi I’ve removed the flywheel cleaned the stator pickup and flywheel replaces the woodruff key old 1 wasn’t snapped just replaced it as I had some still have the issue
  5. Hi thanks for the replay would I be correct in saying the timing adjustment is on the back of the stator plate? Would you have any timing settings thanks again
  6. Hi guys I have a 96 beta techno it’s running backwards il give you the long story I used the bike a few weekends no issues went out a few weekends ago the bike started reving flat out I cut the engine out with the kill switch then restarted the bike continued to use it for a few hours no issues came home washed it, I pulled the bike out this weekend started it, it didn’t sound right it was backfireing and going backwards in gear. Also became difficult to start I’ve checked the crank woodruff key cleaned carb and reeds I’ve tryed moving the stator plate both ways still going backwards any 1 else had a similar issue it’s drivin me mad thanks.
  7. That’s fantastic it’s more that a start it’s super helpful thanks
  8. Thanks for your help much appreciated
  9. Hi I have gold forks and alumni Colour rims I have pic if my bike I would appreciate your help if you could identify it for me
  10. Hi please excuse me I’m completely new to all this I’ve just bought my first trials bike I didn’t rush in to buying a new 1 yet just in case I don’t get on with or or just keep falling off I believe I have a beta 280 but have no idea how old it is or what model is there a way to identify it from the frame numbers? Thanks for the help in advance.
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