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Everything posted by dasher
  1. thanks chris. Im messing with the carb at the moment so have until next weekend to decide on optimum solution. It would be interesting to see if anyone uses a waterbased oil, type etc.
  2. Guys, I was advised that to clean the Airfilter I should use hair shampoo. I tried this, which ended up in a gunky mess which took some cleaning off. This was probably the oil reacting with the water. I was advised again that there are water-based Oils for filters which will allow the use of cleaning with water and then can be re-oiled afterwards. So, can you please advise on teh following couple of things really: # How to clean the filter # What Oil to use afterwards AND if the 'gunky' crap described above was the result of water & oil mixing - surely this is a valid argument for using only water-based oils i.e. that this effect must be happening in damp/wet weather to a lesser extend most of the time in UK climate!
  3. Hi taylor. Did you sort this out? I have same problem. Ive done some of the recommended Carb mods i.e. changing the float level in line with back tower. BUT still same problem. Really fed up with it now coz its a dab at best or landing on my head at worst. Getting fed up with teh bike so got to be sorted quick. Cheers
  4. Are you getting a spark? Mine just stopped like that (270cc '2005). It was the stator.
  5. dasher

    Carb Probs

    Guys thanks all for your replies. Sorry for not responding earlier BUT been away and forgot I asked for help on this. Obviously I want the bike working perfect tomorrow! To answer the earlier questions, the bike starts first time always. Even after stalling. And I am pretty sure teh Rear Brake is not locking. In fact I striped these down before last outing and they are totally free. I will try the float hieght adjustment first before I get the drill out. Cheers - have a good w/end Dasher
  6. dasher

    Carb Probs

    My bike is stalling on declines. I assumed that I was low on fuel last time I was out - but filled up and still happening (quite embarrassing - when theres a queue for the section). Can anyone advise on this. It is Rev3 270cc 2005. I am not too confident messing with carb - so idiots guide needed! By-the-way not running too slow - screw is nearly fully in - which also worries me a bit. Thanks in advance.
  7. Hi all, I am looking for dougie pics - possibly in Spain competition 2000. The Sponsors on the Bibs are Fortuna and Ford KA. Can anyone point me in right direction or to good online resource where I can browse through. Cheers
  8. Thanks all. I just realised that JLI also like Repsol. Silkoline it is then! (I can get this locally) Thanks for replies - I will try the others out if I am not happy with this.
  9. Hi all, I would prefer to used PJ1 Oils; as this is what previous owner used and is advised by JLI - BUT, I am having difficulty finding/buying PJ1 Oils in Manchester. # Can anyone advise where I can get it in MCR # Also, can you recommend other oils instead (e.g I have been reading that ELF is the best!) To save mixing oils in future I would like to decide on WHAT is best for each particular application so I know where I am upto - if anyone can advise on each I would be grateful. Thanks in advance.
  10. It's Alive! Replaced the Stator and I have Spark. Not started it yet - as I need to get Garage to Torque (14 kgm - seems a lot)the Flywheel nut for me. But I am happy bunny again! Thanks all for assistance. Dasher P.S. JLI have been extremely helpful with telephone support.
  11. Hi all, Spoke with JLI this morning. They reckon it is likely to be stator (apparently totally different problem from what the 2000 model had). JLI are not sure at the moment IF I should get this part F.O.C. at the moment as I am not 1st owner. They are also lending me tool for Flywheel! Anyway - I will update tomorrow to let you know if problem is solved. Thanks all for your responses.
  12. Found the CDI unit now. (under tank next to Coolant refill cap). CDI unit - Is this what everyone calls the 'black box'? Daz
  13. Thanks for response. Can you please clarify though! Stator? Is this what you mean? http://www.uk-motoplat.com/services.htm What (and where) is CDI unit? I have parts List/Diagram in front of me - but cant find it! Thanks
  14. I have Beta Rev3 270cc 2005. Bike died on me today and I have no spark. disconnected Cut-off switch - still no joy. Can anyone please advise on how to test to locate the fault. i.e. Can I test anything before the coil to isolate the problem area? Thanks in advance Daz
  15. dasher

    Clutch Noise

    Thanks all guys. I am happier now that plates look fine. So case closed. Got more worying thinks on my mind as Bike just died today - No Spark! Will post new message.
  16. dasher

    Clutch Noise

    Thanks Mark. FYI I have PJ1 75w Gearbox oil in. Same as previous owner used and advised by Beta Dealer. I just had 10 mins play with bike and it seems a bit better. Would like to know how to adjust it though if anyone can describe in details for me. Thanks all - hope I can reciprocate in future. Daz
  17. dasher

    Clutch Noise

    Hi again, Just had clutch plates etc. out and all looks fine (even unworn). BetaRick - IF you put you bike on stands and put in gear (2nd) and pull clutch in - does the wheel stop? My keep moving. When I brake to stop wheel and release brake (all with clutch in) it starts again. Can anyone please advise on how to adjust to clutch to make it work better? getting a bit panicky now as weekend draws nearer cheers all
  18. dasher

    Clutch Noise

    Thanks for replies. I will have a look and let you know my findings. Daz
  19. dasher

    Clutch Noise

    Hi all, I'm new here so forgive me if I have posted to wrong place. I have Beta Rev3 2005 270cc I have noticed my engine is noisey (cluncky) when I pull the clutch lever in and is not working fully when I have the bike on a stand and in gear. To my unprofessional ear it sound like the clutch is not working properly when engaged and it is nearly jumping into gear (I may be totally wrong). This noise is present (but less loud when in nuetral). The bike rides OK (for a novice anyway) BUT if there is something wrong I would rather sort it now while I have time (and incase I can prevent costly damage). Also - Could anyone please email me maintenance manual pages for adjustment and/or replacement of the clutch plates. OR advise where I can buy one. Cheers Daz
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