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The venue for this trial has had to be changed , please check here or www.lochabermcc.co.uk for the new location before travelling.
Whatever it was mate , well done
The regs for the newly named Allie Beag are now available to download on the Lochaber web site. Sorry for any delay but Like Andy we suffered , some lowlifes seem to take delight in creating viruses
Just to let everyone know that the start times and rider numbers are available to view on :- www.lochabermcc.co.uk
Hope there is a good supply of rear mudguards as well can see a few being broken with a sail on the back! can appreciate why its being done , but oh my word!!!! ,
Perce, Im afraid I cant answer that as I wont be laying out the trial but what I would suggest is that you ask the question on our website forum as Im sure you are not the only one wondering. As O.T.H. said though the masters route is proving to be very popular at our trials and with regards the A route we do have a few very competent riders making a come back this year in the Scottish champion ship. Delighted your going to make the effort to come back again mate.
Hi Perce, whats happened in Lochaber trials in particular is weve decided to put in a stepping stone class for riders who feel they want a bigger than B route challenge but not as physically demanding as a full A route . The Masters route is made up of a selection of the A and B route sections but with the majority being B. Clear as mud but hope this helps.
Aye , Lochabers got their version of big Dunc as well, Bochy's got the Mont entered again , 5 on the trot I think
Times getting close for Lochabers traditional SSDT precursor, The "Ian Pollock memorial trial" . This event is traditionally based in Kinlochleven and as well as having some of the best scenery and views in Britain it allows entrants to ride a few of the SSDT subs as well as the long ride out in the moors which the trial is famous for. The regs are now available for download at:- www.lochabermcc.co.uk , dont be slow though as entries are limited to 150 and the event in the past has been oversubscribed. Why not make a weekend of it , family , friends all welcome (you can even observe if you are keen enough,with or with out bike, just get in touch). hope to see you all there.
Tried Andy , wont let me login!!!
Lochaber is holding a Scottish national trial on february the 12th. Entry forms can be downloaded on the club website at www.lochabermcc.co.uk where instructions are available. if no computer phone 01855831016 for more details.
Why! myself and 11 others are travelling from Fort William to belfast and i get a phone call today to tell me the organisers have changed it from saturday to Friday and tho its still possible we'll make it with flight times etc surely its a bit late in the day to change. We have young children travelling with us and im sure the rushing about will please them no end.
Sorry to all planning riding this Sunday but in the intrests of safety and no sign of a let up in the weather we have decided to cancel the trial. It is hoped that this excellent venue will be used in the very near future, sorry once again.
Good trial and not to bad weather with brill company on the hillside observing but what made it really special for me was seeing my son ride with his wee cousin for the first time and the wee cuz showing the big fella some tidy lines and last but far from least Jordi being crowned (unoffically!)as "c" class champion for Scotland , well done Tarres .Fort contingent are well chuffed . Good on the c of c as well for a sensible ,fair testing trial.
Lochabers first bike trial will be held at the Aonach mor car park this Saturday the 15th october. All welcome, helmets compulsory. Run by Kevin Dignan and Graham Finnie, clerk of the course " the legendary D.P. Mcphie".