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Any info on cost/availability for the Ohlins rear shock?? I reckon you are onto something there, the front suspension is just incredible (lightyears ahead of my GasGas) but I always feel the back needs a little more something. Just changed the front fork oil, the old stuff came out like air-ated chip pan oil. The difference is like day and night, the front wheel feels like it is glued to the ground again.
Go easy guys, with lots of intensive practice and luck I hope to one day reach the level of "Below average clubman". I did fit a Mitani front pipe though,
Try and get a go on something with different tyres, most of the guys at the trials will let you test their bike if you tell them what it's for. My GasGas had a Dunlop on the rear, it didn't suit me, I had no confidnce in it and I wasn't happy untill I fitted a Michelin, which in my opinion had loads more grip! Dunlops are cheaper though. I have heard good reports about the IRC's but I have never seen one over here (Ireland).
Yup I've had this, was sitting in a big queue on a cold day, fired it up and started blipping the throttle straight away. Immediately ran like a bag of spanners. Stopped it and then started again and then allowed it to idle for the manual's recommended 2 minutes!! ECU needed to reset itself as the engine had just got cold. I would guess the talking sh*te was actually more than 20 minutes and a cold engine resulted!!! Also i've bump started before, no problem, though engine was hot at the time, never tried it from cold........ Hi stuhrc, I would concede one of the times it ran rough it could have been more than 20min (not much though). But the second time it done it the fan was running so it wasn't cold, didn't think to check the first time...DUH!! It hasn't done it during the last three outings so I am hoping it was just a blip, maybe a drop of water in the fuel???. Forgot to mention, lots of black smoke the first time it done it too!!! never imparts a feeling of well being in my experience!!!! I was going by a little hearsay regarding the bumpstarting, looks like I was misinformed. The day my current bike wouldn't start I tried bumping it down our hill some 40 yards or so and I didn't get a peep out of it, had to push the Bas@#*d back up though!! If it hadn't cost so much I would have been sorely tempted to throw it in the hedge and do a dance on it, or ride the frigger flat out (in 1st) for about 7 miles had it started, just to teach it a lesson you understand.
Wet pants when laughing???? I thought only girls did that!!!!! Still "Little amuses the simple" as we say in Belfast, glad I could brighten your day. Could have been worse my narrative has a soporific effect on some ZZZZ......zzzzzz.....ZZZZZZ
Hello Perce, Thank Goodness, someone else who has had the starting problem. Both mine (2x05's) have done this before also, I thought I was going to have a heart attack kicking the bloody thing (cue lots of expletives and calling into question the parentage of anyone involved in the design team), although when I say kicking I really mean pushing in a "controlled and steady manner", with a lot of muttering thrown in to encourage it! YEAH RIGHT, as the blood pressure rises so does the kicking action in my experience!!! I too tried replacing/cleaning the plug (numerous times I might add, and replacement was a spanking NipponDenso), alas, all to no avail. Eventually, sweating and somewhat discouraged I retired from the battle field to regroup/get a breather/call it names and, Guess what, on return (approx 20min) it started 2nd kick ("controlled and steady manner" don't forget). I have to say any time I have tried to kick mine with the throttle open (always by accident I might add) it has a tendency (read every friggin time) to kick back, not good for the knees. Is this just my bikes or has anyone suffered the same result?? The Bank Angle Sensor (cut off) is there to detect when the bike has leant over by 65deg or more allowing the ECU to make the decision to cut the injection AND ignition AFTER 7 seconds. Did you try grounding the plug and checking for sparks?? Moreover this facility is there to prevent engine damage caused by oil egress/ingress, I am guessing you would not be doing any good leaving the bike on its side and allowing the ECU to decide to turn it off. I sincerely would love to believe the extended time you left the bike on its side was to blame, BUT, I didn't leave mine on its side before its decision not to play ball (as I suspect neither have the others who have suffered the same fate). So your guess is as good as mine, just remember when you are stuck in a bog hole in the a*** hole of no-where and all around you people are muttering "told you Sid/bert/Andy/etc. those 4RT's are too bloody complicated, never work,, never work,, you mark my words" and the frickin thing wont start "YOU ARE NOT ALONE" and a lot of bloody use that will do!! To answer Baldilocks query - No you cannot bump start a 4RT to my knowledge (although I may of course be proved wrong- FF where are you???) because during kickstarting ("controlled and steady manner" remember) all of the generated power is selectively supplied to "vital components" and only when the motor has successfully started will general distribution resume. Something my present bike done recently (and I know of one other that has done it too) was after sitting (we talk endless bouts of *****) for approx 20 mins when started it would idle but ran really rough when revved, almost like it was off a cylinder, a complete B*****ks on a single cylinder motor you will agree. It only done this for about 30sec or so but done it twice that day never to repeat it again (yet). Has anyone had similar or any ideas?? Fouled plug or dirty fuel?? same fuel used on previous fill and twice subsquently! and the plug hasn't been changed either!! As always mate like Barcota said I/we would really appreciate your findings, we are all learning.
Oh FF you old Foxy Fella you, you got me, I made it all up just to razz you!!!!! I know you can't be serious with your "Comments welcomed (except from you-know-who)." comment within an open forum so here goes; Can't help wondering how Mr. Honda and Mr. Keihin are going to feel though, what with them creating ALL of those schematics and the Throttle Position (TP) and Intake Pressure (PB) graph, not to mention the four or so pages given over to explaining how the thing actually works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still rest assured you are almost completely, absolutely, not a chance have you jumped the gun, certainly, right. I think perhaps you put it best yourself in one of your other posts, maybe "your eyes really are painted on"!! Or you have developed a penchant for my affliction, mixing your drinks - paint stripper and bleach, it was good enough for Vivian after all. Oh and on another note; wireless pressure gauges!!!........(sorry don't know how the quote thingy works) How exactly do you think the tyre pressure indicator in a vehicle works? via ring gear???? Or perhaps a pixie/gremlin takes a picture of it and takes a GUESS (probably refers to the table on loan from Honda/Keihin) then uploads it to a "post it note" and leaves it on your dashboard!! PLeeasee. And again; A/C on motorbikes?......Just lift the visor man, thus ensuring you will get all the AIR you want, it just takes a little CONDITIONING. Have to agree with Big John, this really is beginning to sound trivial/childish (I am sure JOANDEMMA is sorry they asked). Should we agree to disagree? After all, had someone told us at a trial even 5 years ago there would be a world class (4t) trials bike that the average joe could buy with Fuel Injection (with or without an Intake Pressure Sensor) he would have been laughed off the mountain. I must confess you must have big cahone's (trying hard not to make a quip about them obscuring your vision), pulling apart a perfectly good throttle body just to prove a point, all I had to do was read through about 8-10 pages, RESULT. This is almost certainly, postively, absolutely, probably the last thing I will say on the subject. Hic. Hic. The Alchie PS. The schematic shows a thermistor (IAT-intake air temperature) a potentiometer (TP-throttle position) and I confess to having never seen the diagram thingy for the Intake pressure sensor (all three powered in parallel via pin 5-Vcc and pin 2-SG, I think as the copy i seen is a little indistinct to say the least), so maybe it really doesn't exist and they have actually made it up, this may sound flippant but I assure you it is heart felt. After all to err is human!!!!!!!
The last time I was speaking to Laurence from BVM (01453762167) he was talking about the front sprocket guard they were just starting to do. Might be worth giving him a ring, top bloke and fond of his 4RT's too.
FerretFlasher my old doubting thomas, If you can provide me with some form of secure communication (could I ring Tony??) I could provide you with the proof of the Intake Pressure Sensor that I believe even you might accept. I work on equipment infinitely more complicated (sometimes on a daily basis) than the Mont PGM FI system, I only say this as I haven't personally seen the sensor, but neither have I seen the gearbox on my company hack but rest assured it is there and doing its job, I only possess the average recovering alchies level of curosity regarding my bike i.e. if it aint broke there is little need to fix it syndrome, as long as it works and continues to do so I am a happy chappie! Has anyone heard of Schraeder Electronics? I have seen their wireless tyre pressure sensors and they are absolutely tiny!!!!!! I wouldn't dream of entering into your discussion regarding inlet depression (ever so clever/interesting as it sounds, an all) as I would rapidly lose the will to live, and however appealing that sounds I think I will give it a miss! but hey each to his own,, EH! The offer stands, if you are interested, and if I can manage to fend off my drunken stupor. Your ever helpful 4RT aficionado, The Alchie. PS, ever consider I might just have made it up to reel you in ????????
Hello Mostar A Gas Gas Pro trick was to put less gear oil in the box, seemed to rev up quicker and didn't have any effect on box life!!!!! It is usually worth checking also that there isn't slightly more in the Tub!! When I used to use Silkolene Pro SRG 75 I got two identical 0.5 litre soft drink bottles and split the tub, never seemed to cause any problems and there was no chance of over filling! I discontinued using Pr0 SRG 75 though due to the cost and the fact I couldn't notice any difference between it and Silkolene off road gear oil "Light" or ATF fluid for that matter (apart from the price!!!!)
Heaven forbid I should contradict the MONTESA god/guru that is Ferretflasher who must eat, sleep and possibly do things with his Montesas that perhaps we shouldn't go into on a public forum. The US Montesa advertisment flyer claims that the PGM-FI as fitted to the Mont will allow the bike to run perfectly at all times regardless of changes in altitude, temperature etc.. Ferretflashers explanation is excellent (so was the one on engine oil level, try as I might I couldn't find anything in the manual to back it up) and according to information gleaned from the web the Mont uses the following input parameters; 1 Bank angle sensor- if the bike leans over more than 65deg for more than 7 seconds it cuts out, allegedely!!!! I haven't the cahones to try it, but if anyone else has please let us know, I suppose you could just angle the sensor while the bike is upright but where's the fun in that?? I reckon mine has cut out twice while emulating a bit of offroad TT, I mean, how else do the footpegs get scratched on the outside? 2 Throttle body- not a parameter I know but the housing for the following; Throttle position, Intake pressure (this will compensate for altitude, charge temperature, notice how your bike goes better on cold damp days, denser air and air filter restriction) and Air inlet Temperature. These are the primary inputs for the ECM map program. 3 Coolant temperature- Housed in the radiator and unlike most bikes it simply provides an i/p to the ECM which decides (amongst other things) wether to employ the cooling fan. 4 Crank position pick up- Located beside the flywheel, simply a magic eye (a term most of my customers use, an inductive coupling seems to be beyond their grasp) to determine engine position and therefore timing. The ECM calculates (quite quickly, remember the PC you are sitting in front off has more computing power than the first space shuttle, apparently!!) 2 basic parameters from the inputs and PREDICTS (remember it is only a prediction (don't like the term guess) guess none of us are perfect!) how much fuel to inject and when exactly to inject it. The MAP or program looks a bit like a 3D terrain representation of somewhere fairly flat. Having said all that it is easy to see/understand the simplist way for the development engineers to restrict the bikes output was electronically which is exactly what they done by providing an input (via the W/G wire) to the ECM and is usually the first restrictor removed by end users. It is a matter of great DEBATE wether anything is gained by removing the FIVE other restrictors!!!! Something that is not electronically controlled to my knowledge however is the tickover. I cannot stress how important this is as if it is set too low then not only will you probably be unable to get the F#*$ER to start (it might even kickback too and kneecaps are hard to come by at my age) it will/can run erratically, and you cannot bump start a 4RT. Be warned, this is the problem that afflicted my first 4RT and at least one other I know off, it seems the PDI engineer (trying extremely hard to be diplomatic here as I cannot find my Tin/kevlar helmet) adjusted them too low initially because one customer returned theirs as it was set too high, in their/his defence the first service would have cured this but who do you know who would/could ride the thing revving its/their knackers off!! Had mine been delivered with the correct tickover setting I firmly believe I would still own it, that and certain individuals insistence I hadn't a clue what I was talking about!! come to think of it they might have had a point!!! Sorry if I have laboured the point and simply reiterated Ferretflashers post but some migh find it useful. Incidentially the use of wireless communication for motorsport related data transfer is extremely common today (even Nintendo DS uses it albeit a different protocol to Bluetooth), I wouldn't discount it as an inexpensive method for updating ECM/MAP software and if incorporated into a mobile phone (the main exponent of bluetooth which is just a protocol after all) then updates could be received easily anywhere in the world, not sure about D/T times though as I am unfamiliar with the size of engine maps. As the great sage for everything Montesa put it though I am probably talking SH@$E so please feel free to correct me if I am wrong which is most probably right, if you see what I mean.
Hi kbell I changed from an 02 Scorpa (excellent bike and grossly underrated IMHO) to an almost (brand) new 03 Montesa 315r. I bought the Montesa because I really liked the look of them, still think the 03 Mont was the nicest looking trials machine yet, IMHO. Unfortunately my finishing positions suffered (typically around 12th to 36th), now I am not blaming the bike (messers Lampkin, fuji etc. had no bother as I recall!!!), but my advice would be to go along to your local trials events and get talking to some of the guys there, ask for a go you will be surprised how often it works. Every bike rides differently and by this I mean even identical model years etc from the same manufacturer. Find something that suits you and you never know perhaps you could persuade the owner to part with it, there are always bikes for sale at the trials. I found the transition fron 315 to 4RT extremely easy as the 4RT takes the best parts of the 315 (gorgeous looks, great grip, peerless reliability (usually) and easy riding nature) and expands upon them, it also (again IMHO) takes the bad points of the 315 (engine knock/noise/smoke/temprament, inability to turn and weight, just need to clarify this - neither bike is heavy, most trials riders at my level are carrying extra weight anyway so a few Kg's here or there are meaningless, it is how said weight is distributed, put both bikes on a paddock stand to see what I mean, I reckon the 4RT is better balanced) and improves them also. One thing Montesa/Honda did not address however is the price of spares, although some may argue you get what you pay for, easy to say but not so easy when you are standing holding a piece of single piece rear guard in each hand - that will be
Hi kbell The 315 is fairly bullet proof, although a couple of us found a persistent knocking (like running out of fuel) that would not go away regardless how much we played around with jets or airscrews. One of our riding pals discovered running his 315 on "AvGas" cured the problem. Our local airfield supplies avgas (100 octane) for
Mr Morrow aka RapidRoy aka morose69 (e-bay) If there is one thing that annoys me it's someone downright bending the truth. This forum is to enable users to share info along with (at least I like to think anyway) a little light hearted banter. If anyone is guilty of living in fantasy land it's you, or how would you explain the following (hopefull Rocketto will back me up here); You personally, first of all told us R, S & me (amongst others) that your 4RT was spanking new, now we all know that isn't the case don't we. No shame in that (neither is mine) but "why keep changing the story", not my quote either by the way. You personally told me that the kick start had smashed the casing "that was how I got this one, for the price I did". You let S ride it in the carpark to witness the excessive clutch drag. And you reckoned it was because "the engine/gearbox had been reassembled incorrectly" your words not mine. You personally sat there one Sunday and told us you had been assured (and had personally checked) that the restrictors were removed, I believe my reply was "I would believe that (knowing the individual involved) when he hands them to me, and I have them in my (meaning yours obviously) hand". Now it is no secret that I have had 2 4RTs and I KNOW when one has been de-restricted and clearly yours hadn't! making me incredulous as to why you would state otherwise. Maybe the restrictors fell out when you removed the exhaust to "empty all the crap out of it"?????????? where did the Crap come from, mmm I wonder??? Ignorance is bliss as they say. It was you who introduced me to this forum remember, when you told us about your rattly top end and Sandifords eagerness to, how did you put it, oh yes "protect the product". As you well know I still have all of the correspondence regarding my dealings with them and have never hidden any of it from you. I would love to know the full story from your bikes previous owner, didn't he/she (trying hard not to be sexist here, after all we regularly got our asses wupped by a 15 year old girl, so much so I think we were starting to enjoy it) want the bike back after it had been repaired? You, I and Sandifords all know I wouldn't!!!!!! I distinctly remember you telling me you had to replace the piston and rings on the "kids" 315. Still if this is not the case show me the brand new ones this Sunday and I will post an apology. As regards the quip about your riding ability, As with everything I say, It is only a bit of fun, truth be told we are both Crap (and always will be) and I mean Crap with a capital C!! Anyone wishing to compare our respective results at the last trial we entered can judge for themselves at the Knock website. REMEMBER it's all a bit of fun, at least that is how R, S & I look at it. Maybe you are just excited at going away to the NW this weekend or you are now regretting your purchase as a "pig in a poke". If I have missed any points please let me know. Let me just state this for the record again "I reckon Montesa's are amongst the finest trials machines currently in production (otherwise why would I currently own an 05 4RT, after my previous experience), having owned 3 (315r & 2x4RTs). But do not look at them with rose tinted specs, the faults I have listed do exist but some owners may go for years and NEVER experience any of them (lucky buggers). Heck I must just be unlucky but at least I still have my youth (opinions vary, well at least everyones but mine). Strangely I get roughly the same ammount (fuel consumption wise) of riding from my current 4rt as I got from the 315. The previous 4RT was definitely more economical but it wasn't de-restricted (unless you believe the supplier, I don't). Anyway must go there is a pint of domestos with a toilet duck chaser on the table with my name on it along with a bushel of magic munchkins. PS. Apoligies for rambling off-topic but I firmly believe in extolling BOTH the positive and negative virtues of the 4RT, it stands to reason most will want to defend their purchase but the original post I believe was regarding maintenance. As I said before "good luck with whatever bike you purchase and health to ride". PPS. If you find any of the former upsetting please do not read it, thank you, and have a lovely weekend.
Hi Don Here is a little link I found quite enlightening; http://www.trials.com.au/techtips/oil1.html I always like to back up (mostly) anything I say with a little bit of evidence. Can't see ATF in the suspension part but it makes a bit of a mockery of someone else's post regarding ATF-WD40. Everyone knows I only use WD40 as a mixer for rum!! The best result we have had is by mixing Bel-Ray 5w and 10w (in equal measure), go figure!! Even RapidRoy noticed/commented how plush the forks were! and they weren't even on my bike. I have to qualify this by stating RapidRoy has bother detecting daylight on most occasions, sometimes even with his eyes open!!!!!!! Try not to listen to too much of the hearsay, suck it and see, what works for some might not for others!! I stand over my use of ATF in the gearbox having tried ALL of the other oils listed in previous posts. The guy I sold my GasGas to reckoned he knew better and replaced it with a proprietary gearbox oil, guess what, there's ATF in the box again, and it is even red to match the bike, if you look throught the window you can see it. It is all very well for semi-works riders to pontificate on what works best when someone else is picking up the tab. Thank you and good night. I hope this is of some use. The Alchie (hic hic)