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Posts posted by mad4it
  1. Fuel kept in bulk does not go off very readily but put

    it in your tank where it is allowed to breathe and the

    octane rating goes out the window about a month is

    all you wil get out it being left in the tank before it's

    had it.

  2. You can get the barrel re plated i'm not sure if lampkins do an exchange service

    on the barrels .There is a company called Langcourt engineering that do

    a replating service,they advertise in the tmx most weeks.As for a piston

    as siad just go to lampkins they will have all the bits in stock you will need!

  3. There is a rev 4 up in scotland and it is 280cc

    aparently the 08 ones are either coming in as

    280's or there will be kits available to buy as a


    I knew they would have to go a bit bigger than the 250! And there was talk of the 400cc KTM top end being able to slot in too! not sure if that is still on the Betamotor website but was when they first came out?

    Mad4it did you here it running? was it any louder or still the nice humm like the 250?

    It sounds like the 250 'i see there are five of them running

    up there and all are still well ,apparently they tread on

    well on the road the blokes on monty's they just come

    sailing past them on the road.The 280cc bike is running

    within the top dozen or so can't be bad!

    I take it that would be Jordi pascuet then?.... he is the bloke that rode the world rounds a without a minder for the last couple of years!!! Bloody hero on those sections!

    Thats's the man.

  4. There is a rev 4 up in scotland and it is 280cc

    aparently the 08 ones are either coming in as

    280's or there will be kits available to buy as a


    I knew they would have to go a bit bigger than the 250! And there was talk of the 400cc KTM top end being able to slot in too! not sure if that is still on the Betamotor website but was when they first came out?

    Mad4it did you here it running? was it any louder or still the nice humm like the 250?

    It sounds like the 250 'i see there are five of them running

    up there and all are still well ,apparently they tread on

    well on the road the blokes on monty's they just come

    sailing past them on the road.The 280cc bike is running

    within the top dozen or so can't be bad!

  5. Yes a very good trial i have ridden it about four or five times

    can't remember off hand.The clubman route is a lot easier, the

    expert one is another kettle of fish very hard in some groups.

    Iwould say that a rider of average ability should be able to ride

    and get through most sections ok!

  6. They do go on fairly redily ,you can swap the tick

    over screw to the other side on mine you just remove

    the grub screw and swap. The only part that's a pain

    is the choke is on the wrong side and you can't do

    much with that unfortunatly.

  7. Yes if you get a peice of tube slightly larger on the ID

    and just under on the OD push the seal on the g/box

    shaft and drive it in,this will keep the seal from

    distorting on assembly which will lessen the risk

    of it leaking.Hope this is of help to you!

  8. I use beta pads in the front which are galfer ones and

    gold fren in the rear these are harder compound and last

    so much longer in wet conditions. The APICO pads are good

    they are made by gold fren and just have there name on them

    i think .These are all good quality pads.

  9. Here in the uk the trials scene alway's used to be a winter sport it still is

    really in local trials but the national trials run all year round, seems funny you

    only run trials in the better weather .

  10. As twinshockdude said the number plate is not

    part of the mot it does not even need one on for the test

    took my 03 beta in for its first mot without

    and they never even questioned as to why there was not

    one on the bike . All they do is advise if they think it's

    not legal for whatever reason.

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