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We used to sell Fantics at the time and the 175 with Suzuki piston was a complete failure. Port timings were a long way out. Standard 125 was much better then the 156 better again.
Might have been a good idea to let people know a bit earlier as many have booked accommodation in Kinlochleven!
Its all very well cherry picking one section, what about the other 37. I watched the action at another section earlier in the event and saw about 35 rides of which the only no stop rides were by a superb john Crinson ride and Ross with a couple of moving flicks. I know S3 is supposed to be for clubmen but surely 30-35 riders in these events surely cannot be regarded as such. Ten riders scores were 10 or under with many finishing on under 20. What events are there now for the top lads? Winner of over 100 nationals is regarded as a clubman!!!
In my opinion, Thorpy was the only clean from the video's I have seen. Sam, Myself and James all stopped therefore should have all been 5's. Having watched Sam stop in the bottom, on the ledge and handlebars resting on the banking and still get given a clean then me receive the mark I got, that's why i felt a bit hard done by. You can see from video that I rode the section completely no stop until I got into trouble in the gully. Really me trying to ride the section to the rules was actually my undoing. Maybe I should have stopped a bit more before the hard bit? Had Sam been marked properly I wouldn't have questioned being given a 5 because the observing would have been consistent. Please understand how frustrating it is for a rider to be clean all day and be that close to a win only for an observer to give you a mark which when you ask them what it was for, can't give you an answer. This isn't a dig at observers as I appreciate what they do. I certainly wouldn't want to do their job with the no stop rules. Alexz
More than likely the lack of the original air filter . Try blanking off your aftermarket one with duct tape until it corrects the fuel air ratio. Most ty's will cut dead just off the pilot jet with the std air filters removed. This remedy will show the problem which can then be cured by upping the main jet considerably.
More than likely the lack of the original air filter . Try blanking off your aftermarket one with duct tape until it corrects the fuel air ratio. Most ty's will cut dead just off the pilot jet with the std air filters removed. This remedy will show the problem which can then be cured by upping the main jet considerably.
In certain conditions you can achieve a major gain over a new tyre . We used to do it for the finals in non FIM grasstracks and keep the tyre covered so no one noticed it. by standing behind the bike and using a bike cover in the pit box but only when rules allowed. Non of the other riders twigged it.Brother Simon won at least 20 major meetings making meteoric starts with heavily cut tyres, we sometimes even removed complete blocks to make a trials type tread pattern into more or less an MX tread pattern. Works geat in very wet and muddy conditions. An absolute no no in trials and people like me do notice.
Cutting tyres or changing the trials tyre block spacing is not allowed. Also adding bolts, studs or staples,which used to be done years ago. That said I think there is a possibility that tyre softeners are being used by some riders on the indoor and are not coverd by current rules. In British League and WC Speedway these substances are banned and hardness tests are carried out.
Gas gas Jamie and Woody should be on the T&E committee. They both have very good understanding of the current situation.
) 2012 DATES The British Solo Trials and British Enduro Championship dates were agreed provisionally. In view of the current economic climate, the Committee took the decision to reduce the rounds of the Solo Trials Championship to six. Dave Willoughby reported that entries in the Championship were the best for a number of years and it was therefore agreed to keep to the same format as in 2011. Just found this in the minutes from the last ACU meeting held on 6th September. Interesting.....
After reading peoples comments and getting fairly wound up, I feel it necessary to say my opinion. I think all trials in the UK baring the British Championship should be no stop. This way like people have mentioned, there will be less queuing, not dangerous but rideable yet mark taking sections. Stopping at club level, none of the sections are against the clock so you could stand there for hours balancing which is boring for everyone concerned. My main gripe is that the British Championship has gone to no stop rules. I cant see how this is benefiting anyone especially us top boys. Maybe that's me being selfish. Its seems crazy that we're not allowed now to have 6 trials throughout the year for the riders that are aspiring to improve and move into the world ranks. We have the s3 clubmans championship, numerous open nationals and club trials running all year round which cater for everyone that rides in the UK and now they have changed the rules so more people supposedly can ride in the Championship class at BTC.We need to stay in line with the FIM just as the foreign countries are doing. Ok Spain has been using the Openfree rules but thats stop permitted. Also the Trials are limited to 55 riders whcih most of the time are fairly full. If their not, why not encourage and allow more youth's to enter? This would bring them on leaps and bounds. I would be optimistic about no stop rules in the British Championship if it were to affect the rules at World Championship but with the Top Dog falling over to everything the foreign CTR officials want all the time, I don't hold out much hope. In doing this several top riders are very tempted to compete in national championships abroad it would lose its prestigious title. Winning's winning but i'm sure you'd get more satisfaction if all the top names are competing? It's been said that the sections nowadays are so far fetched and not in touch with trials that spectators and your average club rider cant relate to them. I find that completely normal and acceptable. The British Championship is supposed to the pinnacle of British trials with some top world riders competing. People should watch them ride sections and think "how did they do that?" the same as I look at any athletes towards or at the top end of their sport. I want to be amazed when I watch Messi, Nadal, or whoever. Anyone that's new into the sport and watching British Championship shouldn't be able to think I'd like to have a go at that as most of the riders have been riding all their lives. Whereas if they were to go to a club trial or s3 nationals, they could watch no stop riding at think it would be possible for them to have a go. Changing the rules also doesn't lower the price or fuel which is really the crippling part. Basically, keep the BTC to stop rules and us boys will be happy, no stop for all other events then the majority is happy. Alexz
I think Jack C and Jonno are travelling with Dougie tours and Dabster has just left his business and picked up Alexz and Danny Haslam to be minder. They should be on the shuttle right now. Harry Crawford cannot get out of Belfast so will be getting under Audreys toes for the weekend and trying not to be doing any DIY. Brilliant of Dabster and Danny to act so quickly. We are very lucky to have such great friends in the sport.
Final -final say. Go to ngk usa website and it will explain a lot better what me and jon v8 are telling you. Look at bultaco for instance ,trials bikes list 5s and motocrossers 9s. The correct heat range for all trials bikes is 4 or 5. If your bike runs a bit rich and has any guide or bore wear use a 4, it will be no problem. manufacturers always cover themselves by quoting to colder plug no as standard so if you totaly abuse an engine they are in the clear. I am totaly fed up with this subject,now. So order up some 4S of the correct configuration and if you are not happy I will buy the rest from you. I reiterate you are riding a trials bike not going for a land speed record on an air cooled Indian.
if you seek advise why dont you take it. I told you I have used 4 s on road trials even in summer. These will cure your problem. You will probably have to order a box from your local ngk dealer. Fed Hardy of Hardy Triumph fame also found the same and always used them. You are not road racing you are riding a lawn mower. These plugs are what you need. Only need to worry about over heating is if the head thread has been badly helicoiled exposing the plug thread to combustion.ngk plugs go down even to a 2 heat range though very hard to get. Loads of road cars run on 5s. Finished
What plug no are you using? Try a ngk 4 heat range , end of problem. One blip and plug will burn off clean. Always used them on Ariels, Triumph twins and Villiers Dots. ie Ngk bp4es 3-4 reach and bp4hs 1-2 inch reach. no problem with melt down, summer or winter and road trials. Bet you are using 5, 6, or 7s.