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Posts posted by neilnh
  1. I am wondering if Beta are ever going to sort the stator issues or are they happy to let people keep forking out for them. I personally think i shall get rid of the beta and move on to something else but the only other bike that floats my boat is the mont 4rt and they are slightly too expensive new and hard to find a good secondhand one

  2. Dont get me wrong i like tinkering with bikes but since i got this one i have spent more time working on it than riding it some W***** from cumbria wants to leave things alone and yes i have got his name as its on the registration docs

  3. update on this bike its still missing but i now have Chassis and engine numbers as follows Chassis is VNBC125TRA01937 and Engine is TR19370 any info greatly appreciated and a reward offered by Royce

  4. Just had a phone call yesterday from my mate to let me know he has had his 2008 Sherco stolen from his garage in Hull. Pretty much standard bike with usual colour scheme. Forced the door and took the broken parts of the chains with them. He bought the bike new so chassis and engine number to follow when i get them. B******s

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