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  1. Went out laning on my Trials bike the other day and had a great time... A few issues I came across: Ran out of fuel twice - carry more fuel. Wouldn’t have minded sitting down for a rest after 2 hours riding - but a long ride seat. Top end gearing was slow on the road sections - revert back to stock gearing. Other than that a cracking morning’s riding, and to be honest I enjoyed it more than previous enduro bikes I’ve owned (other than the above). Any other hints / tips for laning on a Trials bike? Might rejoin the TRF! Boner.
  2. Has anyone tried a long range tank from H&D racing? Any good? https://www.handdracing.co.uk/product-page/hm-montesa-long-range-tank-seat-combo
  3. That sounds good... love a bit of green laning.
  4. I’ve decided that I really don’t enjoy competitive observed trials riding... but love riding my trials bike. This dawned on me as I rode between sections at a competition today... Other than observed trials competitions what riding could I do with my bike?
  5. Buying some Elf for the transmission tomorrow. ??
  6. That’s quite an interesting read. Not 100% convinced... went and bought some Fully Synthetic just in case!
  7. Chaps, lanning on doing my first oil change this weekend, just bought a filter and some Castrol Power 1 10W-40 4T... But just noticed it’s SEMI not FULLY synthetic. is this a problem? Should I go back and swap it over? cheers Boner.
  8. https://www.amazon.co.uk/3M-21210-Super-Spray-Adhesive/dp/B00HSCNM4O/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1551334451&sr=8-4&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=super+77&dpPl=1&dpID=41bGaG17r9L&ref=plSrch I use 3M glue all the time at work, and it’s great. Going to have to get myself a can of Super 77, thanks Jonnyc21. ??
  9. Thanks for the replies. The bike comes with S3 rim kit... I was just weighing up whether to slap them on or not. cheers Boner
  10. Could anyone tell me why Honda / Montesa supply orange rim tape (part no 87142-REPJ200) with their Repsol bikes? Orange tape on orange wheels... or is it just scratch protection tape? use it or don’t use it? Boner.
  11. Thank you Hillary. Very thorough reply. Thank you.
  12. Filling in an ACU entry form... its asking for my name address and what bike I have in my garage... Having had a break in and my bikes stolen in the past, I’m rather hesitant about filling in these details. What happens to these forms and what’s to stop undesirables reading this information?
  13. Love riding streams! Sealskinz are a bit pricey... Bought some duckwax though, smells lush and worked a treat on my Gaernes. Made here in Somerset too. Winner.
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