Beta looks mint, You have certainly made the right decision, It will last years and they ride lovely, turn on a sixpence and are the easiest bike to ride in my opinion,With a bit of maintanance wont cost alot to run.
Definitely 110% Trust in South West trials i have bought 5 bikes off them and they are brilliant in all aspects.
Great people to deal with buy with confidence.
the 2017 factory onwards has a longer shock and different length linkage to acount for the longer shock
2018 factory shock onwards changed to an Olle R16v shock
Ohlins make both length shocks
yes its not a special chain but is a special length you need a half link fitting to get the correct length
Your Beta importer should have this chain ready to go on the shelf OEM regina very good quality last ages
The silencer would definitely benefit from being repacked i would say makes a big diference to performance to ,
easy job with some good quality packing do it in 30 mins perhaps
14 factory had a white frame, magnesium engine casings, black anodised billet yokes, and some red anodised bits the new type ignition and alloy casing not plastic black cylinder head
Its not a 14 factory all evos say factory on clutch case