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  1. Have you tried Mountain motorcycle? or Cascade Motorsports? Both are in BC (vancouver area) Or even The Honda Centre in Burnaby...
  2. My question is , does it matter which ATF? Is there a preferred ATF brand? I have an older Beta Rev3 250 2001 and would like to change the oil, but I see too many choices of ATF on the shelves, so I really don't know what to buy
  3. Like I said: "Discrepancies", but if it helps at all....Great! I plan on tracing out my wiring early spring, in order to compare it with those diagrams. They've been the only ones I've found so far though. Well, I do have the super blurry ones in the pdf manual I have...pretty much useless unfortunately Maybe it would be worth making a Beta rev 3 wiring thread, get people to contribute whatever wiring diagrams they have or amend them based on actual checking/testing.
  4. I just posted some wiring diagram stuff on this thread: https://www.trialscentral.com/forums/topic/62452-rev-3-00-02-wiring-please-help/?tab=comments#comment-482642 One pic is clear , one a touch blurry, and a pdf on wiring, not sure of the accuracy as there seems to be some discrepancies in the various wiring diagrams out there.
  5. I have a couple diagrams ,one clear, one a touch blurry, haven't checked yet to see if it's correct with regards to my 2001 rev 250, It seems there is some discrepancy in the various wiring schemes. Here's the pics, I also have a pdf on Beta rev wiring, not sure if I can post that here though Beta_wiring.pdf
  6. ahh_me2

    Petrol switch

    My 2001 is as above ,towards back-off, up-main, front-reserve
  7. ahh_me2


    Looks good!
  8. I'm probably going to be looking to upgrade my bike come spring, and as Michael_t above has mentioned, there are very few bikes available in the used market in Canada here. Now, if I was looking at purchasing a $5000 Can used bike, while I'm sure come spring there will be more than 20 or so up on kijiji, at $5600 new for a TW, it has certainly grabbed my attention. My concern, that I've yet to see addressed with the TW, is the resale value of it as a one or two year old bike. A $5000 used "brand" name bike will most likely hold it's value for a few years, will the TW? We can only speculate, as it depends how many are sold in Canada, how they hold up, the reputation that they will have acquired in the first few years, parts availability and the list goes on... All I can do is watch with interest at this point, and hope they maybe send one out west to be demo'd or something. From everything I have seen, they do look good, but only time will tell how they perform and hold up.
  9. Yeah, haven't figured out how to read the tire date code on this one though, I have it here at my work, I'll go look again
  10. Does anyone know what the actual difference is between the 803 and 803GP? Both are trials tires(rear), but as far as I can tell the 803 is simply the older version?
  11. I'm pretty sure he can get more of them, at the time I ordered mine he said he needed a few days to bring one in. He's a well known Trials dealer for over 30 years.... Outlaw Dave http://www.outlawtrials.com/ Not sure if you have a different plastic, I think you have the upside down forks?
  12. My 2001 didn't have a front disc guard when I got it. Recently ordered ordered one and I was surprised as it was only like $19.00 Can
  13. Your bike sounds a lot like mine, I just bought my 2001 Rev 3 back in August, and when I went to see it the seller said:"Take it for a spin!" So I straddled it, looked down in horror at the left hand kick start and proceeded to wear myself out over the next 5 minutes kicking it, without it even coming close to starting. Feeling like a fool, i asked the seller to start it for me, it took him about 4 kicks. Bought the bike and took it home. Figuring I needed some help to start it, I looked around the acreage and saw a few stumps that looked like they might make a decent bike stand. Pushed it up onto the stand, now I was able to stand on both pegs without worrying about balancing. I could now jump up and fall while kicking through with my left leg, lo and behold, it started on the second kick. Since then I use that technique when the engine is cold, when it is warm I simply lean the bike over and push through with my leg and it starts first kick. I still can't start it cold unless it's on the stand, and so today, just for a lark, since it hasn't run in a couple weeks due to the cold weather here,, I pulled it out, set it on the stand, and it started on the second kick (32F outside). As a right leg kick starter all my life, I have to use a stand to get the proper speed and power into the kick to start it with my left leg. Anyway, good luck on it! I'm really enjoying my bike now....
  14. ahh_me2

    250 Rev3

    There is a wiring diagram in this pdf, it's hard to read, but maybe if it was printed out it might be more legible Beta REV3_inglese.pdf
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