ty 80 chain rubbing noise on chain tensioner why is this? it came off tensioner becuase transporting .then i put chain back on and when i push bike its a rubbing noise. there is rubber on the tensioner isnt fully worn??
somone mentioned 60 to 1. can i use castrol racing fully synethetic in my ty 80 it says for highly tuned engines a know a tyy 80 is an old motor.but if i run 50 to 1 or 60 to 1 will be ok???? what about valvoline what ratio can i run this 60 to 1 is safe.its supposed for racing i guess.but in a ty i can run it?? normal gasoline 95 octane
around 175 lbs. . everything else seems ok just need to put in the new cylinder studs fit new gasket. torque down cylinder head should be good to go again/. i would gotten 125 but ty 80 fits in the car boot while 125 wont/. . but the ty 80 is a fun bike to ride.. might try a 50 to 1 fuel mix and see if its better.
oh i tried yambits i couldnt find the engine cylinder studs out of stock. i orderd 4 studs and 4 new bolts plus shipping cost it came to around £60. so 50 to 1 isnt to lean? bloke i got it from ran 40 to 1 should i run 50 to 1? so 100 ml of oil per 5 litres of fuel wont sieze the piston?
recently bought a 1975 yamaha ty 80 b. i run fuel oil ratio 40 to 1. do you need expensive 2 stroke oil. will using i use semi synthetic cost around £9. should i use castrol or will regular scoooter motorcycle 2 stroke work.well. also what compression should a ty 80 have the haynes manual states 78 psi warm engine>?? 78 psi seems low. piston and rings look ok think there quite new by the looks. rings and bore seem ok. i can get photos if needed not an expert on engines just picked up some knowldge over time..iIhad to order new head gaskets studs becuase the owner before had used a cut off piece of gasket.it was circle had the edges cut offf and it failed. had exhuast gases blowing out from the cylinder. cost around £70 to buy 4 new studs 4 new bolts gasket set. i am an adult but becuase i dont have a trailer to transport my bike a ty 80 fits in the car boot. e.will the engine last carrying my weight.i know this sized bike was desighned for 5 to 12 yr olds not fully grown man but its a fun bike to ride.its my first motorcycle.