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Everything posted by greeves
  1. Hi: I have to order front and rear sprockets for my 250 James Villiers 37A but can
  2. I had a very good weekend in England with my friends Carlos 1st. and Carlos 2nd. and we met so many good friends there. Also visited the Motorcicle Museum at Birmingham; fantastic. Telford show is simply paradise !!!! Thanks to organizers. I will be there next year.
  3. Hi Dough: Contact Steve Bamford, he rides both modern and classic trials in Andalucia: casamontes@hotmail.com
  4. This is the story about a guy who goes on a beach for a walk and in the sand he founds an old rusty lamp. After rubbing it trying to clean it, a genie comes out from inside. The genie is very grateful;
  5. Number 72 It looks all the Spanish letters have already arrived.
  6. Never give up Dave. Just sent the letter, you loose nothing but just a minute to fill the entry and a postage stamp. You are most wellcome to Robregordo, also let me recommend you Santigosa Classic 2 days; !!!!!FANTASTIC TRIAL
  7. Nice number John, congratulations!!! Well in fact any number will be nice with so many entry forms sent this year. We will have to wait some more for the foreign pilots letters to arrive.
  8. The webmaster of a French page has written the next about openfree rules: http://www.planetetrial.com/articles.php?lng=fr&pg=14030 The translation roughly is: "The fact that the Spanish federation decided that the 2010 championship in Spain will run under openfree rules can have dangerous consequences for the trial in general. Before the stalwarts of this formula feel angry after reading me, I must say I have raced under openfree rules some times and personally I enjoyed it. Well, my intention is not to denigrate openfree, but encourage us to ask the right questions. The fact that openfree rules will completely replace traditional rules in the Spanish championships is from my point of view (and probably in others point of view) a really bad idea. In France we are running two different championships, one under traditional rules, and the other under openfree rules. But this is not what they will do in Spain, where openfree will completely replace traditional rules. In this case, as we say in France, we are undressing Paul to dress John with his clothes. In this case the RFME is undressing the traditional trial to dress openfree, and despite all the qualities of this discipline, we are not sure that this really can improve or develop our sport. Despite the laudable efforts of Bernard Estripeau to develop his idea, we must recognize that openfree trials have very few entries in France although the parallel championship with this rules started already 3 years ago. Some already see the openfree rules in the WTC very soon, which would be good in addition of a parallel traditional rules championship. It is our duty to call the attention about the risk of killing trials to the detriment of openfree, what a majority of us do not want. I was present at the time of the trial committee meeting of the French Federation (FFM) 3 years ago when they introduced openfree, with the idea of helping our sport and encouraging more and new people to practice it. At the moment this target has not been achieved in France. So I say loud and clear:
  9. That is the information. RFEM in the anual meeting last Friday 11th. December, decided to introduce openfree fules in the Spanish Championships. They will also allow this rules in any other particular trial that decides to use it. In my opinion a new sport has just born in Spain. Good luck!!!!
  10. I am really not against the openfree, of course it must be given their chance and it will be great fun to see and hear points of view once they introduce it. But I think such a radical change in the trial will not help, but it will hurt more, specially in my country. I know it's a personal opinion so that I could be wrong. etc. etc. etc. There are existing rules that make the sport affordable, colorful and practical for everyone, including non-stop rules. Scottish Six Days Trial in particular, where there are drivers of different levels, bikes of a wide range of years including some old twinshock, a trial that still is fun to race, watch and very mediathic. I can
  11. That is not a totally correct information. First; the rules the Spanish Federation want to use for the National Series are the "openfree" rules. (I agree with you that it is a ridiculous scoring system). Second; "Openfree" rules have beed "designed" or maybe as you say "redesign" by somebody called Mr. Estripeau. Third; Mr. Estripeau is the promoter or may I say sponsor of the indoor season and other top events. Fourth; top riders..... Ok, you can imagine the rest. In my opinion the beggining of the end, or maybe the beggining of the separation....
  12. Hi Dave: Contact Steve Bamford. He is a British that rides both classic and modern trials and has a nice place to ride in Almeria. In Alicante and Murcia there are a lot of trials riders, send you a PM with the contacts.
  13. greeves

    Air Box On M-80

    It should have something like this under the seat:
  14. All the results here; some British pilots with very good results: Individual Bleu Category: http://img38.imageshack.us/img38/6797/individualblue.pdf Individual Red Category: http://img245.imageshack.us/img245/1453/individualred.pdf Individual Yellow Category: http://img8.imageshack.us/img8/133/individualyellow.pdf Teams Blue Category: http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/9639/teamsblue.pdf Teams Red Category: http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/6156/teamsred.pdf Teams Yellow Category: http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/1265/temasyellow.pdf
  15. Video from Mt. Ventoux this weekend: More than 400 bikes racing, pilots from all Europe. Je vous remercie beaucoup M. Perreau !!!!
  16. greeves

    Shock Length

    Original shocks for all 198 and 199 models where 340 mm. long. Aniway Hagon shocks are quite good, but maybe not the proper shocks for trials. Falcons, RockShocks, Betor UK, Magicals, NJB.... there are a few ones more specific for trials, but unfortunately not cheap. If you like them very soft I recommend you 10 or 20 mm. more length. In any other case go to the 340 mm.
  17. Thats a good restauration. Nice bike. I think that bike also has the nicest sound of all the trials bikes. B40RT it took me some time to find the dog in tha pic.
  18. Wonderfull !!!!! Many thanks arun1664 and Perce.
  19. This is the update of my actual project. Now just waiting for some engine spares and stickers for the petrol tank.
  20. greeves


    Hi kyfu: In southern Spain there are some classic events, and in some of the modern ones you are allowed to ride easy route with the classic. You can contact Steve Bamford, he is a British riding classic and modern trials in Andalucia. I send you a PM with his email. To know about the events best place is todotrial. There is a wonderfull 2 days classic on the 26 & 27 september, not close to malaga, it is in Pobladura, Laon, Castilla Leon, but I can tell you this trial is in my opinion the best classic trial in Spain with Robregordo. You can entry in www.motoclubsotobike.com
  21. greeves


    Hi Kyfu: Where in Spain?? Modern, classic or both??
  22. Hi Sunny: I have riden trials Bultacos for the last 38 years and will continue doing it for 38 more.... Nice to see old Bultacos being restored. Model 80 is a rare one as it was only produced one year. It is the best Pre-72 trials bike for far. $ 150 Can. is nothing for that bike. Enjoy it. This is the 1971 original catalogue:
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