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big john

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Everything posted by big john
  1. I didn't say the frame builder was Mick Whitlock, did I? Big John
  2. Funny that! Ive had John Dickinson at T&MX News have a look at these very photos and he reckons it could be a derivative of the Beamish Suzuki frame, it looks very like the handiwork of the Beamish frame creators! The bike belongs to 'Manuel C' of Sotobike club, doesn't it? Big John
  3. Good point asc! At one time the Edinburgh Club Chief Machine Examiner forbade (that's a good word!) the use of auxiliary fuel tanks. I know for a fact that Shirty had several guys with them fitted and they were asked to remove them (before the start) as it was in the regulations that no fuel tank other than the main fuel tank would be permitted. The primary concern was that a rival manufacturer/importer or competitor, could have protested about the 'illegal' use of said auxiliary fuel cell. Need to check the supplementary regulations of the event for that one... unless a kind soul is prepared to post it here? Big John
  4. I believe there is to be a Honda twinshock display for starters! Big John
  5. Cheers Ian, I've hired a car to shuttle between airport and hotel and show, so don't need a lift now, yes we're flying into Birmingham. Thanks for the offer, very kind of you. See you there! Big John
  6. David and I are flying down for it too far to drive in January from where I live, see you all on Saturday... there all day, if you recognise me say hello! Big John
  7. It's just too easy to speculate, but without hard facts on the financial stability of these companies, we are all in the dark I'm afraid. The only ones that have an idea what is going on are the operational executive directors of the manufacturers themselves! Big John
  8. I think a similar situation happened at Bultaco in the early 1980's, it then became a cooperative, then it finally collapsed, some parallels but not exactly the same as Scorpa's situation it would seem. Production continued for a coupe of years before Bultaco disappeared completely. However, this is not a good omen for trials at this point in time, less choice for a start! Big John
  9. This does not come as a complete surprise, no new 2009 bikes in the Uk? Big John
  10. He'll probably give me the 'body swerve'! Big John
  11. There are still Dunlop Trials Universals available in 4.00 X 19 size, however they are not good for competition use, I have them for the bikes for show only, especially the ex-works Matchless. the only answer for competition use is rebuild using an 18 inch rim, however Michelin and Dunlop no longer make tubeless rear trials tyres! Big John
  12. Yes John, it's an old Ford car colour, Aztec Bronze I think it was that was a close match. I can't be sure but its a name like that Old Ford Escort colour! Big John
  13. Now that's the spirit of the Pre65 Scottish! That is what it's all about, friendship and good honest to goodness fun!!! Big John
  14. That does make sense! M was always used for prefixing 'M'otors that indeed explains the recessed swing arm mount! Model 91 I have one of those matching motor and frame, sorry motor not for sale! Big John
  15. That's what I call an update, you see the good old AA* has it's uses! (* AA - That's Automobile Association and not the other one!) Big John
  16. I'd have to go back to the Matchless then! Big John
  17. big john

    Beta Rev 4

    Youngest son has had one just over a year (2008 model), nothing problematic in particular, change the spark plug regularly helps starting. He has twice been able to hit the oil sump/drain plug which has resulted in a new plug having to be fitted, the sump guard could be doing with being of thicker grade alloy. Apart from that no real problems. Big John
  18. Sorry Woody, I should have written 'quote' and not 'comment' in my previous post! I wasn't having a go at you, but I do know that some people have made accusations in the past! I totally agree, there is no need to spend such an amount of money on a 2009 Cub, buy a Gas Gas it's half the price. Big John
  19. Highland Leisure Sport, Invergordon! Big John
  20. Looks like its a 1971 Mod. 80 frame (although it has got the later recessed swing arm mounts) and a 1973 mod. 91 motor, going by the numbers given. Big John
  21. Hi Swoosh, I think it is not a bad thing, someone might just stumble upon the TC page and decide to sign in here. Can't do any harm! The TC page on facebook is merely an appreciation of the Trials Central site! Same thing goes for the Bultaco and Montesa Cota pages, more awareness. Big John
  22. There is also a Bultaco page, thanks to Swooshdave! Just click on the link next line down, see you there! http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=5469154239 Big John
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