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big john

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Posts posted by big john
  1. The 221 model used the 250 frame with the bend in the downtube from the 190

    Indeed it did! "Parts bin" bike they reckoned, built with new left overs from other models at the end of production runs, but still a good wee bike. Brian Hutcheson campaigned one successfully as I recall!

    Big John

  2. Tumblingtam - Thanks for observing with the lad by the way! Yes, get prepped up for 2013.

    Steve Fracy - Highland Classic is not just about Pre65 its both Pre65 and Twinshock, we try to keep it as open class as possible with a "specials" category for bikes that don't conform - as a catch all class.

    I have just had confirmation of at least one "special guest" (maybe two if his friend accepts) riding next year's event details of which will be released nearer the time, a lot of good ideas to make the event a bit special too.

    All good, remember the dates (8/9 June, 2013), entries will be available sooner than they were this year, so book off the time and come ride Alvie with us in twenty, thirteen!

    Big John

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  3. If its an original mod.199 - two options, the first models into the UK 1977-78 it would have polished hub with the small finned brake area in matt black.

    The later versions just before the 199A was introduced (blue frame with allot sump plate no frame tubes under motor, blue tank) these had both hubs matt black finish like naichuff's which is actually a 1979 - Model 221, which was the mod.198 type motor 250cc crankcases with a 175cc (174.77cc) barrel and head fitted and used the 199 frame and ungusseted swinging arm with the frame tubes under the engine.

    Big John

  4. Well if 'Broony' thought it was Mega, he will be back for more next year for sure, but the club will be pulling back the severity on the Sunday to help matters.

    This actual event was originally designed by Malcolm Smith as a one-day trial some years ago to give Scottish Pre65 riders a ride, so they didn't just pull their bikes out once a year to ride the pre-65 at Kinlochleven which, incidentally I feel lost a little of its' sparkle this year, not because of the sections or the going, but a significant number of the old trials personalities that make it a special event have simply not attended this year - which is a shame as it was the highlight of my year that event more so than actually riding the trial. Coupled with the fact there was a considerable amount of ill-will by those who were caught out by having non-compliant bikes which unfortunately created an under-current. Again lots said out of earshot of the organisers for fear of reprisals - not that any would be taken, that is a myth.

    So for me the cameraderie was lacking somewhat.

    The Inverness club doesn't wish to lose sight of the fact it was created for Pre65 runners at Alvie, but there is no doubt in Scotland the popularity of twinshock is now far outweighing the Pre65 portion and I must admit I may ride one of my many Bultacos at Alvie next year just for a change. After all that is what I really started out on was Bultos! It was my father that rode AJS and Matchless in his youth, not me.

    Anyway, as I said we have been on the case this week and are planning next year and trying to improve as much as possible...watch this space!

    Big John

    Haw Broony - Cheers the noo!

  5. Here is a little taste of Scotland, just to whet your appetite for the 2013 edition which will have a theme to it. with Special Guests of honour and.... more! Bring on the red carpet for Highland Classic 2013.

    Pre-65's will continue to be fully catered for, remember we run two routes at Alvie and the severity will be eased for enjoyment and sport!

    Big John

    Video production by Steven M

  6. Wow! Greeves, good, brilliant report on todo trial classico.

    Good photos of Willie Robertson and company there, thanks to Hillary Little too who allows us to use images of the trial for the commemorative decals and advertising!

    Big John

  7. Hi John thought the trial was very good ,fair point for the Sunday ,only thing missing was camping/overnight parking at the venue would perhaps have a better craic. cheers TumblingTam

    Hi Tumblingtam,

    We have investigated the issue of camping many times before, but the owners are not keen on camping on Alvie itself, it raises some issues with their tenants, insurance, land use etc. Also Alvie Estate Ltd also has an interest in their neighbouring "Dalraddy Estate" which houses the campsite on the other side of the A9. We can't get everything our own way!

    Additionally, the factor usually arranges a coach load of "friends of the estate" to proudly exhibit the trial which helps publicise what is available on their land to their investors. Never seen this done before, they didn't do it this year but have done the past four events!

    As I said earlier, we are extremely fortunate as a small Highland based motorcycle club, and being covered by SACU insurance, they asked the downhill mountain bikers to leave as their cover was not up to the management specification for landowners risk cover! The area is a tightly managed commercial estate, we could never pay for it if charged the usual tariff for use!

    I hope this explains things a bit better.

    Come and join us in 2013!

    Big John

  8. Tam, Fair points made, thanks for your comments - I rode the blue route (easier)Pre-65 and lost more on the Sunday, I really enjoyed my Saturday run, I didn't ride well at all Sunday which I put down to a couple of matters, but less of me and my weekend! - but more importantly - three points (all factual) to note direct from the IDMCC:

    1. Rain came on Sunday and at Alvie that makes things a bit harder generally.

    2. The course adjusters did not know any of the Saturday scores when they altered/reviewed the sections late on saturday - this was discussed at the de-brief on Tuesday this week and in reality the sections should have been eased further on the Sunday - scores were spot on Saturday when you look at them Chips only dropped 3 on the hard route, so we would have had a winner anyway - point taken. Unfortunately, our secretary of the meeting didn't manage to get results done on Saturday early on, this wont happen next year.

    3. All matters discussed including retiral rate of which 70% of retirals was down to mechanical failure, "Big Robert B" was sensibly concerned about his ribs which he broke at the Scottish Pre65 - 4 Yamahas all went out with electronic ignition failure alone!. Club can't help that?

    Most of the feedback we have received on the Sunday and apre-trial was good, especially from the harder route riders who thought it was a fair challenge.

    I did speak to a couple of our "more mature" competitors who thought it on the hard side, but these were in the minority. When I asked if any section was dangerous/ unachievable or stupid - they all said "no" - but they lost too many fives!

    Fact: Can't please everyone, but having said that it appears to me that the majority enjoyed the experience especially the cheese and wine hospitality session on the Saturday after lap two! Great craic which is what Alvie Highland Classic is all about, the banter and cameraderie!

    The Inverness club have something really unique at Alvie Estate now, thanks to the laird - Jamie Williamson and his ever helpful factor Mr. David Kinnaird, in that we are permitted to ride on a fantastic piece of land right in the middle of a national park system of which we use only 0.5% of the land mass, it is a shooting and game estate which under normal circumstances, motorcycles would certainly not be allowed to go never mind compete! The benevolence shown by these land owners we can never repay. Just try shooting some deer at Alvie for a day or a stay at the splendid Alvie House for a wedding party and see how much it costs! We count ourselves really priviledged just to be allowed near the place.

    Lastly, it will all be "fixed" for 2013 - we listen to our riders and learn and we strive to maintain that "Highland Classic is the friendliest classic trial in Scotland".

    Entry forms will be available early February 2013, hopefully by Wrighty's show at Telford, dates will be: 8/9 June 2013.

    We have some exciting developments too, it will be easier next year - guaranteed!

    Hope this clarifies matters.

    Big John

  9. Actually, the original poster "Transit" was based in Oxford, which is a co-incedence in that MCFEDERATION, the alternative to ACU Motocross is also based in that area.

    Scottish motocross partially broke away to this alternative organisation in late December 2011, so now in Scotland we have two sets of championships, SACU Scottish Motocross & SMXFederation. - With me so far?

    From what I have learned, MCFederation it is a commercial venture headed by Matt Bates and Roy Barton who are (I think, but not 100% certain) ex-employees of the ACU! There is also a promotions compabny called EVENTS22 Ltd which handles the set ups for the big Red Bull Pro Nationals etc.

    The financial success requires committment style fees from riders in addition to licence and other charges and in return they offer cheaper insurance, which appears to be inferior to ACU cover currently on offer (I may be wrong of course!).

    They also boast Quads, trials etc but as their name is based around the shortening of MotocrossFederation and was set up specifically for MX, no trials only clubs are listed they are all pretty much MX clubs.

    I feel it is merely just a method of doing what the ACU already does with a bit more razz-ama-tazz thrown in! paid for by the riders and clubs.

    Hmmm...Just a thought!

    Big John

  10. Interesting topic, started by someone who has bailed out quickly... it would seem!

    Having a go at an organising body is nothing new, its been going on here in Scotland since about..1913 and it happens week in week out!

    However, if "trials folk" wish to go the whole hog, go it alone and set up let's say a Trials Only Association, outwith the usual SACU/ACU/AMCA/IOPD or what-ever organisation that controls the sport of trials at the moment, get some things clear before they do please.

    Have those, wishing to move from the ACU or whoever, got the time, desire and enthusiasm to work tirelessly and forego riding a bike on a Sunday?

    If they happen to get the insurance package wrong are they prepared to lose their home in the event of a massive insurance and legal bill? Hmmm.....?

    Are they willing to lobby parliament to ensure land access?


    If they can tick all these boxes and a whole host more, then by all means go for it - but please leave me out of it, I'll get back to riding regular instead, I won't risk it.

    I have a nice house and many unfettered assets, I also intend to keep it that way, but hey, I'm a selfish kinda guy!

    Self preservation is a good thing in my book!

    Now then, I don't hear a great shout of "let me, let me".... or do I?

    I think the "status quo" has some attractions for me...Just a thought!

    Big John

  11. Well then there we have it, I say this, let the championship continue on TSR22B (No-stop) for 2012, either "put up" or "shut up"!

    The powers that be, the ACU, will analyse the series after it has concluded and then decide the way forward for the BTC.

    Big John

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  12. Looking at the video on Pete_Scorpa3 post "Dougie the 5 that was'nt" which follows my previous post. Had I been observing under no stop rules from the cameramans point I would have given a 5. Dougie clearly moved back after running his front wheel into a rock. The stop could clearly be seen without a slomo replay. If I had been stood at the end of the section (say for punch card marking) having only a head on view I may well having give him the benefit of the doubt and not awarded a five.


    I agree with this statement!

    But of course, most would see that as being a five, but given the stated position of the observer - he would have been right to give any benefit of doubt to the rider (consistently of course to everyone who does the same). It is what the observer sees counts, not the crowd as they have absolutely nothing to do with it!

    Big John

  13. Nope, havent changed oil brand. ELF HTX as always

    ELF HTX 740 is transmission oil! However, I presume you are not using that in the motor but a high quality 10W40?

    I would have thought valve clearances going by the description. Would be worthwhile changing the cam chain but that would give a rattling sound.

    Big John

  14. As far as i'm aware this arrangement with the importers is sanctioned by the ACU. They are not doing these alterations without the organisers permission.

    They are all very experienced riders or ex riders who are trying to find a way forward for the British Championship. At the end of the season we will know if it is a success but with one round perhaps too easy and one perhaps too hard it is hardly time for any kneejerk reactions.

    Perhaps the Scarborough round will be perfect!!!

    I concur, I was actually SACU Steward at Round 1 Nevis Range, Fort William. A group of importers were invited to inspect the sections before Saturday practice and their observations were made known to the Clerk of Course and the ACU Steward John Collins. Any suggestions to alter sections would have been made clear to the Clerk of Course who would make any alterations necessary. That's the position as far as I'm aware.

    There was also a comprehensive observers' briefing at 8.30 on the Sunday morning, which both John Collins and myself attended and jointly conducted with the Clerk of the course in attendance, where the "no-Stop" rule was positively explained and enforced.

    Big John

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