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  1. Petr

    Clutch plate thickness

    Dan, thank you very much for your comprehensive reply. It is a lot to take in but at least I know what were the shims used for. As you mentioned accessory slave cylinder I believe it has not been replaced with a different or upgraded version - only caps on reservoirs are Apico instead of Beta originals. No idea what benefit that can provide. If I may ask you, your replacement of the thicker plates on both end of a clutch basket was to make the action of engagement smoother or it increases the length of throw? As you mentioned, the the clutch is self-adjusting... There is one thing I have not mentioned. I removed two springs from the pressure plate assembly to ease the operation. Now I can ride without hurting finger but obviously the clutch is slipping in highest gears. Out of interest, would this have similar negative effect for clutch engagement even in the lowest gears? I am now thinking about how quickly can remaining springs push out the oil from the spaces between the plates. There could not be a change in the way the piston or slave cylinder operates but as I have no other adjustment available, I will put them back for the next ride. Fingers crossed ? Also I would like to acknowledge the helpfulness of this forum. For me it is very useful source of information thanks to many dedicated people who share their knowledge and donate their time to others.
  2. Petr

    Clutch plate thickness

    Thank you guys for your suggestions. It may be better to illustrate the problem. The master cylinder push rod gets now activated by the lever itself as the adjusting screw is almost out and only tip is holding the rod in the position. When the rod gets activated it takes about 2-3mm travel (piston covering the inlet hole in the process) before any resistance is felt. It is Beta 2T and before I bought it it was used for a year by expert rider. The problem somehow became apparent after DOT4 oil replacement. Lineaway is right in saying it gets worst when the thing heats up. There are two thicker plates on both ends of the clutch basket and I have hands big enough to operate the lever. However, if I let the lever out more, it will be more difficult to operate. I can also try to put in that 1mm free play between the push rod and screw if it will make any difference but that will get me into the same spot as described in previous sentence. You both think the plates are just fine? I have read somebody's mod about shortening the push pin which makes sense to me but before I take a angle grinder near it I wanted to make sure. BTW I watched the video about japanese mechanic messing with shims but never understood what he actually achieved.
  3. I wondered if anyone knows when to change the plates on Beta Evo 2018; in another words what is the minimum thickness of them. The plates are around 3mm each, I run out of the adjustment on the handlebar and the slightest pull on the lever sends clutch slipping. Is it a time? Would adding a few shims to the basket postpone the replacement? Thank you ahead for your wisdom.
  4. Lucky you who has got a little distance from the properties nearby. I brought some logs to our drive and made it to something to ride/jump over. Next thing I saw was an angry neighbour (not even mine) to complain about the noise. I think everyone is a little bit on the edge and since it is much more quiet than usual, that was the end of it. Next property I am going to buy will have some space around!
  5. I have started with trials only a year ago; initially with an old 2008 Beta 270 rev3. After finding how much I enjoyed it, I faced the same dilemma. In the end I bought two months ago 2018 Beta Evo 300. Now, I cannot advise you on the capability of this 300cc bike as I am not jumping over high logs or boulders yet but: you can make it as fiery or docile as you want. I have not had a problem with bike running wild or scaring me. In my opinion as long as you have a good clutch and engine control using appropriate gear all bikes are easy ride.
  6. Super! Thanks a lot for the videos - all clear now. Although I was using the legs I was jumping straight up, not backwards I am looking forward to practice it!
  7. Good, I have a targets now. I know I can easily do 5min both ways. I guess longer times are good for re-enforcing the memory. I have one question though. Front wheel hopping: how do you move sideways? I can hop on the spot but not one after another as a sequence. One, then prepare for another and still not moving anywhere - even that is super difficult now. Do you intentionally fall to the side and then hop making tilt adjustment to land the other way to compensate when in the air?
  8. That explains! They have it easy as they are actually upside down. He only needs to grip well not to fall upwards. I am making some progress. I am finding that jerkiness is slowly diminishing and I can now stay straight for couple of second (to be modest) and then back to either side as a safety net. I am actually trying to put the wheel somewhere in the middle between the full lock and straight wheel. It is almost as difficult but psychologically the wheel slightly sideways looks more acceptable.
  9. Well, this rider is not exactly wedged somewhere. Moreover, on this bike I think it is twice as difficult. Posted before: https://youtu.be/shJUlpRAN28?t=186
  10. I am not sure about letting the pressure down. I am willing to spend considerable time learning to balance but not changing variables to make it easier from the beginning and then possibly having to start again. While I was very comfortable balancing on my old Beta (sold now), new one is little bit harder but again than can be caused by new tyres and different suspension. In any case, when standing with straight front - well somewhere between mounting and falling off - do you keep you balance low or stretch up? In my mind crouching down complicates matter as there is one more input (peg pressure) beside the stretching one leg sideway.
  11. What is general opinion about keeping inner leg against the bike? I recall I was doing it in beginning when I was trying to balance with front wheel turned. Personally, now I believe it gives you a kind of false security but limits your movements too much. Anyway as somebody mentioned, practice makes it perfect. Only a few minutes every day and next year I will become an accomplished clown!
  12. I feel that will help immensely with say for example putting the front onto the obstacle before jumping on it, riding on the straight piece of log or anything narrow & above ground or just staying on the bike where you cannot turn the wheel sideways
  13. Bluey, thank you for sharing your experience! It sounds very promising. So far I have been stepping up and down right to the floor. Good work out and warm up procedure but using the platform will be much more productive. I can see now one needs to be really steady to start with. I will give it a go! ? As you said, there is no substitute for practice.
  14. Hi guys! I would like to learn how to balance stationary bike with front wheel straight and sleeping engine. I should add it is on the smooth concrete floor. I have tried plenty of variations like keeping the weight back, middle, front, low and high, moving bum/knees sideways, crouching wide or touching bike with inner legs while weighting quickly on the pegs when doing all of this. I see some progress but not enough to see what is working and what is not. Can please somebody tell me what to do? Also, I cannot figure up the leg stretching - which side is which and what is it combined with. Brain balance implant chip wanted! Maplin?
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