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charlie prescott

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  1. Morning Matt... I will place the press cutting onto my web site for you as you have got in touch... I am sure we all know the Mickmar story? but you are right.. this little bike seems to have gone missing... But did it ever leave the "Five" man CoTTon factory this is the crux of the matter... Another that got away I fear... But we can try, we have had results before on here, and my site... Have a good Christmas everyone... Charlie...
  2. Good evening Evo Boy ... I have looked at the photo of your BSA B40 Otter and you have one of the genuine Harry Foster built "Otters" we will be able to put the bike onto the Foster Otter Register... one of now 44...
  3. Hi Guy's... Hi Trev... Good job mate... Like the nut... I just knock the corners off of a standard nut. But I have also drilled holes in a couple to use a peg spanner like yours. Well done... Regards Charlie...
  4. Hi Guy''s... Hi Trev... Sounds like someone has played with that engine..... Look you can get a 37x53x7 mm rotary shaft oil seal off the shelf from my bearing supply company... someone has turned down your sprocket to fit one of these, or it is the Pattern Part thing again... With a 11 tooth sprocket I fit a 2mm spacer before the sprocket to stop the chain chewing up the crankcase seal holder, Is that what it has done?... I will update the BSA Dizzy Upgrade page for you and put the information onto there... Take Care... Regards Charlie...
  5. Hi Guy's... Hi Trev... You probably have the later crank cases with a circlip to hold the seal in, this has a larger diameter than the original seal the original was 40x52x7 mm still available from most bearing shops. The later seals had an OD of 52-4 mm... Fit a bearing with oil seals I don't even remove the seal that faces inside the gearbox this looks after both jobs the out side seal just then stops the dirt and dust... Regards Charlie... I will update that page on the Otter Site...
  6. Hi Guy's. Check out the Otter site, "2017 News page", for details of a TLR frame. Regards Charlie.
  7. Hi Guy's Hi TI, Mail me on my web site for a link to someone who can help. Regards Charlie.
  8. Hi Guy's. Just read it, and it is machines over 125,cc.NEW. I have just had this problem with an imported machine, that I need on the road for Charity work. I think we will be OK with older machines for a while but they may shut the door on us later, Who knows what will happen when we leave the EU? I bet there will be rules put into place to stop Classic bikes later, being used on the road? That is the way the governing bodies are going. Anything to stop our sport on a Sunday morning when the maJority need to get out on their cycles and block the highway's, and country lanes of Britain. And these and Horses go Free!! Two Strokes contaminate the air we breath,you know. Hi Andrew Morpeth. If you look at my web site you would know that I work with both cycles and Horses, Big Time. What I am saying is that you have to be flavour of the month in this World and Trials bikes are for some reason not that flavour, and our heritage has been forgotten, and even been given up by the body that runs the sport AC-U , so we stand little chance of being seen as a special case has far as regulations are concerned. If ABS come into play this would mean only New Trial bikes 2018, would be fit for the road regulations, if abs is fitted to them? Regards Charlie.
  9. Hi Guy's. Hi Andy , I have a link that may give you the answers if you mail me on the "Otter" site. Regards Charlie.
  10. Hi Guy's. Just read it, and it is machines over 125,cc.NEW. I have just had this problem with an imported machine, that I need on the road for Charity work. I think we will be OK with older machines for a while but they may shut the door on us later, Who knows what will happen when we leave the EU? I bet there will be rules put into place to stop Classic bikes later, being used on the road? That is the way the governing bodies are going. Anything to stop our sport on a Sunday morning when the maJority need to get out on their cycles and block the highway's, and country lanes of Britain. And these and Horses go Free!! Two Strokes contaminate the air we breath,you know. Regards Charlie.
  11. Hi Guy's. Look it just proves that the term PRE65 referred to the type of section more than the machine, as the Photo of Deryk on his Greeves proves, Banana forks were I think 1967? Clean bike though Deryk just like all the machines you owned and rebuilt for discerning owners. Forget the ACU series we knew they did not want it to work. Just stick with the clubs that will put on an Olde Time road trial with Olde type sections, and we will get the plot back. But trials still just need to be for the fun of competing whatever you are riding, or forget it, and enjoy wandering around Motorcycle museums. Regards Charlie..
  12. Hi Guy's Triumph Boni and Stieb sidecar, Whats the van in the background? Looks like a Story to me! I like stories about bikes from the past, History in he making. Never to be lost. Regards Charlie.
  13. Hi Guy's. Hi Paul, Why? Stop it , your a lovely Guy. So why cause so much trouble. It is so much easier to get on with people. By the way "Bessie" sends her love, and people are interested in parts of her again, that you created, so you see, you are liked in "Parts" Regards Charlie.
  14. Hi Guy's. The CCM is "British" and it is collectable. to someone that collects machines to safeguard the history of such. If they had been that good a tool there would have already been a spate of copies built by the commercial sector. But unless someone is prepared to construct a New copy engine, in years to come that engine will be worth the asking price? Have you tried buying a BSA GB B40 engine and parts lately? And these were said to be not a good choice of BSA engines for trials in the first place. This must make the "BSA C15 G" engine worth its weight in Gold. Anyway the good thing is, my collection of BSA "Otter's" have just gone up in value over night, and I am still making them,and now with the correct frame as-well. Regards Charlie.
  15. Hi Guy's. Hi Dave Mick Dickinson is the guy that patterned and casts the barrels. I have links to him on my website, if you look. just type in the bikes named under my name on the left and you will find it. Hope this helps, Regards Charlie.
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