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Dario Barzon

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  1. Dario Barzon

    K-Scan for Ossa

    Salve Matteo, Mi Potresti spiegare come faccio ad accedere al folder grazie . Hi Matteo Could you please let me know how to reach the folder? Hi Lotus, My email appears to be correct dario@barzon.it Alternative dariobarzon@hotmail.com Can be used. Thanks again
  2. Dario Barzon

    K-Scan for Ossa

    Hi Lotus 54, Apparently it was not possible to send you a message . Never mind my email address is dario@barzon.it Thank you so much for offering to help me . Have a wonderful day . dario,Italy
  3. Dario Barzon

    K-Scan for Ossa

    Hi, Where can I download k scan for my Ossa Explorer 2015 that does not start? Grazie, dario, Italy
  4. Tank you so much Papapitufo, I called the shop you suggested in grand canaria but they say they do not repair ossa and tthey do not have the software . I think I will get the software and the cables myself, if I do not find any other option . Any other suggestion would be very welcome
  5. Hello, I am Italian but I have an Explorer 2015 in Tenerife. it has only 1000 km more or less but it stopped and never started again. 2 mechanics here do not know what to do. I would appreciate any suggestion. I do not know much sbout motorcycles, I bought the ossa because it is 70 kg, light for my campervan. As of now I want to sell it, but if it does not start..... In short I am looking for someone that might be or come to Tenerife who could help me. Thank you. Best, Dario
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