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Everything posted by Mcasp
  1. Hi yeah mine was pretty bad!! Fitted dimpled plates and am waiting for a new o ring to come before filling up and having a go! Hopefully will be on par with yours! I'll try the dexron in the near future and see how it goes.. Thanks
  2. Looks like a 98 same colours as mine
  3. Ok will do! Is dexron cheaper and easier to get than ELF?? Cheers
  4. Nice one Thanks for that, I've got the ELF oil so should be fine !!
  5. Hi guys, Firstly am trying to get a manual so will stop bugging you lot!!! Secondly what is the torque setting for the clutch spring bolts (315r '98) Thanks in advance
  6. Cheers snowball! Thanks Jimmy yes I need to get a manual!
  7. Got it!! Just to be sure 520 ml of oil and the elf one is best for this model??
  8. Ok!!! I'll have a look in the morning !cheers
  9. Am I being really dumb can't see it!!
  10. Hi all, Wanna change gearbox oil on my '98 315r, found very small filler cap behind clutch hose where it enters engine/clutch housing, but can't seem to find drain bolt???? Taken sump guard off ,,,nothing?? Help!!!!!!
  11. Hi guys just got back to having a look at prob!! Have got left hand snail can on its very first mark and right three steps on and all seems to be straight !! So I'm guessing something bent somewhere ! Thanks for your comments!! Gonna start another thread so any help again would be very appreciated!!
  12. Cheers guys not had a chance to do anymore today but will have a look in the more by !
  13. Ok Thanks I'll give that a go ,cheers
  14. Watching predictive text. Rear wheel and refitting !!
  15. Hi all, I'm new to the forums and to trials,got a problem with my Montesa 315 r dear wheel alinement, after fitting new bearings and recurring wheel the tyre rubs on a bolt head which holds the chain guard in place, (snail cams are equal) Could it be; 1 wrong bolt fitted, maybe should be a flatter head ?? 2 swinging arm twisted!! Any ideas?? Thanks Paul
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