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Everything posted by Pearson
  1. Mine comes on after around 5 minutes of it just been on tick over no riding the fan does cut in and out on a regular basis every couple of minutes the stats are set rather close but it regulates fine I use Honda type 2 coolant works all good ?
  2. Hmm not sure think it's a mixture of both. Reconnected the bank sensor and it wouldn't start, so disconnected and put the link back in and started straight up. Shut it down again tuned the idle to 3 and it wouldnt start, 3 and half and it was trying, then turn to just short of 4 and it starts first kick every time. It's certainly been a learning curve on the bike and I appreciate the help and comments
  3. Come out of work on my dinner break, has been stressing me out this bike I linked out the bank switch and checked the idle screw mine was set to 3. Turned it out to 3 and half and it sounded like it wanted to go I've turned it out another half and it's started ? think it's maibly been down to the bank switch but atleast it's running. can't thank you guys enough thanks for the help much appreciated
  4. I have replaced the spark plug the other day unfortunately made no difference. I appreciate the info about the bank sensor didn't even know it had one. Just read so info about it and it said about shorting the two outside wires together on the 3 pin plug and insulating the centre pin so it's open circuit so fingers crossed this is the issue will try when I am home from work tonight cheers
  5. Only issue thing I can think of is the apico lanyard when I tested it with the magnet on obviously it is open circuit. With the magnet off it has 112ohms so there is a resistance value there when it should be a fully closed circuit. Not sure if this could have upset the ecu in anyway?
  6. Yeah already tried that has the original button back on continuity of the cables are all ok also. Plugs have all been checked and cleaned. The fact there is fuel and its sparking all I can personally think of is checking the valves and timing unless there is something else anyone can think of resetting.
  7. Hey everyone, been reading countless reviews on starting methods and issues with montesa 4rt's. I purchased the bike a week ago use to start first time everytime when cold, once warm It took afair few kicks to starts. Other day I fitted an lanyard checked all the polarity was correct started the bike putted the lanyard and it cut out as it should. Ever since I have been unable toget it to start. It sparking good, fuel injector straying fuel fine. Air filter removed as it was an oiled. Throttle cable has no tension. Barrel has been pressure checked injector mounting bolts where found loose and rectified I have literally tried everything I can think of other then checking the timing which has not be touched does anyone have any ideas as I am loosing it with this bike. regards Carl
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