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  1. I'm going to change out the throttle for a slow action one and use it in slush mode for a few rides before I make a decision. I was going for a 250 but this one arrived at what I thought was a good price . (only a couple of hundred over the price of the 2009 Scorpa I was going to buy so had to go and get it)
  2. I'm out this morning at a practice area and if I feel the same way i'll be putting the bike up for sale and looking for something tamer. Anyone interested in a 2015 Beta 300 evo as an upgrade?
  3. OK folks Good news. I've been in touch with the insurance company who cover my Harley and they can cover my trials bike on what they call Laid up Cover. Not insured when trialing but covered third party fire and theft with accidental damage cover when in my garage or van. The bike does not need to be road registered. Insured on the chassis number. Grand total of £80 www.allstyles.co.uk is the broker. I would recommend them for any motor vehicle cover.
  4. The last time I rode a trials bike it was in 1978. It was my late brothers Montesa Cota 248 if I remember rightly. I was 16 at the time. Oh the power compared to my Honda SS50 5 speed. Roll forward 40 years I decide I would like to have a go at trials. Ask for advice on here and get advised to buy maybe a 200 to 250 2 stroke or a 250 four stroke bike as they will do everything a novice wants and more. So what do I do? I purchase a Beta 300 Evo 2015. Collected it. got it home. Washed it. Admired it. Well today I decided to take it to my workshop that has a bit of waste ground adjacent to it and have a ride. Piece of p*** me thinks. Oh how wrong can a guy be.... ??? 2 circuits over some extremely moderate lumpy bits took about 5 minutes and 99% of the energy out of my arms. Not to mention frightened me ****less with the power. It has a MAP setting button and I had it set on soft for mud. I am scared to try the other setting now. What have I let myself in for? Anyone wanna swap me for a 125 :-)
  5. I am hopefully about to compete in my first trial and I am wondering what spares and accessories everyone takes with them? My list starts with spare inner tubes Spare levers Foot pump Spark plugs Fuel. Tools What else would you recommend taking?
  6. I'm assuming this is a may be looked on as a bit of a daft question but is it possible to insure a trials bike against theft when stored? If so have you any recommendations for companies who do it?
  7. Thanks for the input folks. Followed some of the leads today. No luck. Then as if by magic I find myself the new owner of a 2015 Beta 300 Evo that has not done a lot of work and was cheaper than some 2004 ones advertised. Happy bunny....Well for now anyway. Until someone comes along and tell me I done the wrong thing.
  8. Is that allowed?.........Maybe could build a Royal Enfield machine out of a modern bike?
  9. Will have a look today if I get time. Actually I'll make time. Thanks for the info.
  10. Erm thanks. Had to check the map there. I was well confused. Last time I checked Ayrshire was on the west coast. Yup is still is. they aint moved it yet??
  11. Eyup folks. I'm an ald fuddy duddy who had decided to give Trials a go. I used to compete in Land Rover trials before my move to a wild and wet Scotland. I miss getting mucky so have decided to have a go at motorcycle trials as a hobby Not looking to become top of the class, just to meet a like minded bunch of folks and have a laugh. I'm not new to bikes though. Been riding for 46 years. Just fancy a change. I am an engineer by trade and have a custom bike building workshop for building choppers etc. Why an I here? To learn from other peoples experience and to ask for help. Oh yes to buy a bike as well. Cant Trial without one :-) I'm located in North Ayrshire Scotland
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