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Posts posted by robarnold
  1. Normal use. Rode one trial in them and a few hour long practice sessions. They get washed with a hose and brush and bucket of hot soapy water after each use then treated with dubbin. I'm only a 44 (9.5UK) so can't see any reason i drag my toes unduly and I'm no earth mover walking the sections. All this is the reason I'm so baffled by their premature failure. They're so comfy, it's incredibly frustrating 

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  2. Cheers for the replies thus far. My last boos were Diadora and fell apart after about 8 months, the stitching down the outside of the small toe split making them as impenetrable as a sieve on both.

    I could go to a cobbler and get them glued easily, but the point of this thread is that the same thing happened a couple of months back and was deemed as my fault. Now the same thing has happened again I am trying to glean other people's experiences of the same boot as I think it's a bit poor for them to fail so soon

  3. I've had a pair of SIDIs around six months, seriously impressed with their comfort but after only about four months the sole of both boots started separating from the front and one section broke away completely. 

    Sent them back to Feridax who said that it was crash damage (can't remember the exact wording but words to that effect) and didn't constitute a warranty claim but they agreed to resole them for a fee and send them back. 

    Ive used them about four times since their return and the EXACT same thing has started to happen on both boots again.

    Has anyone had similar experiences. Trials boots should be more robust than this, surely?!


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  4. Any ideas whether these are available anywhere yet? I had a Mitani one for my 06 4RT and it was the cat's pyjamas, i've now got a new bike and would like a similar one. Unfortunately the fittings are different with the new exhaust systems.

    Any ideas if anyone is selling them yet?


  5. I know, I know, i'm living in the past...but it's good stuff and prolonges chain life by an inordinate amount. However, no bugger seems to sell it any longer. Staniforths of Sheffield stock it but will only sell to traders.

    Anyone know of anywhere that stocks it in the UK and will sell to any old Tom, Dick or Harry?

    Suggestions greatly appreciated


  6. I was told that unless you want to be a world beater, leave all the exhaust restrictors in, but a PTB is worth the investment big time.

    I found starting to be a wee issue with my '06 model when I first changed from a gasser, i've turned my tickover pretty low so it can be a bit temperemental.

    First thing is when starting normally, don't touch the throttle, in fact, don't even put your hand on it, it can be very tempting. Second thing is that you don't need a quick action stab like on a two stroke, a rhythmical, slow, long stroke should start it every time.

    AFTER STALLING: something we had to dig around to find out about, but we got some gen off Sandiford's and it works a treat. After a stall, don't just kick it as normal, it's very likely to kick back. With the throttle wide open, turn the motor over once to reset the ignition to 'starting mode', then let go of everything and give it the pre-prescribed smooth, long kick. It should rumble into life every time. I made the grave error of kicking it repeatedly after a stall in a section (granted, I was pretty p****d with the five at the time), the motor kicked back so hard that it snapped a piece off the inside of the crankcase!! Luckily my old man is an aircraft engineer so managed to find a fix without buying a new set of crankcases!!!

    Took me a good few weeks to get used to mine after jumping off a 300 GG, was on the clutch way too much to start with, revving and dumping just isn't necessary on most things. A nice progressive wind on and off for everything, even when you need to build it up on the clutch is the way forward. Watch Dougie and Fuji, that's where I learnt a lot. The bike is a lot more planted than a GG too, if you're a big hopper and bopper, you may have to learn to temper it a bit. Fewer, but more deliberate lateral front and back movements seem to be the way to go.

    Hope that helps!!


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