Hi all, my name is Duncan, and I’m a trialaholic. !
just getting back into the sport after a 40 year gap ?
bought myself a 2018 vertigo January just gone. Joined a few clubs (Guisborough, Scarborough and Darlington) and been out practicing just about every weekend I can.
although the bikes are completely different to the old twinshock I used to ride back in the day, I’m having so much fun, it seems to have taken over my life. It’s so addictive !
even bike maintenance I enjoy (just as much as the riding)
anyway, I’ve just got my ACU licence through the post, so after 5 months of practicing, I’m going to enter a few local trials and see how I get on. Pushing myself to do better every week is nothing compared to actually competing and learning from others.
anyway, I hope to meet a few of you on my local haunts, and thanks very much for the add !?