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Posts posted by sparticle
  1. 8 hours ago, feetupfun said:

    I would say that the reason it bogs down without the "choke" is because you haven't fully cleaned out the pilot jet circuit

    Convinced this was as clean as could be. But will clean back through the carb etc. whilst the bike is disabled and the case being welded.


    Don't remember mine being such a pain, but then it wasn't 40 years old!



  2. 54 minutes ago, wuckfitracing said:

    I would treat it to a new plug at least.

    Just ordered a couple of hundred quids worth of bits from these guys https://www.tytrials.co.uk/ , full gasket set, new rear mudguard (existing one broken), Air Filter element, plug, found a blanking plate for the oil pump, carb service kit (gaskets O rings etc.). See how that goes.



  3. Hello,


    I bought a TY 175 Road Registered brand new in 1980. I just bought another yesterday that looked almost the same but with no lights etc. and this one had never road registered. I remember stripping mine down and painting the frame red in 1981. I remember going to shirts workshop when they were building the Majesty's but could never afford one at the time. This one was advertised as a good runner!. After getting it back and attempting to get it running. We ended up stripping the fuel system. Tank off and flushed about 20 times to remove massive amounts of rust buildup. Carb off and cleaned out no damage to needle or slider jets etc. Std 240 Main. We could get it to run on choke and tick over on choke. Bogs down and no tickover without choke. Very smoky. Needle was on the 2nd ring so lean ish. Moved it to position 4 as per std still no tickover without choke. Removed carb again and checked all jets orifices etc. Checked float level 21.3mm close enough I think. Air screw at 1.5 turns out as per manual. Air filter had disintegrated so made one from car seat foam as temporary measure bit probably a bit dense.   

    We then noticed an oil leak. Kick start had been replaced and put on shaft in the wrong place so the clamp had holed the case on its return!!! On inspection it had been done before and they had araldited the crack and it had been previously welded, I guess just to get it sold!!! Getting that welded as we speak. Anything we must do that we have not so far?

    We have not touched the electrics at all or even pulled the spark plug. It did kick up straight away with choke and tick over ok with choke. Smoke may be due to our heavy mixing. 

    Oil pump had been disabled but not removed. We would like to take the opportunity since we have the clutch cover off to remove the oil pump shaft entirely. I remember once my TY was out of warranty the dealer fitted some kind of blanking plate and then I ran it on pre mix. Doubt any of those exist today so might get welder to weld a plate over the shaft hole that should sort that and give me a tiny bit of power back :)

    Anyhow, just wanted to say hello , ask for any suggestions and I look forward to getting this thing running as sweet as I remember mine.







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