Yor Beta or Gas Gas should, I get a Honda TLR in mine which is longer and the bars sit higher, so yes it will be even easier.
I put the bike in corner to corner, I do not remove the front seat but do have to slide them forward a bit, it will go in with a bulkhead, corner to corner with the front wheel slightly turned. It looks worse than it is, it's surprising how much you can get in, it's technique really but once you have it down it's like tying your boot laces (natural & simple), persevere with it, before you decide you need a bigger van & spend unecessary money. Of course a dispatch or something similar would be ideal but why spend out on one unless you know you really want to. It works no problem honestly, ok you don't travel in plush spacious luxury but you can still get your kit and stuff in it, ok it will only take the bike and you but, you aren't planning on paying out for the conveinience of every man and hias dog are you? it's you that matters here
Yes no problem, worth buying a small ramp, it makes things so much more easier than wrestling it up the tail drop. Once you find the right nack it's simple & all you need, I know because I transport my bike in the window version with the double seats removed which just leaves one passenger single seat in the rear & it still goes in, I admit it's a bit of squeeze but when you are familiar with that it's easy, no problems.
Good idea, always good to see more about Honda Trials bikes.
you will not be able to get many parts especially panels and mudguards no matter how hard you try & when you do find them they will be extortion. A rare bike is just a money pit, avoid like the plague.
I am a mere 40 & currently out of the scene in practice but will be back when time permits. I just wanted to say that it is great to see middle aged and older riders getting back into it, and I think it's refreshing. I like to think of Trials as a motorcycle sport which appeals to all ages and allows for any of those ages to develop and compete. I would hate to think that it retires people from participating on the basis of age, like allot of other sports. I guess I am saying that I like to think of it as much a senior mans leisure as it is also an indoor arena sport that only the younger riders can ever aspire to. Or to put it another way, if the older members of the Royal family can still ride horses for leisure, why should not a retired bloke enjoy a trials bike (I'm not assuming you are retired, but to make the point).
This is the beauty of trials, it is by other definitions of motor sport, I suppose quite eccentric by it's nature & can be as gental or extreme as one wants it to be for them...so for all you older geezers who have thought of giving it a go...get on board and enjoy yourself. Personally I always prefered the flat cap and tweeds look to the power ranger spandex look anyway:D
Alright Graham, I PM'd ou the Poles Woods detais, let me know how you got on..Cheers Andy
I know what you mean but respectfully in my opinion it can only depreciate, unless i suppose you sell it in 25-30 years time to someone who thinks that matters. Logically it isn't worth more just because it was ridden by a champ to me no matter how much i respect him, its just a used 2nd hand factory bike, very nice, yes but i'd personally feel like a right mug on the basis of that (ok I know it has had money spent on it too & it's not just about who rode it). I know this does'nt link directly with my previous point but I agree with the previous posts comments on the comparative costs of 2T to that of a 4T...IMHO 2T is better in many ways but I wouldn't see the bike as anything more than what it is even if it was ridden by God himself.
Bike 2nd hand near new 3.5k, basic small kitchen little over 4k & the rest on any number of breaks or i could visit a mate in the States easy really...depends on how lavish you want your kitchen, weather you can fit it yourself and who you know, how big it is, and how you want to holiday, oh and what bike you buy and how old, can easy be done, no problem whatsoever. But if 9.5 k is value to you & you need it good on ya, each to his own
I can think of better things to buy with that sort of money & one of them includes a nice bike the rest would go on a new kitchen and a holiday.
LOL yes but i am afraid it was only plain solid plastic, but actually there is another way of looking at it too but the individual prchases don't sound that bad on their own, it's more when you tally up an old bike to tune of thousands, like well over 4k, it is extremely disturbing, I know it's a passion but when all sense goes out the window it becomes a burdon to bear..like i said i am through with it, a cheap bike used for its best years & got rid of when it does'nt make economic sense is the only way now for me, i feel i have well done myself over the years and no more of it for me...once i took that philosophy on i enjoyed it more and felt less conned
Naturally I did not buy the mudguard for
Don't be silly!
Do not get WD40 anywhere near your discs or pads. You will ruin your pads and won't be able to stop.
I er don't know what to say lol
It's a shame they only come in white with black contrast because i think a nice deep pink compliments white beautifully & would really stand out too.
With a spandex suit should look lovely & you'll feel the bell of the ball.
Beta are good but IMHO they all seem to have had anoying niggles, (at least up to 07). I must add that I have never owned one but have & do know a few people with them & spoken to countless others. By that I mean carbs mainly & silly little things like rear tyre rubbing through rubber boot thing near shock on compression, some people speak of other niggles but it probablly isnt fair to go on about these as most are only to be found on older bikes & were easily fixed (plus you have to consider how their owners might have treated their bikes). The Beta is a cheaper bike and for its price is probably better value. The Montesa is far better quality, the maintainance roughly levels out evenish in the end but in the best years of the bikes life the 4RT will be cheaper to run if nothing complicated goes wrong. I would go for the Montesa 4RT & then consider Scorpa 2T (if you don't mind older but never the less proven engines, it's well built too). Beta would be 3rd choice for me but I am not knocking them at all, its just my opinion and thats based on what I have observed from other owners.
They certainly are. Does that little YBR road bike use the same engine? if so they are nearly as bombproof as the CG125
I saw an advert in a magazine where a Scorpa 125F longride had covered 3000 miles, it was used as a small greenlane bike. Those Yamaha engines are very very durable. If it was used for trials the milage is probably about right and at 800 miles is not very much at all. As previous people have said the overall condition of the bike will help judge and if it is running nicely, I would'nt be too concerned.
Its no rumour, a certain shop is selling the 2009 4RT for
Thanks for sharing that Tim, I really enjoyed it..if only we had that land space in England...
It is'nt jus Honda/Montesa Hiking prices, its the global economy etc. (although I still do think that the Montesa was always a dear bike), You should expect quality and a reasonable price, I don't mind paying for the quality in real terms but I hate being ripped off, I know that quality in a small bike like that isn't hard to build in for a big multi national. But as far as the real reason for this price goes, somethings gotta give and reajust somewhere; lets face it credit aint easy to get anymore and the good days of endless borrowing in an artificial bubble are gone (and good riddence), its a return to older values such as if you can't afford something don't buy it, especially if it's not a neccesity, what I mean is, in real terms of what most people can afford to spend the Montesa aint gonna move in droves through the dealerships now is it...? the market as it was could'nt go on for ever & it was stretched to the max as far as borrowing was concerned...what has all this boring stuff got to do with trials you might ask....well erm it will all become apparent, just watch.