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Everything posted by frontroomautos
  1. I agree Nigel, If you read my posts you will observe that not once have I criticized police in the majority, as I say I have a good friend who has been a long time serving in the force, which I suppose means nothing you could say but I agree with Eiger & the police have my support and have had my assisstance. I would always be happy to assist the police & have. If you read my post Nigel you will find that the gripes I have are with Whithall & that they are political NOT with the police. I make no appologies for wanting a tougher penal system (punishment) & more police on the streets; as Eiger said there just arn't enough to enforce the law. Government can make all the laws & white papers they like but if theres no one to enfoce them & no institution to detain/punish whatever, whats the point. My fundamental point was that when the police do arrest & charge someone & it goes to court, they must feel very demotivated when they see the silly sentences that Judges dish out which go hand in hand with benefits, stupid counceling sessions & all kinds of pathetic sick little schemes to make life easy for them that have been dreamed up by moronic lefty politicians & civil servents. Thats what makes crime a worthwhile risk, believe me I see it up close often enough, I wish I didnt have to, if I didnt perhaps I would not have such a strong opinion on this. Anyway, there's no deterent for most crimes & here's just one example; Don't like prison cos it makes you cry? Answer: Feign mental illness & hide in the psychiatric services (and before I'm missenterpreted Again: I do NOT think all psychiatric patients are like this, and I'm happy to contribute towards the running of services for those who need them). I'm saying that all those who contribute to society by working & those who are unfortunate not to be able to enjoy the privilege of being able to & who live within the law & respect others & do no harm to others deserve protecting properly from scum. If thats considered off limits & a put down to cops then I'm afraid there's no hope or point in any of this. From now on I'm sticking only to trials but it was an interesting thread that perhaps appears to have left the point of stolen bikes, but then again it has'nt, its totally related and totally relvent. Anyway you can only try to do good & hope to encounter it, but you can't rely on Justice & thats a fact (and for the B****y last time, try to see this IS NOT a criticism of the police).
  2. Yes I've heard similar from others too. Well I suppose all you can do is protect your bike from theft as good as is possible, I went at it by spending out on steel lockup, ground anchor & I think I might just as well plate & register my next bike for two reasons. 1. Keeps no claims bonus going 2. Get paid out if the worst should happen. Having done all that I can think of no more other than perhaps an alarm but where does it stop, It becomes an ordeal just accessing your bike, but at least thieves dont have the satisfaction (but if they want it they'll try), but they'll have to have allot of expensive gear with them to acheive nicking a couple grands worth of trials bike. Proffessional theives will get near anything but theres nothing in it for them for even a new trials bike. The only ones that will be after them are usuall brainless, thick chavs. The sort that will bend up the corner of yer up & over garage door & try & bolt crop the chain from the ground anchor. These morons have set the alarm of in my house (without knowing it) as soon as they've touched the garage door, let alone the rest & forget comming through the garage wall...4mm chequer plate & 2" box steel support all round & again alarm goes off. I wont mention the roof, something evil awaits, They'd' regret that for the rest of yer life ho ho ho
  3. Mine has a trong kick back for a little 200. Compression is very good, from what I understand from other owners, they do tend to have a strong kick.
  4. Eiger, just read your post & I have a friend who is a serving police officer. I agree with the points yiou raise. I used an emotive style of writing in my previous first post, using irony to push the point of not only my frustration but of that of others I have spoken to when these kind of topics arise. I do certainly not blame police in the majority for the failings of politicians & courts, I have a good idea of how frustration it is from my mate & from a general interest in current affairs. Yes I do certainly believe in a very tough criminal justice system & my original point was that legislation from central government could change that; but we all know that anyway. The pressure to change is in the hands of civil servants of various levels & all of us as voters. Someone got upset because he interperated my posting as the writings of an extremist. I think he thought I am a rightious right wing fanatic, but that is the response of someone who draws a conclusion from a snippet of a post & assumes that I must be an ill educated individual because I chose to use a factual synopsis in blunt terms of how I see the police have been restricted from acting, & more to the point, what a waste of time it often is when they do. It is political & that is a statement that can be substantiated given a sensible discussion & long enough time; but... a trials forum is not really the best place. Lastly, because I beleive in punishment as a deterent, (which in my opinion comes before the dream world idea of reform or is that rehabilitation that do gooder wet liberals prefer to use) it does that make me a non tolerent homophobic white supremacist, if you think it does Nigel you are far far less aware than you were attempting to make me look (I am not being confrontational Nigel, just defending what you implied of me). The point I was making was that if you dont think punishment is a deterent, just take a look around the globe & I think you will find it most certainly is & whats that I pre empt you saying? what about freedom & rights...erm well thats all you here from the person committing say, the afformationed unpleasentries & why you can expect more of the same if you want to sing from the same hym sheet. Freedomdont make me laugh, do you think you have that, Its an abstract word. Give some elements of society too much of it & they abuse it. So sorry about the serious mood of this post but I had to say it. Perhaps we should just not talk about it here, after all its a trials forum & if my bike gets nicked or my kids get threatened by some devious low life I'll consider the freedom & rights of all those poor scumbags & appologise to you with lefty views on the CJS about how i must be sounding like a homophobic, racist, zenophobic, meglamaniac, paranoid, psychopath because I want some suitable justice dolled out.
  5. LOL oh well i well I was just commenting on some observation (purely subjective & IMHO), friggin ell, better not mention the war then (no not that one the other one) & the middle east is sure to start a riot, religion anyone???? ho ho ho. Right I'll get me coat then..........
  6. Yes its a great track. Did he really think I want anarchy in the UK for real. I meant you might as well the police might as well not exist...ho ho 'Problem' is a great track of the same album too, sadly I remeber it 1st time round but you gotta love it!
  7. Nigel, lighten up, have you ever heard of irony.? I'm not endorsing oppression of minority groups of any kind at all, so dont be silly now. Neither do I need a history lesson, I am well informed, so no need to educate me. Look dont take what I say out of context, it is blunt, yes but I aint sitting here with posters of Stalin all over the place lol & before we get all silly & upset perhaps we best stick to trials, I didnt mean to offend you.
  8. Police just want an easy nick so they can meet their stations statistics. If you are a law abiding tax paying, honest citizen they think you are a mug. But if you are a scum bag they are either scared of you & afraid to deal with you (I've seen it happen) or if you are lucky enough to get a good police officer (there are some), the low life judge will give the theif, yob, etc... sympathy & a little telling off or at worst a tiny little sentence. The problem stems from lefty low life politicians who sympathise with all the scum going, making all the excuses for them & paying for their useless existence out of your tax. In parts of Asia if you are caught doing crime you either get get beaten half sensless by the state police or made to dig your own grave, shot & kicked into it; but in Britain you can do your worst, cos the British are led by weak liberal wet politicians & Lawyers & a legal system designed to make money out of the so called justice system. If you defended yourself at home, the criminal gets off & pampered while you are sued because you have money to take, he doesnt (probably-at least none that can be traced). This is a country who thinks its ok to just let off a yob on a train (in national news) whilst the pensioner he violently assaulted loses his sight & is forgotten about, he probably fought & payed tax all his life). He got dissmissed, what hope we got if we lose a bike. You might as well have an anarchy, the police are not allowed to be nasty to scum incase they cry, & the judges must come from the same mould, they love em. I know this aint trials, I'll say no more. My advice weld up a steel case enclosure with a ground anchor inside, inside yor garage, alarm it & if you have acouple of vicious dogs let them stay comfortably in the garage at night, It will work, dont just stick your bike behind an up & over door in the garage, it wont stand a chance. Sorry to hear your unfortunate experience but until we get leadersghip with guts in this country it will get worse.
  9. Hello Sam, there is a bloke at Classic Trial who is helpful, & will do the tank done in the honda colours (competition or otherwise), I decided against it as I had already spent a load of
  10. Thanks Richywrecka I have been onto this site & you are dead right it is very informative & for where I live it appears to be the best one to join (Bexley). I might get down to the one on the 4th but I am working that day from 07:00 til 14:30 so unless I get out by mid day (& even that might be too late) I might leave it til next time but if you are ever planning on going over to poles woods anytime I'll drop over for a while. Just PM me on here when you like. Cheers Andy.
  11. Cheers Richy I am already familiar with poles wood I do have an old Honda TLR200 but am as I say updating to something new in the new year, I live in Grays & have been to a few of the North Kent events to observe but will be out of action until I am fixed with a van & new bike, as I said probably February but might be as late as March but no later. Until them I am just turning up to watch events & stuff, get to know a few people. I am new to trials really after Enduro. I might turn up on my TLR but I have no transport at present & I want to sort a few things on the bike over the winter. Basildon eh, well keep in contact if you want I will probably end up joining Bexley as you say Kent is not bad for trials events & not too far. Link up for a few practices when I'm sorted if you want.
  12. frontroomautos

    What Now?

    Good luck with off road yres, arnt the wheel sizes somewhat unconventional in the off road sector due to their size. You could get 21" 18" rims laced up to the hubs if it accommodates this.
  13. Hello Sam, I have one. They are easy to work on but theplastics are sometimes difficult to come by. There are a few companies making aftermarket parts for them. I have a DEP exhaust on mine & Falcon Gas shocks. They can get up some surprising sections but of course you cant expect too much from them. I dont know what else you might want to know I have pulled mine to pieces & restored after servicing. It hasnt needed any internal engine work though so I havnt been involved in any of that. I am only equiped to deal with regular servicing, suspension, frame bearings & basic engine work so I cant really help with internals. I would give the engine to someone else if it needed rebuilding.
  14. Hello Richiwrecka, I know the place in Kelvedon, I am going to join it in the new year. at the moment I am just reorganising my garage, transport & finances to get me a new bike after xmas, probably February will be more accurate a date. I have had a clear up & sold my Enduro biokes & I am in the stage of transition if you know what I mean but yes I'll be active in trials in 08. Where abouts in Essex are you?
  15. Where abouts is the Southend club based & do they have practice ground? I Live in Essex & am looking to join a club & & trying to locate the nearest one? Cheers Andy.
  16. I came from owning enduro bikes but the main problem was the distance I had to travel in order to arrive at a place that I could legally ride & enjoy it properly. For the rest of the time I was killing tyres riding sort of dual purpose with no real fulfillment from doing so......until I got a second hand old trials bike. I sold my 1150 Adventure & my XR's & wouldnt swap trials riding for it now. 1. Theres many more places to use a trials bike & that doesnt just mean club land. While wouldnt spoil it for others by riding irresponsibly or offensively I have found there are lots of quarries, and bits of waste land etc to ride & because of the nature of trials you dont need loads of open track or room in order to do it; & it can be done discreetly. I would like to live in a country with room and a smaller population but in England (or at least the South East) there is very few places to enjoy riding Enduro without major hastle. Also as Scorpa 3 said the bank account likes trials far better. I just think its far more enjoyable & you can have more of a laugh because of its slow speed and its requirements to focus on other skills. In short its a whole new world that I wish I'd taken more notice of years ago. I reckon you will think you have done the right move once you get the feel.
  17. If it ever gets to the point where it is compulsory to wear one of these, Im giving it up or sticking with twinshock. You might as well ride in body paint, boots & erm helmet.
  18. WOT??? Definately NOT a Reflex - I suspect I sold the owner the bike recently.
  19. It sounds like the Reflex model, as far as I know same bike with steel wheel rims. Not sure if the gear ratio is different (I suspect not). Sought after little bike though & very nice, good fun.
  20. I am new to trials too, I bought an old TLR200 a couple years ago & am looking to get something new at the beginning of January. I started riding motorcycles many years ago but trials is something I wish I had been more aware of & been active in along time ago too. I first rode a trials bike 2 years ago, I am 39 now. when I went to watch a few trials to get to better experience & understand the scene I saw & spoke to a number of blokes in their 60's & another bloke who was 70 who still enjoyed riding. There were young blokes of 19/20 and all ages inbetween. This is great I thought, it was really inspiring to know that I was only then 37/8. 49 is nothing afterall some of these blokes were only in their late 60's. To hell with age, it brings restrictions yes but as long as you are fit & able its all in the mind. As I say i am not exactly a veteran of trials but if I could take the liberty to be the first to say welcome & enjoy?
  21. I think thats a good point Ralph. I had thought of the salt & other corrosive elements on the road, thats a plus for the van. The other luses have all been mentioned like dry place to get changed, less worry for a number of reasons. Also it can be transported without theives seeing it & following you back to your garageto try & nick it later that night or whenever. Another big plus for me is when a car gets damaged it looks horrible but if someone damages a van when it is left in a car park as it will be, it wears the damage better, almost expect it on a van so to speak. I dont want to own a vehicle that i love as its going to get idiots damage it at some point, I just want a work horse that can ferry three people around. The dispatch is the perfect van for me i think. Not too big to use every day & quite comfortable so it seems for all in it for usual everyday traveling time. Its tough, has probably the most reliable engine of all in it & its economcal. I think ive been won over, I wasnt sure which way to go befor but I do now. I'll wait til the years out & see what I can find. I think it will be the HDI or in the case of the Fiat Scudo JTD versions though. I currently have the 1.9D in my Citroen car & I can not fault it at all it indestructable but can imagine it being a bit slow in the bigger van (not that its fast in the car-but thats not important to me its just that it would probably feel better being a little bit more responsive & apparently HDI is slightly more economical too).
  22. Thanks everyone for the input. I had explored all kinds of options. Also Most cars have a max of 80kg nose weight & unless the vehicle can adequately accomodate this weight it is a bit unerving and no disrespect to anyone that uses a rack on a car but i have seen some on cars clearly not up to the weight and it can look a bit pikey sticking out a foot either side of a ford fiesta or vauxhal nova (ho ho ho) sorry if you are one of these just kidding (no appologies to any of you pikeys though). The trailer as you have put very well Barry has the obvious cons going against it as you say. The best compromise therefore between car and van in one vehicle is the Scudo/Dispatch/Expert. I can see me getting a deal at the end of the year on an 05/06 (last of the previous model before the new 07 ones). I should imagine a descent deal could be struck considering the new ones are well out now and probably better anyway. Also if i can hold out til near March when the new reg comes out, might even be another factor for a good deal on a low milage 06. It dont really make sense to get a Landy Defender with a rack (not economically or practically) even though I would prefer it. The said van it probably is then. But one last question: is there any tie off points, I cant seem to see any in the pictures I have seen in various ads inside the back. Is it just a matter of screwing some into the floor sides?
  23. Thats reasuring Betabonkers. so you have had no complaints from your Mrs & kid about the room in the Expert then? I know they are good on juice & if vandals scratch or key a van it seems to wear it better than a car.
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