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Everything posted by frontroomautos
  1. Whatever bikes ive owned ive always owned and ridden for fun & to overcome challenges for myself and only myself. I'm not knocking healthy competition but the only time i have ever been sick of bikes is when the competition element is forced down my throat. We are taught to be competetive in life or feel mediocre or as if we have failed-I say F**** o** to that i'll compete as and when it suits me, but i ride for my pleasure and enjoyment. I'm a beleiver that not everything in life has to be a competition and that if you are not No 1 its not worth doing. Personally i feel this conditioning and marketing in the motorcycle world has killed the enjoyment and turned many away. I'm sure you are better than I at this, take a break and allow yourself some slack fora while-It should be fun, you love riding motorcycles, do it when & how you want. If you really arnt enjoying it unless you can be any more competative then i think the other blokes above have suggested everything i can think of already. But all ican say is i hope you work it through and enjoy whatever you do, be a shame if you felt you had to duck out for good.
  2. I realise that there must be difficulties but surely there must be land available? but having said that the Uk is just too over populated i guess, everything is seen as an oportunity to concrete and build on for an ever expanding population, everything is expansion and growth (even of course population) if we are to live by the political framework in which we are forced too. Perhaps it is that hard-do you know i used to like England but theres a million reasons i hate it and there all down to politicians, judges and solicitors but i digress. To get back on track i know of only 1 maybe 2 legitimate tracks in all Essex. I realise that i am unfortunate to live in the South East but id like to think there is some hope of securing somwhere else toride somehow. What sort of funds are you thinking of S3?
  3. I'm sure this must have been covered before but i have noticed the limited number of practice tracks available and am sure i am not alone in thinking this is worrying. Has anyone considered either with their clubs or in partnership with others as a non profiting venture (other than what is necessary to make in order to keep the place open & maintained), the purchase or lease of a peice of land for the cause. I know this is easier said than done and requires the collaboration of some responsible, reliable & commited people but its something that neednt be that difficult to achieve surley. I can understand the reluctance of individuals to commit financially to such a thing esspecially as they have no doubt work and family commitments also but it is something i think that clubs accross the country should consider perhaps in partnership with other clubs. Any thoughts on this? Enduro is difficult enough in the UK unless you live in certain parts of the country due to the space it requires so surely trials can be easier accomodated in this overcrowded island of ours (UK).
  4. I must agree with the former post, the RTL looks far better. Would one of the dealers in the UK be able to shiip any in and if so what would be the cost of an RTL?
  5. Ok forget for a moment the improvements that we cant see and base it just on asthetics: in which case i think they should have done the wheels Black or Red or perhaps an option. This i think would have been a better option than doing the frame in Black and leaving the wheels alluminium but that is not to say i dont like the frame in Black its just that i think allot of people would have prefered the wheels done instead but its all just personal opinion, its a lovely bike regardless.
  6. It should come standard with black wheel rims that would compliment the black frame and would be beautiful. I like it but the black rims are a must and it should be illegal to make it without them.
  7. are you sure its for your sister? Just kidding
  8. frontroomautos

    08 Rev 3

    Different carb?
  9. I am 5.10"...wold the knees be up around my ears when i sit on it. Dont get me wrong i dont plan to plonk myself on it to ride it, i have ridden trials bikes & realise the seats purpose in this case, i just wondered how it feels to sit on and ride say for a mile at the most if necessary, does the steering rake feel too tucked in to actually do this or is the long ride seat literally made only to dab your backside down on every so often for half a minute at a time? I can put up with that if its all it does but it would be nice to know it can accomodate a little bit of traveling distance in a LDT. I really want this bike to tick the boxes for my needs because theres just nothing else out there, no one else makes it, i suppose the nearest would be a Beta Alp but why would you eh?
  10. Thanks Arnoux, that was a very concise & helpful post. I really like Scorpa for they are the only trials manurfacturer who are attempting to cater for trials and trail cross bikes that have seat options. Of course i understand as well as anyone who takes an interest in trials that a seat is not necessary in observed trials and of course without doubt arena trials but i happen to think that there is a strong demand for a different angel on trials such as taking into account traveling relatively long distances of up to say 50-60 miles in challenging outdoor terrains where even an enduro bike would find it awkward and therefore i think a seat and an ultra reliable engine is paramount for this purpose. I dont just mean the usual long distance trials we have in England but i have been to some places in Southern Spain which only the kind of bike Scorpa have made (with their simple rugged air cooled engines and enough of a seat to relieve you for short periods) could give you the confidence to takle. So then, upping its capacity doesnt stress the big end or crank bearings then? If not then i can think of no other bike which will fit my needs. Just one other question...What is the seat like to sit on for any distance. i dont mean sit/plonk yourself on the seat and sit there and ride, but rather to sit down on for relatively short distances if needed while 10 or 15 miles into the tough stuff on the way back to the van.
  11. frontroomautos


    Hello all-firstly can anybody tell me if the 163cc on the TYS200F model puts any significant wear on the big end bearings as this is afterall just a bored and stroked 125 insnt it? 2. does the seat available from Scorpas longride fit to the racing series without any modifications? 3. does the longride come in the red white & black colours? (i like em) I think Scorpa are bang on in catering for those of us who like our trial bikes more versatile and for LDT's or recreational use. I mean i like all aspects of trials but i sometimes like to head off into the awkward stuff on our Spanish holidays and a big enduro bike is not the way to go about some of the stuff ive ridden. I also am a fan of the air oil cooled reliable & simple lump that yamaha supply but i would have liked them to have used the 225 lump; its a shame Montesa havnt made their 4RT available in the longride dress. I havnt bought one yet but the last question is - would the 175/200 pull strong enough at low trail speeds, I'm not interested in doing the splat just good old fashiioned technical natural stuff but more much more demanding than green lane/trails. Cheers.
  12. Im a bit late on the scene but i had this problem once and found as a previous member has already said that i had contaminated the pads with WD40 accidently, i took them out filed off a thin layer and they were as good as new . However this was not on a Montesa so im not saying this is the only cause.
  13. Cheers John i am also new at trials, you put it well in words.
  14. I wouldnt bother, the overall completed cost in balance is not worth the result, but then its all personal really. I restored a TLR200 last year and the end total cost was horific, the bike looks and rides well for what it is but i could have had a 4RT for the money i spent (i regreted it about half way into the project but had to see it through at that point) Why bother is my attitude to restorations now; i just want to service and ride but im certainly not knocking those who restore, i have allot of admiration for the workmanship, patience and dedication to finnish with a beautiful classic (and a little TLR looks lovely when done)
  15. Beta seem to be a good bet then. i know all bikes have their quirks but it seems funny to me that Beta should allow such a significant flaw to become part of their bikes character. i mean if a bike kept munching crank bearings a manufacturer would correct it major quick, ok the carb things not as drastic but its not something i would have thought a manufacturer would want to be synonymous with their product; like someone in conversation says to someone else-oh whats those bikes that leak fuel everywhere & someone instantly sais (by assossiation) oh thats a Beta...hmmmm. I'll look into it more but thanks for alerting me to the standard carb modification that should be done from new...cheers
  16. I've heard people say they lose fuel from their carbs is it really that bad then? I would have thought Beta would felt an obligation to sort that out. Is it a problem they have always had and is it still present on the 07 models cheers all (sorry made a S*** up of that last post)
  17. I have noticed that the Rev 3 270 has a much lower compression ratio to that of the 250. Would this mean that it puts less stress on the crank bearings meaning it is more reliable ? or am i mistaken by thinking this? I have never owned a 2T trials bike. I have an old TLR but that is the sum of my experience as far as trials go. Do the Betas require a high level of maintainance. If its just the usual rebore from time to time, that i can deal with but i dont want to get involved in pulling cranks out and all that. Can anyone help me with this. I keep delaying my purchase as i really dont know what to part with my hard earned on, either 4T or 2T, im not biased i would like to try a 2T but what are the cost implications. I expect some cost but i dont have the place or facilities to carry out complicated work by myself. I am not that useless as a mechanic but its not something that i do often (engine splitting) and would not have the competencies of a pro. So any suggestions as ive been putting this purchase off for over a month now. Cheers
  18. Thanks for your comments. Reliability and build quality is most important for my needs, I had considered also the 4RT but like the idea of the easier, cheaper to service & repair 2 stroke,. Ive heard the Scorpa build quality is very tough but then i know montesa must be also so i guess these two are top for build quality. I'd be interested to hear more about your sons Scorpa, Montman. I am having a dilema in my brain about what to spend my
  19. Thanks for your comments. Reliability and build quality is most important for my needs, I had considered also the 4RT but like the idea of the easier, cheaper to service & repair 2 stroke,. Ive heard the Scorpa build quality is very tough but then i know montesa must be also so i guess these two are top for build quality. I'd be interested to hear more about your sons Scorpa, Montman. I am having a dilema in my brain about what to spend my
  20. frontroomautos

    Beta Rev 3

    Just wondering how durable the overall build quality is of the Beta Rev 3 250 including their engines. How do they compare with Scorpa in the two stroke realm. Cheers
  21. Thanks Scorpa3 that sounds about the best approach.
  22. Thanks for that, do you think it will be best to insure & tax, mot the bike? Are most trials held entirely off road, perhaps i should buy a registered bike just incase i need to insure, tax, mot it in the future. I would prefer to SORN the bike and just insure it 3rd party only as it gets near to the end of the 2 year time frame that it must be renewed in to maintain a continuous no claims insurance record.
  23. Hello all, i am nearing the point of being set up to join my local club, i have the transport, kit and soon the bike,. My question is do i need to register/tax & insure my bike to enter events. I understand that some events that cross public roads will require this but what about the majority of events. Do most trials riders register & tax, insure their bikes or do most trials take place on private land. Tomorrow i sell my BMW GS Adventure as riding around the roads is no entertainment to me anymore & i cant wait to get involved in trials. I am also selling an XR650 and am looking forward to being relieved of the tax & insurance on both bikes as they dont get used enough due to the road being boring and well there is nowhere localish to enjoy an XR650 (Xmas in Spain was the last time i used it and got real enjoyment from it) so to focus on one thing and only one thing ie. trials is going to be much cheaper i hope, and i know for a fact i will be riding at least twice a month with my club. Anyway do i need to register, tax and insure or can i avoid this rip off. Cheers Andy
  24. Thanks Jimmy, thats a sound bit of advise with substance, although i have enjoyed many years on enduro bikes i know that trials is a different discipline all together. I dont take your comment disrespectfully its a fact that allot of people in all bike disciplines come in as a new commer and over bike themselves thinking it will help them do better but often are dissilusioned. Your advice sounds right for me, thats one other reason i thought the 4RT would help me as it seemed forgiving. Also thanks for the feedback on the build quality that is impressive if what Sandifords said is accurate. I hope i aint considered too old to get to grips with a new biking discipline at 38-I hope my time on enduro will have some transferable skills, it didnt seem alien when i had a go on trials bikes - different concept thats all, having said that im bound to embarrass meself but i just enjoy riding off road bikes so i wont be leaving with my tail between my legs and head down as its all par for the course, but then again i might impress myself-funs the main point for me cos from my experience in klife if you dont enjoy something you'll never improve, cheers
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