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Everything posted by nickj
  1. Found this by accident - but nicely sums up this thread... https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vjFeC7g6_40
  2. I had the same issue on my 06 and was advised to strip down the loom to the basics, (i.e. cutting out the unused wiring to the lights, horn and indicators, etc). (this was a forum topic many years ago!) I didn't really understand why this should resolve the problem, but it has as it has run well ever since.
  3. Yes you can, but an Alp is a lot heavier than a trials bike and you will be at a disadvantage. I use mine for LDT's (long distance trials) where it is ideal, and for running around locally and some green lane runs. The main downside is that road work ruins trials tyres.
  4. Congratulations Ross - Well deserved win.
  5. Are organising clubs still able to add a trail bike class if they so choose??
  6. It could also be poor fuel flow from the tank, so check the tap and filter if the above does not fix it.
  7. BVM do an extra thick rim tape with a valve integrated into it. I had the same problem with air leaking through the spokes for ages, and this fixed it.
  8. The 'old' West of England MC website (www.westofenglandmc.co.uk) seems to have disappeared. Does anyone know if they have a new site?
  9. Another possible cause is simply not enough fuel getting into the carb to support sustained full throttle. It could be either the filter in the tank blocked, or the 'o'ring seal in the tap being displaced. Nick
  10. nickj

    Clutch Mods

    Try a set of Barnett Plates (www.barnettclutches.com) part no #302-20-10001. Inexpensive and worked a treat on my 325. Nick
  11. Well instead of moping about having no trial to go to today I and the boys went to the local Remembrance Day parade. Huge turnout, lots of people we hadn't seen for a while, very moving at times, especially when we saw how important it all was to the old and not so old soldiers who attended. A great couple of hours, finished off in the pub. I know where I will be next Remembrance Sunday, and it won't be at a trial. Everyone to their own, but if you have never been why not give it a try next year. NickJ
  12. Is the timing right? Check that the flywheel key has not sheared, or as in the Bult I bought, if it has a key at all!
  13. I have used the cheap Halfords wireless speedo on several two stroke trials bikes for years without any problems.
  14. A bit basic but check you have a good flow of fuel to the carb. I have twice had the 'o' ring in the fuel tap jump out of it's groove and reduce the flow so that the bike ran OK until you opened the throttle fully for more than a few seconds.
  15. nickj

    Gg Heavy Clutch

    I had a similar problem on an 04 250 following fitting a new clutch pack. It turned out to be simply a build up of material under the diaphragm spring. I took the pack apart and cleaned the plates and the spring and all instantly back to normal light clutch. I assume the material came from the new plates themselves as although I had oiled them I had not cleaned them before fitting. Only takes 15 minutes so maybe worth a try? Nick
  16. nickj

    Silancer Removal

    Take the air-box off and you will find the main fixing bolt.
  17. nickj

    50 Rear Wheel Spokes

    Try Central Wheels at Coleshill (they advertise every week in TMX). They make spokes to order. N
  18. nickj

    Kick Start

    It could also just be the engagement gear has stuck on the spiral shaft. Mine did this a couple of years ago and simply cleaning it cured it and no further problems. N
  19. I had a similar problem but it turned out to be disintegrating clutch friction material. Bad news was the bits of kevlar, or whatever it is, got into the gearbox bearings. Hope your problem is only water!
  20. Have a look at the Trialcast Boot Saver Chain Guard (www.trialcast.co.uk) or YOU HAVE USED WORDS OR A PHRASE WHICH ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THIS WEBSITE. PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST/TOPIC. DO NOT TRY TO CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS IN PLACE ON THIS WEBSITE. Obviously lots of us don't ride correctly! N
  21. I first use a 50ml plastic syringe and a short piece of plastic tube to 'back-flush' the fluid from the caliper to the reservoir, and then to finish take off the brake pedal and use a posidrive type screwdriver to push the master cylinder piston. You get about double the length of stroke doing this and it makes all the difference in getting any last bubbles out of the caliper. Enjoy! N
  22. Clubs and committees have had this problem for years, certainly in all of the 20 odd years I have been involved in various types of motorsport. Two things are common: Committees that don't do enough to bring people into the organising side, and often if they do the newcomers are given the duff jobs and soon get disillusioned and disappear. Few if any volunteer for committee duty, so make sure that you search out the potential candidates and if they do come on board make sure that they feel valued and above all enjoy their experience. Committees that don't plan ahead enough, or ask for help enough, so that when shouts for help do come they are last minute, difficult to meet, and leaves the usual few doing all the work. Asking someone to help once a year a few months in advance (and then following up with reminders) is much easier to organise (but harder to remember to do). On a related note, coming to trials from organising rallying from club events to what used to be called the RAC has been great fun as well as a hell of a lot cheaper, and one of the things that impressed me was how some clubs have really worked to make the organisation of a club trial as 'painless' as possible, whilst others seem to be reluctant to move forward. An example would be how some make full use of e-mail for observers, entries, and results, etc. but others don't. Bilco - I share Shero3's position on the need to balance trials time with family life. The main reason my wife avoids observing is the length of time it takes some riders to finish a club trial, often well after the majority have departed. Perhaps giving observers and competitors a finish time might help retain a few.
  23. Hi Jimbo Does this mean you have found a new piston? Give me a ring as I have lost your mobile no again. Nick
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