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Everything posted by spoke
  1. Can anyone help with sorting out my Cub front end geometry. The question is how much Trail do you need for a trials bike? Currently the standard frame with heavy weight Triumph forks (no trick stuff here) has @5" of trail. The bike does not like tight turns in sections, pushes on and wants to fall in to the turn - could be a bit of a rider problem as well! Looking at some websites on fork geometries it seems the less trail you have the easier it is to steer at slow speeds - sounds good. But how much is less? Any ideas on what is a good figure to aim for and how best to achieve it i.e. steepen the frame head tube, different yoke offset, raise the rear end (already done this) etc. Any help appreciated. Spoke,
  2. Take a look at 'Bushman Carb Tuning Secrets'. It explains the inner workings of a 22mm Concentric. Some people drill out the fixed pilot jet and replace it with the old screw in type, but in my 200cc Cub leaving the fixed jet in place AND fitting the screw in type improved my slow running and pick up. It all takes a bit of trial and error but does get a result eventually. Spoke
  3. Look up 'Bushmans carb tuning secrets' on the net. It is the best, common sense info I have ever found. Even tells you how to set the float level which I have never seen written anywhere. My cub runs a 22mm concentric and ran like a pig until I set the float level correctly. A bit of time, patience and the right information pays off. Good luck
  4. It is a great weekend. Trial on saturday and some classic scrambling on sunday. If you are into Brit bikes it is well worth the travel. Entry is
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