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Everything posted by lineaway
  1. Jordi at Donner 1994. I think he had some help.
  2. lineaway

    Kickstart Question

    This bolt not the other bolt.
  3. lineaway

    Kickstart Question

    It`s got to be a 5 or 6 x 10 or something like that. Just try a regular bolt to get the thread size right.
  4. Donner I believe they lost. Brian, that looks actually like a very strange formation! But any day riding is a day of fun.
  5. lineaway

    Carb Leaking Fuel

    That was actually normal. Some bikes p****d all over and some did not. I think the bike fix got too screwed up and I am not going to read it again. Billy Traynors fix was the most correct if is still in there.
  6. If you want the clutch perfect (And know what you are doing) You still either change the steel plates or mess with the friction plates to keep the proper finger height.
  7. Hebo has been up and down. Looks like it`s up again. Look here. http://www.trialspartsusa.com/
  8. The bolt that holds on the primary gear (clutch Assembly) is supposed to be hollow for oil flow. If is just a standard bolt, you can just leave it out. Yes you can, or at least till you get a replacement. It`s like a 5mm allen.
  9. I believe it is just a needle valve. Did you ever ask Adrian at Lewisports?
  10. I used to do this before I rode every section. Not because my bike popped out of gear. Just to be sure which gear I had selected.
  11. Still fast, but much better. Time to use the clutch to slow it all down.
  12. You are right about the mains lubrication Peter, I was thinking of the upgraded mains w/seals. Jim never listed the 2002 parts in the USA. The main difference was the mag cases and the oil quantity was less on the `02 as with the gasket size. The worst thing with the `02 was the shift drum would crack. Then it was clutch plate swelling and shifting problems. This could of all been upgraded if you are lucky.
  13. You cannot measure sag until the suspension works together for starters. A 10 tooth would due as the 9 tooth was meant for 125`s.
  14. Years ago a customer came in with a Yamaha Rd400, requesting a new clutch. Turns out all the teeth on the counter shaft sprocket were GONE! We saved that on the wall for years and years. Imagine how many times the guy had to of tried riding that bike to make that sprocket a complete circle, not a tooth existing.
  15. Put a smaller counter shaft sprocket on it. It will slow it down. Sorry about the line.
  16. What this is saying is the front forks are not working properly. Not the rear shock. They have to work in unison. And it is better to be to soft than too hard. By the way, what countershaft sprocket do you have? You are riding way too fast.
  17. Trials boots are soft and comfortable. Made for flexibility not protection. I have a friend in the hospital that was wearing a pair on a Yamaha XT660. Just about tore his foot off. ( A rock broke the whole front end) That was last week in South Africa. That would of been a long plane trip back home! Then straight to a hospital bed.
  18. It was called balancing the bike. One other reason they changed the rules. The top riders did this all day long, also they would hop backwards all the way to the start. They removed the backing up rule as it took too much time. The top guys would maintain balance all day long and the bikes were crap compared to now.
  19. 18 is on the side that makes it slip. So chances are the plates are worn. If you are lucky enough to have a dealer or friend that has a 1.3 plate, that would fix the slipping. The damaged friction plates will need to be eventually replaced. Lots of metal around the spring is normal. The starter gears all wear and break. The synthetic woes are a myth. Gassers which sit for long periods of time always had the friction material come apart.
  20. lineaway


    Guess what. You go to your Honda dealer and they also order the part. And you get it next week. Rarely does main line dealers stock much anymore. Trials in the USA has always been a well hidden sport as there is no money in it. By the way Ryan is very good at taking care of his Sherco riders. You should attend one of his riding schools. He just happens to be a 6 time National Champ.
  21. That I`ll agree with. But, no matter how tall you are moving up and forward is also moving the weight forward. Squat and down is how you find traction. And 6` is not tall. Dougie and others are a lot taller and I do not remember bar risers.(In fact any risers limit how far forward you can get.) Lucky for me I have Marfan Syndrom. (Ape Like arms) Now my little boy is 6`5 and growing. I`ll break his legs if he ever asks for risers. I like the idea of more leverage, any amount of rise usually has a negative effect on leverage. Like we said everyone has an opinion. I cannot hop a bike with risers (some are way too tall) and my son can`t either.
  22. lineaway


    That`s not surprising as RYP is Sherco USA.
  23. The all day dab came to indoor rules first and then to the world rounds. It really was not intended as a fair rule. It was to keep the competition close. As in the other boys could not compete with number one. It was not intended to keep new riders from getting fives. But that is the problem it created. Do I dare say that is how the new World Round rules came from too?
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