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Everything posted by lineaway
  1. So did it run before you tried the switch? Those were very unreliable, and for trials everything in the states were removed as they were not road legal.
  2. Can`t see much for oil in the window. I never liked the `03. Did not seem to make much power, but it still would rev. Sure the mains are not shot? The `03 is the only bike that left me stranded with bad mains.
  3. Did the engine leak before you took it apart? If not maybe just Yamabond 4 to seal it.
  4. An easier trials becomes mostly mental. People tend to melt down from the concentration and worry. Imagine being Bou and the worry about a poor scorer would be the norm, rather than his great skills. (By the way Bou fived and severely crashed on the section I scored both days. Easy?) Easy trials are not just hard on riders, it is hard on organizers. Try dealing with multiple ties in every class, what a nightmare! On the other hand we tried our first gate trials this weekend. Easy trials cannot hold a candle to the pressure of riding gate trials. A single dab can just destroy all points in a section.(High score wins.) In trials knowing you can just get by with just a single dab makes competition tight. With gate trials you have no easy dab, each dab is just like a 5!
  5. Althespanner is correct. The worse thing was most cases corroded very badly. That could be quite the nightmare.
  6. At the worst the new seal was damaged during installation. Being the right fork I would go out for at least a thirty minute ride, you might get lucky. Also a good ride will tell if the forks are overfilled.
  7. Try this.http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/topic/26800-ty350/ The ty mono was the best improvement in bikes ever for trials. Taking 8- 14 oz off the flywheel was the second best improvement. The best improvement was a 1986. The `86 had a great shock with infinite adjustment. Great bike that was capable of almost anything. Have fun!
  8. It`s not the mounting bolt. If he striped it round already there is not much left.
  9. Any Beta is easy to start, as most modern bikes. You need an easy starter get a 125 or 200. And why the 300 if starting is the issue, get the 250.
  10. I have seen one Keihin that got plugged up internally that had to be replaced. Need to make sure all passages blow through. I like the idea of swapping carbs to check.
  11. He needed a spanner wrench, common on any motorcycle. Just not common at most tool stores.http://www.mscdirect.com/product/08643280?src=pla&008=-99&007=Search&pcrid=25122934024&006=25122934024&005=53304003424&004=7506853024&002=2167139&mkwid=srPLx9ZTu%7Cdc&cid=PLA-Google-PLA+-+Test_srPLx9ZTu_PLA__25122934024_c_S&026=-99&025=c
  12. Looks like you have the `86 gearing! Next replace the front brake cable mount to the fork with a piece of aluminum block to take up the `flex`. Improves braking quit a bit.
  13. Well nothing wrong changing carbs. As far as the Keihin, you need to know what model, what slide, jets. needle valve, needle jet.
  14. Drill the head off. Split the halves. First try to double nut the remaining thread. If that fails try a stud remover or at worse vice grips. If that fails weld a nut to the remaining bolt. Should never have used heat on the caliper. Using a torx instead of an allen would have given more grip. Could always start checking for a used caliper.
  15. Bultaco`s in stock trim were beautiful bikes. Maybe your color scheme, but Alpina blue for the tank would turn more heads and you could still find your bike.
  16. Still looks like not enough free play. You are not trying to adjust it for when you are riding. How did you bleed the brakes? I would get a piece of long clear hose (3 feet) to bleed from the caliper. Run the hose up over one of your grips to make the fluid and air push up. You might even remove the lever and use a phillips screw driver to pump the M/C. Good luck.
  17. Hopefully the smoke was just buildup in the exhaust. With all the slow riding, oil gets built up.
  18. Have you ever seen this? http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/topic/44390-formula-brakes-upgrades-for-2012-models-to-2013-specs/?hl=%2Bformula+%2Bbrake+%2Bfix#entry324408
  19. Usually happens when not enough play is left for the piston. Too tight on both adjusters.
  20. Try to fix it first as a new leg is like 280 of your pounds. It does really suck!
  21. Don`t be shy. Clean up the spot with sand paper. Fill with Epoxy. Sand it smooth, then cover with black finger nail polish.
  22. Most rims with the strap leak a little. You should check it before every ride. If you can ride all day without adding air that is normal. You can put a tube in, but the tire can slip and rip the tube. Kind of going backwards in purpose. The Dunlop 803 seems to hold a bead better if you go to a tube. Clutch is pretty straight forwardto change.
  23. Have you pulled the plug cap and checked for a good connection. You might cut it back to fresh wire. Double check the grounds.
  24. It was Bruno Camozzi as he finished 1989 in 22nd place! http://www.trialonline.org/01%20TRIAL.FIM/01.MONDE/104.INDEX.ANNEES/AA%201980/INDEX_1989_MONDE.htm
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