gear box oil good... no leak nothing! anything else?
Well, I rode bicycle trials for 5 or more yrs... just swapped over to moto last summer. It took a while to get use to the control and rear suspension, but after I did, I just transferred my skill over
Would setting the float different from spec screw up the bike going up or down big climbs? I heard something like that before... especially mine's a 125... I could be wrong!
Sorry for not combining the two threads hehe.
My 08 beta rev3 125 is quite smoky using the factory recommended premix mixture amount. I'm using the Honda hp2 premix by the way. I usually don't care much about the smoke but my bike seem to get very oily exhaust... and since the 125 has a shorter pipe I get small drops of oil from the exhaust all over the side of my rear tire. I usually clean it off before the tire can eat the oil in... This is really annoying as the right side of my tire gets slick during the ride... Anything I can do to stop the exhaust from getting so oily? I repacked the exhaust already due to the oil... running too rich? it doesn't stall or choke though, runs smooth hmmmm
Hey, I'm riding a beta rev3 125 2008... and it likes to pour fuel out when I'm doing any sort of hopping. Actually, it's really bad when I do rear wheel hops. However, the bike doesn't seem to leak much at all if I don't hop. Is this normal? I pulled the carb out and checked the float level, no problem there. I lengthened the float bowl vent hose already so the bike doesn't pour gas out of there... oh, I also cleaned the whole carb, compress air and everything... Anyway to fix this or I'll just have to live with it? I love hopping on the rear but I really don't like it when I keep getting fuel on my rear tire!!! Help!!!
Thanks, I'll take a look. Now, anyone knows how I would swap the spring from the shock? Most bikes are pretty easy but Rev3's rear is... well, doesn't look like you can just undo the lock ring and slide the spring out...
I was wondering if anyone knows how to get stiffer spring for the rev3's rear shock. Its not too hard for the front but for the rear I can't seem to find any after market stuff. Is there like a race shock I can get or something? Thanks
Well, the chain isn't stretched that much at all. When it was BRAND new, I think around half of the adjustment was already used up... I compared my 08 to my brother's 04 beta, my wheel is sitting more than 5 mm back from his setting and his chain is... cough, never changed lol. Iono, I think if I took the half link out initially, it might have rubbed the mud flap thing a bit, but now... there's no way it'll touch it. I don't like it when something is only 2-3 month old and my adjustment is sitting where it should be say if it is a yr old or more hahaha.
Hey betabonkers, how far back is your rear wheel sitting?
My beta 125 08 came with a half link in the chain. I heard this is so that the tire doesn't rub that rubber flap that keeps stuff away from the suspension. Anyways, the chain has stretched enough now my rear axle is around the 2/3 out position in the swing arm... I think I can take out the half link because I've used up more than half of the snails. I'm gonna run out of adjustment soon.
Actually I didn't think the 125 needs the half link since I'm already almost at the end of the adjust. The chain is only 3 months old. Even when the bike was new, the rear axle was pull back pretty far, at least half way in the slot...
Should I just go buy a chain breaker and take out the half link? The only problem is the half link is not with the master link. It is about one link away... so how do I put the chain back together? for bicycle we just re-rivet the chain but I'm not sure if I can with motorcycle chain. I don't want to run two master links
I am currently riding a 125 beta 08 and I am not sure if I am using the appropriate gear to do certain moves.
To be more specific, I am learning how to double-blip. I am doing it in 2nd gear right now, but I need to rev the engine quite a bit to get the rear tire to make it on to the object (basically for the rear to take off and land where the front was). 3rd gear seems a little tall, especially when you get onto the obstacle. I am using a lot of body movement but I don't get the kick for the bike to come after me. The 125 is geared lower than the bigger displacement bikes...
any suggestions? I just wanna make sure I've picked the right gear to practice with so I don't learn something the wrong way and have to go back and re-learn haha.
Any other gear selection advice for 125, like upping bigger steps are also very welcome. I basically just want a very basic roughly-when-to-use what-gear guide. 125 gears seems much narrower so gear selection seems more crucial than the bigger bikes. I mean once you are in the wrong gear, you'll run out of revs fast or burn the clutch to hell haha.
Thanks guys, I think I'll give the 08 beta 125 a shot. never was a fan of gas gas hahaha. I don't know if its the build quality or the high maintenance cycles .
BUT: how are the suspension on the 125s though? are they setup for lighter rider or not? (compare to the 250) I am talking about the 08s since I've heard 125s a few years ago were really aimed form young-er who weights very little. with the recent rules or something, 125s seem to be more powerful and stuff?
true... however, I don't have very much time to ride and I don't think that I will ever use a 250 to its max potential? I could be wrong, and also, I don't know where I will be after 2 yrs so I thought the 125 would be good for the next 2 yrs.
I have seen how some of the junior ride 250s and I don't think I will ever pull moves that big hahaha. I guess I am trying to figure out that if a 125 would be a good "have fun" bike.
can someone give me a general idea of what the 125 is capable of? when does it fail haha. how big can it go and etc. I think that might help more?
Thanks a lot
yeah, I am looking at the 08 beta 125 since my local shop has one in stock. I love the look of the rev3s.
Question though. should I be riding the 125 with a quick throttle? I don't know what you guys call it, but less wrist movement for same throttle input. I have heard that the 125s live on revs so yeah. I don't like having to twist my wrist into funny positions to get enough power, especially coming from bicycle trials where we live on the rear wheel all day and no throttle heh. The 250s are not bad with slow throttle; however, I am just worried about the 125s cuz you have to rev them more thus more throttle input?
I have just recently switched from bicycle trials to mototrials. I want to do more technical stuff rather than huge moves. maybe one day learn rear wheel hop hahaha. Anyways, I rode a 250 and felt like I could get in some trouble with that thing so I am curious if a 125 will haul me around and allow me to do the crazy tech stuff. I love to hop. I am 176cm and about 70kg or some would say, 5'9" and a bit and about 11 stones. I saw some of the world youth guys on 125s and they could do some insane stuff. anyways, any input would be nice. I am really confused. Thanks. remember, I won't be doing huge steps anytime soon hahaha.