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  1. Does anyone know where billet fork yokes can be got for a bultaco sherpa 199a and magical progressive front springs aswell
  2. Iv found nanotrans the best
  3. Bike is now repaired replaced stator with a new one from lampkins
  4. Cheers for the replys I'm wating to hear back from beta uk on a price for a new one
  5. I tested the ignition circuit in the bike this evening as I seen on another post that I should get roughly 300k ohms when I resistance tested the circuit I got I ie open circuit so stator is no good anyone know where a new stator can be got cheers
  6. Beta rev 3 no spark bike cut out when out riding got it home no spark removed flywheel cover to find water around flywheel anyone any ideas what could be stopping from sparking
  7. Just looked at cyclesvant ebay hes got lost of parts I didnt get a chance to strip the gearbox hopefully this week I will get to it does any one know what year this bike might be
  8. Was out yesterday at a practice day checked the oil throughout the day and was not milly or discoloured
  9. Thanks andy for the reply done some more looking and found that the gears for the kickstarter mechanism are worn aswell any idea are these easily sourced cheers
  10. Cheers for the reply I havnt being riding in deep water I suspected it was going to be the waterpump seal Is it much of a job to replace I will strip it down tomorow evening
  11. This evening I noticed the gear oil was very white looking as if water was in the oil on me beta so I drained it and put fresh oil in any one shed some light on this cheers
  12. Well evryone new to all this have a montesa cota 123 project looking to see has anyone got a workshop manual pdf or know where thers an online one bought the bike as a non runner needs parts was told engine has transmission problem wont select gear anyone able to shed some light cheers jordan
  13. Hello from ireland. After much time lurking finally joined. New to trials have a beta evo 250
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