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The builder said that its not a bankruptcy thing why the cases were questionable but has seen multiple cases like this from multiple batches of bikes. I questioned if replacing the case instead of repairing was suggested and he said he has repaired multiple like this and it does comprimise the integrity of the case at all. Its in a non structural area... That being said, he has even seen replacement cases with the same issues and was very confident in epoxy as a repair solution. I left it up to the professional to make the decision. He could have sold me snake oil but he saved me about 1000 dollars with this repair. Reason for selling? Because I have lost interest in the bike after these past few months. Im sure the bike is good but it has just left a sour taste in my mouth. Additionally now that Ive gotten into trials, Ive discovered Im in Sherco land and would purchase one of their new bikes. There seems to be a lot more local support and shops that sell them locally. If I had done my research before I bought this one, I probably would have done that from the start. Its just a tough call as I have this new bike that has me jaded...
Final update. Let me start this out with, I was way off about all my issues I though I had... It all came down to something that is very disappointing from a QC issue from manufacturing. After going through all my above mentioned issues, I noticed it was still at times difficult to start, and especially when hot. It would load up and smoke like a civ! I would be really surprised if it was muffler packing being that soaked so I started to look at the bike some more. By the time I really dug into it, the bike had 5 hours on it. I had also noticed a lot of transmission fluid was missing and was not leaking. So I start to suspect possibly miss installed crank seals. I remove the motor from the bike and ship it to a midwest GasGas expert. Prior to sending it to him, I discussed the issues I was experiencing over the phone and he speculated at a few things and the worst case. We agreed on him splitting the cases, tossing crank bearings, seals and case gasket and call it a day. Upon disassemble, crank seals, bearings and case gasket were all intact and looked to be good. After further inspection, he found porosities in the cases! The motor had been sucking oil through tiny holes in the case!!! Considering that this is a"legacy" pre bankruptcy bike, there is no support for it. So the fix was to machine out the questionable areas and epoxy it. CRAZY!! He sent the motor back to me and I got it back together. Thing starts with ease, doesn't smoke and runs great. Its too bad but I guess everyone gets a dud every now and again.. I might sell the bike at this point but don't really know what to sell a like new 18 TXT 280 racing for. Any price guides? I don't know if the issues I have fixed devalue the bike more. Thanks!
So after riding it again, I did a few things different and discovered something. First, mixed race fuel and normal pump fuel at 50/50 and 80:1 motorex. Don't know if it helped but it defiantly didn't hurt. Second, the technique everyone described definitely helped. balance up on the pegs, have it rolling, lean against something or standing with my left foot on something higher to get up above the bike better helped a ton! Third and issue that I need to sort out - Once it was hot and I took a break, shut it off and chatted and spotted for 20-30 minutes. When I went to go restart it, it was cold again and it would not start at all, no matter what. I tried to bump start it, kick with proper technique, choke on/off, everything. Nothing would start it... Rolled all the way back down the hill to where I was parked and was about to call it a day. I leaned agains my truck and kicked it a few more times and got it to fire but it was totally loaded up. this makes me think the float may be sticking or something, overfilling the carb or something. Im going to pull the carb off this evening and look at the height and make sure there is nothing I am missing.. Either way, thanks guys!
I have it set up with the jetting that it came from the dealer with. I bought it from a dealer. I have also disassembled the carb and verified it is clean. I can not recall what was in there but I have played with the air screw..
Thanks everyone! Yes, put a fresh plug in.
I have a brand new 2018 TXT280 that I picked up as a left over. I have rode it twice and its very hard to start, especially when its hot. I actually broke the kick starter off after my first ride kicking on the thing! The carb is clean, it has fresh gas (non-ethanol 80:1 Motorex) and a fresh plug. It seems like unless I kick it perfectly, it won't start. My friends have Sherco's and they all seem way easier to start.. Is there a recommended jetting specification I should run? 1000ft above sea level, 50-60 degrees? Would there be any benefit to mixing in some race gas? (Id doubt it but can if it helps..) Should I look over electrical grounds and connections? Like make sure grounds are all clean of paint and corrosion free? It stinks when you have a new bike and it doesn't work like expected.. I just want to ride it, not kick the hell out of it. It seems like the kick starter motion is a little different (IN A BAD WAY) compared to other bikes. Its almost like you have to kick back and down with it all the way up at TDC, instead of just down. Thanks!
That equals 530 grams/ 18.694 oz. That's over a pound of un-sprung weight! In the off road world, that's a significant savings with the added traction, I would see the value provided here... But I don't know jack when it comes to trials...
Pat and Phil both live about 30 minutes from me. I have been to their property (bought a VERY used bike from them years ago) Their property is very advanced. At the time, it was way over my head. I would love to try to get over there and play now.
Im from the Milwaukee area. I just picked up a trials bike and plan to ride the events in WI and IL and I will play ride where ever available!
I do not run ethanol fuel in any of my bikes. It yellows my off-road tanks, clogs jets up and kills fuel filters on injected bikes if they sit for anymore that a few weeks. Due to it being a block from my house, I run 100 or 110 leaded race gas in all of my bikes just for stability. It seems to last a lot longer before it goes bad.
Good girl ya got there! My wife was looking at me funny then said - well its your office, you can do what you want. I had ACL, MCL, Meniscus and quad surgery a couple years ago, knee work is tough! I need to have both meniscus' worked on again. I have/had permanent sutures in my my left knee and tore them out a few months ago and am putting it off at the moment. Best of luck with recovery!!
Or an old asphalt parking lot ? Excited to play with it! Sat in the garage balancing on it and riding circles Saturday night! Might put it in my office for the winter to stand/balance on while I work this winter
I picked up a new Gas Gas TXT 280 Racing yesterday! Excited to get into this!! This forum seems like it will be a wealth of knowledge to learn with! Now to sit and wait for winter to be done!
Well Im going to find out how this 280 works. Picked it up yesterday! (Wife said happy 40th birthday ?) Sat in the garage with it last night balancing on it and riding tiny circles. I want to go through it though - Winter here now and damn cold so I can't ride it outside anyways. Will drain the fuel that is in it and clean the carb out - Im sure the shop put normal crap pump gas with ethanol in it and 50:1 mixture - as its just generic fuel a shop would keep around for starting bikes. Any must have protection items? Seems like bar ends along with fork protectors would be smart and possibly a linkage guard/plate? I have broken linkage parts in the past on my off-road bikes and now run a plastic plate off the back of my skid plates to protect the linkage, also makes it glide over logs and rocks. Would think good spares to have would be levers, air filters, spark plugs and brake pads. Anything else? I would think due to slow speeds that brake pads would last longer than a big bike but still good things to have on hand?
I was looking for a 250 but found a deal too good to pass on for a new TXT 280 racing. While I am new to trials, I have ridden them before and am not too worried about it. I used to have a old Sherco 290 that was a roach but I never took it very serious. I am not new to general off road riding and race enduros, including a few hard enduros here in the states in the A class/expert (don't know if that helps or hurts me in trials). I would think there are ways to tame it down a little if needed - FW weight, head squish, ride in rain mode/ignition settings, jet it rich?? Those ideas work for off road bikes but I do not use them.