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  1. Sandifords not got one I got one off thornycroft.But threaded it.The flywheel was well tight.Just ordered this one after days of looking.From Belgium
  2. Can anyone please help me get a flywheel puller for my montesa.Been looking for weeks,I got one.A right dodgey on.Thearded the puller???
  3. ?Done?What a job.ive put a grand into this montesa now.Its gonna be crisp
  4. All out off stock?Can’t believe I found one yesterday and stipped the thread on the flywheel.WTF.This thing will not come off?
  5. I know I got the locking but off with Help!!Well hard.
  6. Can anybody tell me we’re I can get a flywheel puller from?Or how to get it off?
  7. I’m just starting to rebuild the engine tomorrow got all the parts o need from Splatshop.He is a good guy there!?Anyone got any tips or any thing I should know before I start tomorrow.Aslo for some reason my clutch give up just before I dicided to rebuild her.Ive tried bleeding the clutch and Still nowt?
  8. No I only started the bike when I got it home.Im just going to do all seals and bearings in engine.It started off just doing piston but couldn’t see which I needed but now it’s looking like full rebuild.Ive now think it’s a 97.With a c size piston and.Can anyone please let me know we’re I can get parts I need.And is this a size “C” piston?....
  9. Not yet I’m going to start tomorrow ruling them out one by one.Ive only just got the Bike a couple of weeks ago.Trying to make her run perfect
  10. I just gave it a wipe inside the barrel.i was just cheaking the piston size and top see if that was the problem.i cleaned it.Started it and still smoking and spitting black oil out of exhaust.Ive was trying to see what piston I needed?Still don’t know ?
  11. The piston was full of black sludge when I took the barrel off.I was hoping for a quick fix?
  12. Can anyone tell me what piston this is?i was told it would be printed with the letter a,b,or,c on it.Really struggling to get the piston kit I need.And she’s smoking badly also spitting oil out of exhaust.....Help...
  13. Can anyone please help me try and locate parts for my cmt 250hiro mk3.Just starting to restore her and I’m finding it hard to get parts.
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