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  1. Thanks for the reply,looks like a common problem I'll chech the seals to-night and go from there. Cheers.
  2. Have had several Montesa's over the years,last one was a 2003.I Packed up riding 3 years ago and have now had the urge again and got a 1999 Mont.Problem is can't get the front brake to really bite,have bled it,put new pads in cleaned the disk with brake cleaner but still not biting it will slow you down if you know what I mean but no real stopping power. Did have this prob with a 2000 model and had to heat disk up by applying brake whilst riding then quench with water!!!!!It would last for a couple of sections then have to repeat.Don't really want that hassle again but otherwise really like the bikes.Any advice would be welcome. Cheers......Pete.
  3. Cheers for that Isaacely just what I wanted.Thanks also for the super quick reply!
  4. Help needed!!!! Can anyone please tell me the correct amount of oil in MLs to 5Lts of petrol to achieve a ratio of 80:1?? Sorry to ask such a basic question but haven't ridden for a while and my last bike was easy @ 50:1. Many thanks in advance.......
  5. Yep definately worth buying,had mine for a year now and love it.Produces great pics even in low light conditions used either on semi auto or manual settings.Good video too. Bought mine from UK Digital Cameras online fantastic service,ordered on a Wednesday 5pm arrived 8am Friday.Check their website for price. Hope this helps.....
  6. Hi....have had a 5600 for about a year now and would recomend it to anyone with a budget of up to
  7. Just had a thought betarev3 to insure as a road bike surely it will have to be road registered??Ours are not!! Only do closed events.
  8. Many thanks betarev3 for your quick reply,will bear in mind your points but someone posted a company that covered trials bikes in particular but alas I didn't keep the details but it is the archives somewhere!
  9. Hi all...some time ago seem to recall a post ref theft insurance for trials bikes both at home and while on trailer at a meeting etc but can't remember the company that offered this .Can someone please post the contact details for this?? Thanks in advance.
  10. Hi Scrumpy Jack.....interested to see your pics but can't see a link!!!!
  11. trialsfan1


    I had similar thoughts re the age,it seems quite tidy have yet to hear it run!but just fancied it as a winter project if it was cheap enough.Given the age I reckon he would be lucky to get more than a few hundred for it,cosmetically its ok.I'm also assuming that spares are still ok for the engine?
  12. trialsfan1


    Hi there came across an old Scorpa for sale the other day in a local road bike shop,he's selling it for a punter. Can't remember what year this model is but it's the grey/yellow model. Can anyone out there tell me the age and approx value retail? Cheers in advance.
  13. Far as Iam aware not as you describe otherwise, try Freesytyle Motorcyles at freestylebikes.co.uk
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