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  1. there is a number on the back of the kick start case MO 1010011, if this helps identify the externals of the bottom end any further Thanks again
  2. ok slowly piecing the puzzle together, I really appricate your help, would you be reccomend what gear oil I should run
  3. Hi all I'm new to trials bikes, I have bought what I believe to be a 1999 GasGas JTX 250, I would like to know is there any way to excatly identify what year or model it is as i would like to buy some parts and other bits and pieces in case of emergency, I would also like to be pointed in the direction of a service manual or owner's manual (electronic copy preferred) or even if I could get service information, Really enjoying trials riding (made the switch from circuit for now till things settle) Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks ?
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